リスボンのリスボンでは、このクルージングモノハルを1時間あたり175ユーロでレンタルできます。 美しいヨットでテージョ川をクルーズしましょう!ベネトーの40フィートヨットをチャーターして、最大10人まで乗船できます。最初の 2 時間 (最低所要時間) は 300 ユーロからご利用いただけます 。料金: • 2時間350ユーロ(最低)• 3時間410ユーロ • 4時間470ユーロ • 5時間530ユーロ • 6時間590ユーロ料金には以下が含まれます:• ウェルカムドリンク • スキッパーとディーゼル期待できること : 誕生日、クワガタ、ヘンパーティー、結婚式、記念日、卒業式などの特別な日を祝ったり、単にセーリングを楽しんだり、家族や友人、同僚を連れてきたりして、テージョ川の素晴らしい夕日を楽しみながらパーティーやリラックスできるヨットをご用意しています。 オプションの伝統的なポルトガル 「ペティスコス」スナック-チーズ、スモークハム(ご要望に応じてビーガンオプションもご用意できます)別のマリーナへのドッキング(有料) 船内でのご要望:S/Y Blue Jeanは、3つのキャビンを備えたベネトー393で 、快適ですラウンジとバスルーム 。居心地の良いインテリアと屋外スペースがあり、景色を楽しみながらリラックスしたり、日光浴をしたり、川の奥深くに入ったりできます。仲間と楽しい時間を過ごしたい方に最適です。 仕様: • メーカー:ベネトー • 製造年:2003 • 長さ:12 m • 口 (幅): 3.96 m • 乗客+乗務員:10 + 2 (乗組員) • キャビン:3 • トイレ:1 • 冷蔵庫:はい。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
I had a fantastic time! Teresa, the boat owner, and Pedro, the skipper, were outstanding hosts. Communication with Teresa before sailing was excellent. She answered all my questions and provided very good guidance to prepare me for the boat ride. Originally, I was planning to ride with friends and family. Unfortunately, they all were unable to join me and I ended up going by myself. As we began sailing, I realized that we were riding mostly on engine power. When I asked why, Teresa and Pedro explained that it was to attempt to follow a tour path to highlight the most scenic places along the Tagus River with the prevailing winds which were not favorable to actually sail to those points. Since it was just me, I asked if we could actually go “sailing” as opposed to hitting specific points along the predetermined course. Both Teresa and Pedro were happy to agree and we enjoyed a fun time sailing. I was most impresed with Pedro attentiveness to safety. When I would get curious as to why he was doing something (i.e.: keeping the engine on and in neutral while under sail to allow for prompt maneuvering around traffic along the river), the answer was “safety!” Above all, I appreciated Pedro’s passion and dedication and his willingness to share the art of sailing with me. I hope to return and highly recommend them! Thank you!
The sail was so relaxing and they served us wine and beer and some snacks. Crew was very attentive and helpful. Teresa had great communication before the trip
Theresa was a great host for our boat trip, super friendly and we all had a really nice time. Would book again!
We offer unique and unforgettable experiences to our clients, namely boat trips - sailboat .