沿岸シーカヤック コネマラの美しいマニン湾でカヤックを一緒に楽しみましょう。 ツアーの所要時間は2.5時間で、まったくの初心者にも適しています。私たちはすべてのギアと装備を提供しているので、あなたが心配する必要があるのは楽しんで、あなたを取り巻く雄大な風景と自然の美しさを満喫することだけです 。このツアーは毎日最大1日3回まで開催されます。 午前のツアーは午前 10 時、午後 2 時に始まり、サンセットツアーが始まります。 費用はどのくらいかかりますか? 1~5名で大人560ユーロ、子供45ユーロです。 10名以上の場合、大人は55ユーロ、子供は40ユーロです ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送ってください !
Clare originated from then where she was first introduced to the outdoors at the age of 13, racing dinghies with her Dad in her home town. After finishing school she decided to head off to the French Alps for the summer and this is where she developed a real sense for adventure. Upon returning home she went on to study Bicton College in Devon, South West England where she completed her training in Outdoor Education Since then she has worked all over the world leading walking expeditions in Africa, sea kayaking tours in Australia, climbing expeditions in Spain and river trips in France. She arrived in Ireland in 2003 and has worked for numerous outdoor adventure companies within Connemara. After falling in love with the area, its people and the potential for outdoor activities, she decided to settle here and begin Real Adventures. Her main passion lies with climbing, but she is actively involved and keen on a wide range of outdoor activities, such as white water kayaking, hiking, surfing, coasteering and many more. As a current climbing and hill walking guide Clare is currently working towards her Mountain Instructor Award which is a necessary qualification to guide people in more advanced aspects of these as well train and assess aspiring rock climbing and mountaineering instructors.