タイのタラーン・プーケットをお楽しみください!46フィートのLeopard 464クルージングカタマランを12人までレンタルできます。料金は1日あたり1,180ドルという低価格( 最低7日間)。料金: • 1 日あたり 1,180 ドル 期待できること: 弊社では、お客様のセーリングホリデーに期待されるすべてのこと、そしてそれ以上のことを網羅する、カスタマイズされた裸船と有人チャーターをご用意しています。私たちは、シミラン諸島やスリン諸島の有名なダイビングスポットから、タイ南部のブタングループの島々、タルタオ島、マレーシアの免税島ランカウイ島まで北に伸びる、世界で最も美しいクルージング場の中心に位置しています。また、パンガー湾とクラビの美しい石灰岩と、ピピ島とラチャ島の透き通った海と白い砂浜で、忘れられないセーリングホリデーになること間違いなしです。 船上で期待できること: Leopard 464は、広々としたリビングルーム、高品質の構造、優れたパフォーマンスを兼ね備えたクルージングカタマランです。下にある4つの専用バスルーム付きステートルームには、水しぶきから頭の残りの部分を保護するための巧妙なデザインの独立したシャワー室がそれぞれ備わっています。右舷前峰には、専用の頭部と折りたたみ式の二段ベッドを備えた独立した乗務員室があります。反対側のフォアピークキャビンには前方のステートルームからアクセスでき、どちらもデッキハッチからの通気性に優れています。ディーゼル式のエアコンと暖房が全館備わっているので、どんな天候でも快適な居住空間を確保できます。甲板では、Leopard 464は船体の間にある大きな折りたたみ式の後方水泳プラットフォームが特徴で、上向きの場合は追加の座席として使用できます。ヘルムスマンステーションは、コックピットとの通信がいつでも簡単に行えるように設計されています。これにより、セーリングや係留時の安全性と視界が全体的に確保されます。フルレングスの完全一体型ハードトップには革新的な換気システムがあり、広々としたコックピットはデッキでの食事を楽しくします 。仕様: - バース数:11 - キャビンの数:4 - 1 日の最大宿泊人数:12 - 最大宿泊人数:12 人 - ヘッド数:4 - シャワーの数:5 - エンジン:ヤンマー - 全体の長さ:14.12メートル - ビーム:7.56メートル - ドラフト:1.34m - セイル面積:133平方メートル 14日間のチャーター旅行日程 - 1日目-14時にヨットに乗り、パンガー湾に出航し、ホン島で一泊します。カヤックで洞窟を巡り、 船上でバーベキューをしましょう。10マイル- 2日目-パンガー湾をクルーズし、ジェームズボンド島、ジプシービレッジを訪れ、ロイ島で宿泊。10マイル - 3日目-クラビのホン島でランチとシュノーケリングを楽しみましょう。ショップやレストランがたくさんあるライ・ル・ビーチまたはアオナンで宿泊 。15マイル- 4日目-南に向かってピーピー諸島まで航海し、ザ・ビーチが撮影されたピピ・レを訪れ、活気あるトンサイ湾の村で一晩過ごし、たくさんのショップやレストランを楽しみましょう。20マイル - 5日目-昼寝をして、美しい島々の魅力をすべて探検しましょう。 - 6日目-南東に航海してランタ島まで行き、素晴らしいシーフードレストランが並ぶ静かなビーチを探索しましょう。20マイル - 7日目-ンガイ島、ムク島、クラダン島の小グループに出航し、エメラルド洞窟を訪れ、手つかずの島々で素晴らしいシュノーケリングを楽しみましょう。15マイル - 8日目-この3つの島から成るこの群島をゆっくりと探索します。 - 9日目-南西に向かうとロックノック島に到着します。そこでは、豊富な海洋生物と手つかずの美しい白い砂浜、とても静かな停泊地を見ることができます。12マイル - 10日目-ランタ島の南端まで北上し、昔ながらの漁業の町を訪れ、たくさんあるレストランの1つで陸上で食事をしましょう。15マイル - 11日目-リラックスしてランタ島を車で探索しましょう。 - 12日目-ピピドンに戻り、モンキーベイ沖に停泊して、サルがサンゴ礁から餌を食べているのを見てください。20マイル - 13日目-西に向かってラチャ島まで航海し、透き通った海に停泊し、シュノーケリングや水中世界を楽しみ、ビーチレストランで陸上で食事をしましょう。25マイル - 14日目-北へ戻り、静かな小さな島、コランで一泊します。22マイル - 15日目-アオ・ポー・グランド・マリーナに戻り、12:00 に出発します。9 マイル ダイビング タイでのダイビングはとてもいいです。企画旅行でダイビングするにはPADIまたは同等の資格を所持している必要があり、資格のないダイバーはコースやリゾートダイビングを行うことができます。料金はセンターごとに異なりますが、通常は2回のダイビングと昼食で1人あたり1500バーツから2500バーツです。主なダイビングセンターは、ピピ島、ラチャ島、ランタ島で、これらには優れたダイビングセンターがあります。シミラン諸島は世界クラスのダイビングスポットで、天候にもよりますが、11月から4月までアクセスできます。これらの島々は、プーケットの西海岸にあるパトンビーチの北西60マイルに位置し、訪れるには最低7日間のチャーター期間が必要です。ダイビング器材は事前に注文すれば用意でき、シミランズのダイブショップやダイブボードボートでタンクリフィルを購入できます。リクエストに応じて、基地から詳細情報を入手することもできます。シミラン諸島は国立公園であり、1日あたりの入場料が課金されます。入場料は現地で徴収されます。シミラン諸島へのクルーズをご希望の場合、お客様は基地を出発する前に責任放棄書に記入するよう求められます 。釣り ロッドアンドリールまたはハンドラインを使った釣りはすべてのクルージングエリアで許可されており、シガテラ中毒の事例は記録されていません。ハンドラインはオフィスで800バーツで購入できます。スピアフィッシングは許可されていません。弊社では、お客様のセーリング休暇に期待されるすべてのこと、そしてそれ以上のことを網羅する、カスタマイズされた裸船と有人チャーターを提供しています。プーケットのアオポーグランドマリーナを拠点としています。私たちは、シミラン諸島やスリン諸島の有名なダイビングスポットから、タイ南部のブタングループのタルタオ島、マレーシアの免税島ランカウイ島まで北に伸びる、世界で最も美しいクルージング場の中心に位置しています。また、パンガー湾とクラビの美しい石灰岩と、ピピ島とラチャ島の透き通った海と白い砂浜で、忘れられないセーリングホリデーになること間違いなしです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
We are dedicated to delivering friendly and personal service to our sailing holiday customers. We greet you on arrival in the Marina 247 we assist you with your luggage, make your beds up and stow any pre-ordered provisions. We brief you on the boat, cruising area and overnight destinations, at a time to suit you (not us!) and for those unforeseen moment we provide you with a Thai mobile telephone to ensure you can contact us 247.
The Contract The Charterer must be over the age of 18 years and confirm that he/she and/or the crew members are capable and competent to sail the yacht in the cruising area of the yacht Payment A deposit of 25% of the charter fee will be required at the time of booking as confirmation; the holiday price will not be subject to change once the deposit has been received by Us. The balance of the price of your holiday must be paid 8 weeks prior to your departure date. If the balance is not received by the due date We reserve the right to cancel the holiday, retain the deposit and to levy any cancellation charges. Bookings made within the 8 week period must be paid in full at the time of booking. The Charterer is responsible for additional running expenses occurring during the charter such as food, pilotage, mooring and docking fees, port charges, cruising taxes and customs, these charges are not part of the charter package. Any monies paid for the charter booking (including any deposit) will be held by Us in a separate account bonded against the risk of financial failure of Us until the