最大35名様までご利用いただける美しいハッテラス60フィートモーターヨット。60フィートヨットとしてはニューヨーク港最大のルーフデッキ! ブルートゥース対応のサラウンドサウンドシステムを全デッキに搭載。米国沿岸警備隊の認可を受けた船長と乗組員が含まれています。 当社の豪華ヨットトライデントは2020年に全面改装されました。バーズアイメープルハードウッドベニヤ、カスタムデコレーション、グラナイトバー。両方のデッキにデジタルサラウンドサウンドシステムを備えたLED照明は、Via bluetoothで作動します。温度調節された内部空間 。米国沿岸警備隊が検査した船は、合法的に35人の乗客を乗せることができます。必要なすべての必須安全装置を搭載。完全保険完備。創業16年 。お食事とお酒のオプションは追加料金でご利用いただけます。または、バーテンダーを含む料金に含まれるBYOBも可能です 。あらゆる予算に合うパッケージを用意しています。プレミアムとオープンバーのお酒のセレクション。プライベートシェフがビュッフェオプションを用意し、サーバーとバーテンダーの国際チームがファーストクラスでの体験をお届けします。次のお祝いを、これまでで最も素晴らしい体験にしましょう 。誕生日のお祝い、記念日、バチェロレッテパーティー、結婚式、企業イベントを専門としています。 追加料金でご利用いただけるオプション: • オープンプレミアムバー • ビュッフェオプション • サーバー、シェフ、フォトグラファー
Captain Paul and the entire crew were fantastic, easy to communicate with, and went above and beyond our expectations. Everything was seamless and our group had an amazing time out on the water. It was a truly memorable experience that I would highly recommend to anyone!
Captain Paul and the cruise members were absolutely so nice, the service was also extremely well! Everyone is very professional and all of our friends were very happy about the trip that day! Thank you all for the good memories. Can't ask for more!
The trip went exactly as planned! The crew was professional and provided great service, and the boat was clean and spacious.
Paul + his staff were professional, friendly, and exceptional hosts to complement our celebratory afternoon on the river.
So much fun for my birthday! Very accommodating and a great boat. Doing this again for sure
We have been in operation since 2008, and our 4 Yachts are available all year round, based at 59 Chelsea Piers. We are fully insured, Licensed, and follow all US Coast Guard regulations, and 2 of our vessels are US Coast Guard Inspected vessels that can take up to 35 passengers. All our Captains have a minimum of 15 years experience and are US Coast Guard Licensed. Any Charter company in NY Harbor that takes more then 6 guests, must be a US Coast Guard Inspected vessel, if not, then BAREBOAT is your only option. If BARE BOAT, You the guest, assumes full financial liability if anything were to occur, insurance is not possible. Maximum passengers is 12 on BARE BOAT. You choose your captain, we can provide a list of qualified captains. If your group is more then six, and you did not sign a BARE BOAT agreement then the vessel you are going on is not following the rules. US Coast Guard inspected vessels have a sticker clearly visible. This is very important as their are many operators that do not follow the law, and you and your groups safety is at risk. We offer many packages to suit your budget and can have a private chef, bartender, server as well as a photographer at additional charge. Full Menu and meals are available on our 6 passenger and our US Coast Guard Inspected Vessels. We provide first class service, and we do our best to fullfill every request !
キャンセルポリシー: すべてのチャーター支払いは返金不可です 。チャーターは、以下の条件が満たされる場合、最長で1暦年まで再スケジュールできます。チャーター予約後15日以内:お客様は、チャーターのスケジュールを最大1年間変更することができます 。予約前15日以内:再予約や払い戻しはできません 。 米国沿岸警備隊の規制により、ゲストはベッドルームを使用できません。