価格: 1時間あたり275ドル、最低予約時間4時間 。比類のないオーディオ体験改良されたJL Bluetoothオーディオサウンドシステムで、完璧な雰囲気を演出しましょう。ソフトなBGMでリラックスしたり、活気ある集まりを主催したりと、ボート全体で澄み切ったサウンドをお楽しみください。 広々とした設備の整ったキャビンご自宅のような快適さを備えたフルサイズのキャビンに足を踏み入れましょう :キッチン: おいしい食事を簡単に準備できます。バスルーム: 清潔で便利な設備で快適にお過ごしいただけます。 ステートルーム:休息と充電ができる居心地の良いプライベートスリーピングエリア。 社交に最適です 。このクルーザーには、右舷に面したU字型の座席エリアがあり、食事やお酒を飲んだり、家族や友人との充実した時間を楽しむのに最適です。多目的スペースは、親しいご家族での小旅行にも、活気ある社交イベントにも理想的です。 あらゆる場面に最適愛する人と水上で穏やかな一日を過ごす予定でも 、忘れられない社交イベントを開催する場合でも、42フィートのエクスプレスクルーザーは完璧な環境を提供します。豪華さ、快適さ、機能性が融合した船内での時間は素晴らしいものにほかなりません 。
Our fleet is situated at 31st Harbor. We’ve been chartering boats for 4 years and enjoy offering boating experiences to for a wide variety of occasions. We look forward to hearing from you!
WEATHER POLICY Our company has the responsibility to decide if weather conditions are suitable for chartering and they may classify conditions as either “charterable” or “uncharterable”. Uncharterable conditions usually include severe weather conditions like heavy storms, small craft advisory warnings, gale storms, strong winds, and large waves. On the other hand, light rain, passing storms, and cooler temperatures are generally considered acceptable for chartering. If the conditions are deemed uncharterable, the team will collaborate with the charterer to reschedule or temporarily postpone the charter to a later date. If a reschedule is necessary, we will give a rescheduling credit to the charterer that can be used for a charter of the same or lesser value within one year. CANCELLATION POLICY The policy for cancelling a charter involves a non-refundable fee of 5%. If a cancellation request is made at least 14 days before the charter date, a full refund will be given, but the non-refundable fee still applies. If the cancellation request is made within 5 days of the charter date, a 50% refund will be given, less the non-refundable fee. If the cancellation request is made within 3 days of the charter date, there will be no refund. Cancellation requests must be made in writing via email and should include: - The Charterer’s name - Organization name (if applicable) - Scheduled date and time of charter - Reason for cancellation - A request for cancellation. Rescheduling a charter does not allow for a full refund as per this policy. For more information, please refer to the company’s Terms & Conditions regarding their weather and cancellation policy.