最高級の豪華ヨットでフロリダ州マイアミビーチをお楽しみください!美しい52台のプレステージ・パワー・ヨットをチャーターして、最大13名様まで乗船できます。料金は1時間あたり990ドルという低価格で、最低予約時間は4時間です 。料金: • 4時間4000ドル+GMB予約手数料 :船内で期待できること:非の打ち所のない状態でお届けする、プロによるメンテナンスの行き届いたこのホテルは 、他のお客様とは一線を画すものです。乗船するとすぐに、この船の優雅さと洗練さをすぐに感じ、どれほど手入れが行き届いているかがわかります。このヨットは、純粋にリラックスして楽しむために設定されています 。上層階全体に新しい室内装飾が施されています。サルーンは美しいレイアウトで、ふかふかのラウンジ、光沢のあるチェリーウッドの木材仕上げ、ダイネット、ガラスのベンチトップ、冷蔵庫/冷凍庫、ゲスト用の電気コンロを備えた巨大なU字型のギャレーがあります 。4つのキャビン(+2つのクルーキャビン)、6つのバース(+2つのクルーバース)4つのヘッド(1つのクルーヘッド)。 ロジスティクス: ボートはマイアミビーチにあります。食べ物と飲み物を忘れずに!クーラー、アイス、ソーダ (BYOB) を用意しています 。ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
Excellent service, Joe was very attentive and gave us the best time in Miami.. we would use his services again. Although the boat was is perfect condition, a group of 10 adults is a bit tight for space and comfort. I would use another big boat Joe has, which is bigger. As a captain, he couldn’t be more accommodating, fun, and a total good sport!.. Thanks Joe and see you again!
Joe was awesome! He brought fishing poles so we could do a little fishing out on the water, and also brought a tube for us to go tubing around the bay. He was friendly and helpful showing us all around. We had the best time on Joe's boat and would recommend him highly!
Joe was great. Tons of local knowledge on the fun places to go, gave a great tour of the city by water, and was fun to boat with. The center console was great for our group of 7 – it was the highlight of the trip. Would definitely recommend!
Best part of the trip! Did a couple hours on the boat for a bachlorette party and it was perfect. We played music, stopped at a private beach, cruised around, and went tubing! Weather was perfect and Joe was great. Would highly recommend!
The best charter I've EVER had. All the people who run this boat are great people and actually have fun at their job creating a wonderful experience. I will never book another yacht while in Miami. You guys are amazing!
Captain Joe was recently featured in Forbes magazine in 2019 for his expertise in the industry and our local waters. He is amongst the most knowledgeable and experienced captains and boating instructors currently residing in the Miami Beach area. There is nobody else better qualified to take you out on the water in Miami!
見積もりには、半日は195ドル、6時間8時間の場合は295ドルの燃油サーチャージが含まれます。 スロークルージングと沿岸内のみ 平日は特別価格