

It's always time to enjoy the waterカリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)Comfortable and relaxing!



マリーナ・デル・レイの美しさに浸り、愛する人とつながり、リラックスする方法を探しているなら、もう探す必要はありません。夕暮れ時のハッピーアワー、湾でのブランチ、同僚との午後のお出かけには、安全で信頼できる、洗練された楽しみが詰まった完璧な船に乗って、快適かつスタイリッシュにクルーズしましょう 。ブライダルシャワー、バチェロレッテ、誕生日のお祝いに最適です。 カリフォルニア州の美しいマリーナ・デル・レイを巡る21フィートのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート(1時間160ドル)。 このチャーターはベアボートチャーターとして運営されています。Getmyboatは、旅行を予約する際にボート費用と船長費用を一緒に徴収しますが、これはベアボートチャーターであるため、現行の規制を確実に遵守するために、Getmyboatが直接支払う船長を別途選択する必要があります。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $160/時間
基本価格 $75.00/hr


Best of 2023



5.0 (52件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  2. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  3. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  4. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  5. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  6. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  7. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  8. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  9. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  10. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  11. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  12. カリフォルニア州マリーナ・デル・レイでのダッフィー・エレクトリック・ボート・レンタル(21フィート)
  1. Loren

    Our group had a great time! The boat was spacious and comfortable and accommodated our group of 7 perfectly. Our captain Brian was so friendly and enjoyable and even let us stay out on the water a little longer so we could catch the sunset. Would definitely recommend!

  2. AL


    Christian responded quickly to my booking, and everything we needed to know was provided in time for the rental. I had some questions within 1 hr of the rental time, and received quick responses to everything. The duffy was lovely although had to be kept at a low speed otherwise the steering was noticeably harder to control. We had no problems driving the boat ourselves. On the boat included a mini fridge, ice bucket, and speakers that we didn’t necessarily take advantage of but were glad to have. I would rent with Christian again if I’m ever in the area again.

  3. Aleece

    Our handsome captain Matthew was insightful and charismatic, telling us interesting and funny antidotes about marina life in the area. The boat was as pictured, with music, cup holders, and places to layout our snacks. Plenty of room for our six-person party. We all had a wonderful time. Would definitely book again.

  4. KS


    I am so happy I found this listing at the last minute. After renting from another owner and him canceling last minute, Christian came through. He was quick to respond to any questions and it was an overall great experience.

  5. JF


    My family and I have rented this Duffy a few times and it’s always a great experience! Owner is very communicative and pick up and drop off is easy. Boat was clean, comfortable, and everything was in working order. We look forward to taking it out again soon!



Best of 2023

If you're looking for a way to relax, soak up the beauty of Marina del Rey and connect with the ones you love, then look no further. For sunset happy hours, brunch on the bay, or afternoon outings with colleagues, cruise in comfort and style in the perfect craft for safe, reliable, sophisticated fun.


Bay Island







RENTAL AGREEMENT PART D: ADDITIONAL OPERATOR Name ................................................................... Address ............................................................... Email ................................................................... Boater License No.............................................. Issued Date / Location ................................. Driver’s License No.......................................................Issued Date / Location ......................................... I, the Additional Operator of the Boat described in Part B to this Agreement, agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the manufacturer and distributor of the Boat, as well as (“SRL”), including all principles, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, servants, assigns, successors, insurers and subsidiaries of SRL, harmless from all losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, claims, demands, awards, costs, actual legal fees, and other expenses incurred in any manner from this Rental transaction or from the use of the Boat by myself, including claims of, or liabilities to, third parties. I WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST SRL FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE RENTAL, THE BOAT, AND SRL’S SERVICES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY OR OTHER DUTY OF CARE, INCLUDING ANY DUTY OF CARE OWED UNDER THE OCCUPIERS’ LIABILITY ACT ON PART OF THE SRL, AND ALSO INCLUDING THE FAILURE ON PART OF SRL TO TAKE REASONABLE STEPS TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT ME FROM RISKS, DANGERS, AND HAZARDS, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY ON PART OF SRL in respect of the design, manufacture, selection, installation, maintenance or adjustment of the Boat, or in respect of the provisions or failure to provide any warnings, directions, instructions, or guidance as to the use of the Boat. I, ____________________________, FREELY ACCEPT AND FULLY ASSUME ALL RISK, DANGERS AND HAZARDS, AS WELL AS THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE AND LOSS THAT MAY RESULT FROM MY USE OF THE BOAT. Date: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ D.O.B................................................... Prov ........... Postcode........................ Telephone............................................ PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK In consideration of the services of SRL, their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as “SRL”), I hereby agree to release, indemnify, and discharge SRL , on behalf of myself, my spouse, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate as follows: I acknowledge that my participation in boating activities entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: slips and falls; passengers can be jolted, jarred, bounced, thrown about and otherwise shaken during rides; collision with fixed or movable objects, vehicles, or other watercraft; boat capsize and entrapment; accidental drowning; water craft are slippery when wet and accidents can occur getting in or out; the forces of nature including extremes of weather, lightning and rapid weather changes, exposure to sun, strong wind, cold, large waves, eddies and whirlpools, tidal conditions, surf and currents; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause cold water shock, hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites, and hazardous plant life; aggressive and/or poisonous marine life; musculoskeletal injuries including head, neck, and back injuries; wrist, arm, or shoulder injuries; equipment failure and/or operator error; the negligence of other visitors, participants, or other persons who may be present; improper lifting or carrying; my own physical condition, and the physical exertion associated with this activity; transmissible pathogen or disease ; Traveling to and from activity locations raises the possibility of any manner of transportation accidents; accidents or illness can occur in remote places without medical facilities and emergency treatment or other services rendered. Furthermore, SRL personnel have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. They might be unaware of a participant's fitness or abilities. They might misjudge the weather or other environmental conditions. They may give incomplete warnings or instructions, and the equipment being used might malfunction. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks. Additionally, I agree to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (life jacket) while participating in this activity. demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use SRL’s equipment or facilities, I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless SRL from any and all claims, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of SRL. 4. Should SRL or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur lawyer's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. 5. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have. 6. In the event that I file a lawsuit against SRL, I agree to do so solely in the state of California and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that that state. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining document shall remain in full force and effect. By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against SRL on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. I also agree that this document is valid for subsequent visits and participation at SRL. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms. Print Name Address State Signature of Participant Zip Email DOB __Phone Number _ City Date      PARENT'S OR GUARDIAN'S ADDITIONAL INDEMNIFICATION (Must be completed for participants under the age of 18) In consideration of the following minor(s): (print name(s)) being permitted by SRL* to participate in its activities and to use its equipment and facilities, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless SRL* from any and all claims which are brought by, or on behalf of minor(s), and which are in any way connected with such use or participation by minor(s). Minor(s) DOB(s) Parent or Guardian: Print Name: Date:_______________


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マリーナ・デル・レイのパワーボート · 6名様


マリーナ・デル・レイのパワーボート · 10名様


フェラーリ・オブ・ザ・ウォーターをレンタルしよう!シードゥーパフォーマンス RXT-X 300
マリーナ・デル・レイのウォータースポーツ · 2名様

フェラーリ・オブ・ザ・ウォーターをレンタルしよう!シードゥーパフォーマンス RXT-X 300

マリーナ・デル・レイのパワーボート · 10名様