start date or earlier cancellation of the charter whereupon the monies will be released against the booking in accordance with this contract. Formalities Once the following formalities have been completed the charterer is in possession of the yacht , for the agreed dates. a) Full payment of the charter b) Submission of Crew list and arrival details (no later than 2 weeks prior to charter) c) Submission of Sailing Certificate and Experience Report – at the time of booking d) Refundable Yacht Security is received at the Base Our Obligations We will provide a navigable yacht equipped pursuant to the laws and regulations in force of the flag and registration of the yacht at specified start time. We will issue the boat papers specifying the navigation area, period authorized and area/boat covered by insurance. Should the specified Yacht not be available, We reserve the right to substitute with a similar Yacht. In the event of the yacht being cheaper/smaller, We will refund the price difference or alternatively you may elect to cancel the charter with a full refund. The Charterer shall be entitled to a pro-rata portion of the charter fees covering periods of delay in delivery of the Yacht. Competence of Charterer Should We discover that the client is not competent to handle a yacht, We reserve the right to terminate this agreement forthwith with no refund of Charter fees or, if available, employ a skipper for an additional charge. The Charterer acknowledges that We do not independently investigate the competency of any Charterer to sail, but relies solely on the information provided (Sailing Certificate or Experience Report). The Charterer agrees not to sail the Yacht single-handed and to ensure at all times a competent skipper (over 18 years of age) and leading crew member are aboard except while safely moored. We reserve the right to terminate the arrangement without liability if the Charterer’s behavior (in Our reasonable opinion) is causing distress, damage, danger or annoyance to the crew, other customers, staff, any third party and property We are not liable for any costs incurred. Obligations of the Charterer Should the Charterer not be present at the specified date/time due to whatever reason, We reserve the right to reset the time of delivery within a 24-hour period thereafter. The Charterer must examine the Yacht prior to departure to determine whether the vessel and dinghy are in good working order, are properly outfitted with all standard safety equipment and accessories as well as any other requested items (inventory). Acceptance by the Charterer certifies that We have fulfilled its obligations. We strictly prohibits the use or consumption of illegal drugs on board. We are not be held liable for claims resulting in property damage arising from or related to consumption of alcohol or drugs. Use of the vessel The Charterer agrees to take on board the number of Passengers stated on the Crew list (this must not exceed the maximum number that the yacht is licensed for according to Thai law). The yacht is only to be used for pleasure. Racing is not permitted except for pre booked events when specific conditions apply. The vessel shall not transport merchandise, engage in trade, nor in any way violate the laws of any other government within the jurisdiction. Rafting to another vessel at anchor is strictly prohibited. Night sailing (between 30 min before sunset and 30 min after sunrise) is not permitted. The Charterer agrees to restrict the use of the Yacht to the ‘cruising area’. It is the responsibility of the charterer to observe the laws of any country the Charterer visits and to report the arrival and departure of the yacht to the harbour master. Animals are not allowed on any of our yachts. Redelivery of the vessel The Charterer agrees to return the yacht fully equipped, clean, refueled and in the same condition as first delivered. The Charterer should allow sufficient time to make this re- delivery taking into account prevailing weather conditions. Should the Charterer be delayed, We need to be informed immediately. Otherwise We has the right to: a) Charge a pro rata fee for the time the delivery is delayed plus 25% for any loss that We or the Yacht Owner may sustain due to the delayed delivery. b) Charge for all expenses involved in returning the yacht to the originally agreed port (should the yacht be left at any other location). Insurance We are covered