この70フィートのサンシーカーマンハッタンは、細部まで完璧に注意を払いながら、豊かな存在感とスタイルを提供するように設計されました。彼女の洗練された横顔は、豪華で整えられたインテリアを備えた非常に大きくて広く開放的なサロンを隠しています。花崗岩のカウンタートップを備えたフルギャレーが手前にあり、隣接するダイニングルームのテーブルには6人掛けのテーブルがあります。パノラマの窓からは、あらゆる角度から360度の美しい景色を眺めることができます。デッキの下の階段を降りると、4つのステートルームと3つのフルバスルームを含む設備の整ったレイアウトが見えます 。大きな3パネルのスライドドアのすぐ外には、チーク材の床と前向きの座席、美しいハードウッドのテーブルが特徴の後部コックピットデッキがあります。ここでは、広々とした水圧式スイムプラットフォームにどちら側からでもアクセスでき、ブリッジと船首席にもアクセスできます 。橋の張り出しがはっきりしているので、ヘルム、2席の座席エリア、追加の日光浴ラウンジ、ウェットバー、製氷機、お気に入りの飲み物を近くに置いておくためのたくさんのカップホルダーなど、広いエリアが広がっています。船首へは、ヨットの両側にある通路からアクセスできます。船首にはリクライニングサンパッドがあり、南フロリダの太陽を浴びたり、美しい景色を眺めながらマイアミをクルーズしながら海のそよ風を楽しんだりできます。乗組員には、サービスの対価として 18% ~ 22% のチップを渡すのが通例です。チップは料金に含まれておらず、最低 18% は出発前に徴収されますが、優れたサービスのために最後に追加のチップを差し上げても構いません 。1 時間延長するごとに 1 時間あたり 400 ドルが課金されます。 週末と1週間の長期旅行にご利用いただけます。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
I secured my booking with Delvis who was extremely accommodating, informative and even changed our drop off location so it could be closer to my home in Hollywood. John was our captain and Mary was first mate. They were both amazing and we had an excellent day. This boat is absolutely gorgeous, the itinerary is entirely up to you. I have been on boats where they drive to a place and park all day and then drive you home. That was not the case. We did some sightseeing we did some jet skiing, we ate and drank with the exceptional service from Mary. We were 12 adults and there was plenty of room to sunbathe or relax at the tables.
Amazing boat and even more amazing crew! Jonathan and his wife were wonderful and went above and beyond!! Will be booking again soon!! Great job!!
Delvis and his crew are amazing. Can’t wait to do it again
I'm not sure where to begin with this charter . I've hosted at least 5 charters in the last few months of the same caliber, and this was by far the worst, and the ONLY one I've taken the time to write a bad review. 99% of the requests we made onboard the answer was NO because those were the "rules set by the charted and coast guard." They only wanted to bend the rules when it was in THEIR favor . They asked us to sign a paper stating were given the opportunity to choose the captain, and that was not the case, we were never asked anything about choosing a captain and once I was onboard signing the paper work they asked me to lie and say that I was , in the case we were stopped by coast guard. My group consisted of a family, ages 65 - 35 and 4 kids ages 2-6. We had a group of friends on another boat that consisted of another family of 4 with two kids and a pregnant woman of 6 months. When we asked if we can tie up together they said NO , we had to SWIM to their boat, except on the occasion that we asked the captain to take the older women back and forth on the jet ski, we asked if they can come onboard our boat, they did NOT allow them to board , we had to ask special permission for just the pregnant one to please be able to at least board to use the restroom and was escorted on and off IMMEDIATLY. Then we wanted to get the kids out of the sun for a bit and have them eat inside , that was also not allowed, no eating inside. I'll also add no smoking at all, not even outside. One of the kids which I'll add has autism pressed a button that turned off one engine, it was turned right back on within seconds, the captain called the owner who then called me to reprimand me about "keeping the kids under control and watch" The only nice thing I have to say about this charter is the girl helping the captain really tried to have a positive attitude and be of service 24/7, she made us nice drinks, served the food outside and loved the kids. If you're looking for a more relaxed crew/owner, please look for another boat.
I've been boating for over 22 years, exploring South Florida, the Florida Keys, and the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. I am very passionate about enjoying the boating lifestyle which is why I decided to start sharing the experience with others.