



ボートに乗って運転しなければ、サントリーニ島の冒険は完結しません!ブルーウォーター 170「ブラックパンサー」ボートを最大 6 人までレンタルできます。半日で200ユーロという低価格!このボートを借りるのにライセンスは必要ありません !料金: • 半日:200 ユーロ • 全日:300 ユーロ 船内で期待できること: 初めて乗る方も、少し錆びている方も、心配はいりません。30馬力のエンジンを搭載したボートには免許は必要ありません。Poseidon Blu Water 170 5m (17フィート)、最大収容人数は6人で、とても楽しく簡単に操作できるセンターコンソールボートで、速度を制御するレバーと操縦する車のようなホイールが付いています。サントリーニ島でボートをレンタルして、プライベートボートを運転するスリルを体験し、地元の島々を探索しましょう 。ボートは新品で、高い航海基準のもとに造られており、最も要求の厳しいお客様にもご満足いただけるよう設備が整っています。 楽しみは常に大切ですが、安全は私たちの最優先事項です!私たちの家族経営のビジネスは、お客様のことを第一に考えており、最も手入れの行き届いたモーターボートのみを提供し、船上でのお客様の安全には最大限の基準を設けています 。仕様: • メーカー:ポセイドン • モデル:ブルーウォーター 170 • ボート名:ブラックパンサー • エンジン:30馬力ヤマハエンジン • 長さ:5m-17フィート • 幅:2.17m-7.11フィート • 人員容量:6 • GPSプロッター/デプスファインダー:シムラッドクルーズ7 • 燃料容量:48lt-12.68gal 追加装備: • ビミニトップ • アイスパック付きアイスボックス • ウォーターボトルとスナック • スターンラダー • GPSトラッキングデバイス • USB充電器 • 安全装備 • Bluetooth Mp3プレーヤー — USB入力 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $55/時間
  • $42/時間







We are a boat rental agency located in Perissa Beach, Santorini, Greece that specializes in License Free boats. We provide Brand new boats fully equipped with GPS, radio and all the safety equipment needed!! No other boat rental agency in Santorini offers more perks or delivers more value than our boat rental company.


  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • トレーラー式
  • 燃料:ガソリン
  • シングルエンジン
  • ハンドル操作
  • 船外機







No license is required for handling a motorboat up to 30hp. • Valid Boat Driving license is required to rent a boat with an engine bigger than 31 hp. • Before renting, you can check boat and outboard engines (2) condition. • Boat is delivered to the customer full of fuel. Fuel consumption is charged extra and is paid by the customer upon return at the meeting point. • The boat is insured for accidents with third parties. • We shall not be liable for damage to or loss, theft, or destruction of property at any time of property to the client during the rental. • Persons under the age of 18 are not permitted to drive motor boats. • You are not allowed to use the boat after dusk (no hire boats are licensed or insured for use after dusk). • Be responsible for extra hire fees if the boat is late in being returned for any reason except if such lateness is caused by the failure of the engine or of our equipments. • Be liable to our company for any damage to the boat, outboard engines, its contents and equipments caused by the Hirer’s unreasonable behaviour or misuse of the vessel. • Return the boat in the same state and condition as it was when it was hired. Our company is obliged to clean and tidy the boat. Hirer agrees to comply with that term if not then the Hirer shall pay our company a reasonable fee for such extra work. • Boating can be Hazardous. While our company has taken all reasonable care in the preparation of the boat and in the provision of safety equipment, the Hirer is responsible for their own safety, the safety of third parties affected by their actions and the safe return of the boat. The Hirer will be liable to repay our company for any loss or damage to the boat, outboard engines or its equipment caused by the action or negligence of the Hirer. Our staff will: • Instruct the Hirer how to navigate, operate and handle the boat, outboard engines and safety equipment onboard the boat. Hirer uses the same at their own risk. • Ensure that the boat and its equipment are in a functional state before the hire and that there is sufficient fuel for the hire. The customer agrees and accepts: • To deliver the boat at our company in the state that was received. The customer will be liable for any damage caused to the boat, outboard engines or its equipment by misuse or neglect. • To deliver the boat the latest at Sunset (If you are running late you must call us to know the time of your return. If we have no notice for your delay there will be extra charges). • Early return of the vessel does not entitle the customer a refund claim. • The maximum distance of vessel from the coast should not exceed 3NM. • Customers agree not to go on the north side of Santorini island. Only if this is agreed with us in the morning upon perfect weather conditions. • You are not allowed to go out of Santorini island. • Ensure that all members of the party comply with these terms and conditions. • Only the Hirer is responsible for handling and operating the boat during hiring. Booking the Boat – Briefing Hours –  Cancellation Policy The customer agrees and accepts: • The briefing is at 08:30 am (Morning) / 14:30 pm (Evening). If you are late for that time then there may be a delay on what time we can do the briefing again before you take the boat. • If you are not at the meeting point till 08:45 am (Morning) / 14:45 pm (Evening) and you haven’t contacted us by phone or text message that you are going to be late, we have the right to rent the boat to another customer and booking fee is NOT refundable. What if the tour is canceled? In very rare cases we have to cancel a rental. Due to strong winds or heavy rain. We will always offer you to take the boat on a different date. If that is not possible, we will refund the booking fee in full. What if I want to cancel the tour? A booking made online is subject to Our Terms & Conditions. Up until 8 days prior to the rental date bookings will be fully refunded, with the exception of Paypal fees. All cancellations within 7 days prior to departure are non-refundable unless you or one of your companions are too sick to go on the tour. Please show us a hospital statement and we will refund the booking fee. Otherwise, you can reschedule the tour date free of charge. *All sales made on black Friday 2019 deal are final and non-refundable. Only in case of heavy winds or heavy rain we will change your date to a day that you can the tour Or refund you the money in total. Any other reason we keep the right not to return the booking fee!


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Ormos Ammoudiouのパワーボート · 10名様

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