by a standard marine Yacht policy against direct physical loss to the vessel, bodily injury, property damage and civil liability. Said insurance is subject to specified deductibles for which the Charterer is responsible. The policy provides full cover for the yacht and 10,000,000 Baht third party cover. The Charterer and crew remain responsible for loss or damage from negligent or willful misuse of the Yacht or failing to adhere to Our briefing or onboard instructions. A supplementary insurance for cancellation is recommended. In addition, the Charterer is encouraged to review his current health and liability insurance to ensure proper coverage during the period of his charter. Yacht Security Deposit A refundable payment is required to cover the possibility of damage to the yacht and its equipment including damage caused by you to a third party. Option 1: Refundable Yacht Security deposit 150,000 Baht will be taken at the base or held by the booking agent and the charter party will be responsible for the costs of any damages to the yacht and fittings and ancillary items up to the value of the yacht security deposit. Please note the yacht security deposit does not cover any acts of gross negligence, sailing under the influence of alcohol or drugs or taking the yacht single-handed and in these instances, the yacht security deposit is not the maximum liability of the Charterer. Accidental Damage In the event of damages, collisions and loss of equipment, the Charterer must take all reasonable steps to minimize further loss. The incident must be reported immediately to Us. The charterer must promptly report the incident to the local Authorities of any damage or loss to people or other property. In the case of an emergency (i.e. a situation that is likely to cause injury or damage the yacht) then the Charterer should contact Our Base and agree on the price to be paid for a tow. Failure to comply with these terms may void the insurance coverage and the yacht security deposit. Complaint Procedures The Charterer must notify the Company about any visible damage to the yacht prior to embarkation. The Charterer must immediately notify Us of any shortcomings, problems or deficiencies during the charter so that remedial action can be taken. If the complaint cannot be resolved locally, the complaint should be given in writing within 14 days following the end of the holiday. We will reply within 5 days. Under no circumstances will the level of compensation exceed the charter fee paid to Us. Any dispute arising from this complaint that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties will then be referred to arbitration. Changes to holiday In the unforeseen event that the yacht should not be available for your charter on the date agreed, i.e. due to damage by the previous Charterer, We will provide reasonable accommodation ashore excluding meals until the yacht is either repaired or becomes available. In the event that We have to cancel the booked charter within the 8 week final payment period an alternative yacht will be offered of equal or higher standard (if available) or a full refund will be given. There will be no compensation paid in case of Force Majeure. Cancellation/Modification Fees Cancellations must be made in writing, by the lead party name, and received by us prior to the start date. The date received by us will be the date used to determine cancellation charges which are levied on the following scale: a)Date of booking to 6 weeks prior to charter start date 50% of the charter fee b)6 weeks prior to start of charter 100% of the charter fee Should the Charterer need to make a change to the booking after confirmation has been sent, e.g., yacht dates, crew changes, after the 8 week final payment period We reserve the right to make an administration charge of 2,000 Baht. If you request any major alterations during the 8 week final payment period it will be treated as a cancellation and re-booking. Any alterations should be made in writing. Skipper/Hostess No sailing experience is required if you book a skipper for the whole duration of your charter. One of your berths must be allocated to your skipper. Food and refreshment for the skipper (and/or Hostess) is the responsibility of the Charterer during the charter period. Governing Law and Venue repeat as below This agreement will be governed by Thai Law and any disputes will be dealt with by the Thai courts.