

ラグーン 42 エレガンス、モダニティ、スペースフリーダムラグーン 42 エレガンス、モダニティ、スペースフリーダムラグーン 42 エレガンス、モダニティ、スペースフリーダムラグーン 42 エレガンス、モダニティ、スペースフリーダム

ラグーン 42 エレガンス、モダニティ、スペースフリーダム

エレガントなシルエットと流れるような曲線が特徴のラグーン42は、野心的なデザインと魅力的なインテリアスペースを備えたカタマランで、優雅さと柔らかさを現代的な木工品と組み合わせています。スイムプラットフォームとコックピットをわずか2段で仕切っただけで、人間工学に基づいたレイアウトにより、機内でのスペースとスムーズな動きが保証されます。保護された風通しの良いコックピットは、リラックスできる開放的な空間です 。このボートにはフルバテンのメインセイルとファーリングジェノバが装備されています。航海中では、ラグーン42の美しい海域がバランスと高いパフォーマンスを発揮します 。アメニティ:ステートルーム4室とヘッド4室、フルギャレー、ダイネット(外装と内装)、スピーカーとBluetoothステレオ、デッキシャワー、スイムプラットフォーム、屋外冷蔵庫、トランポリンネット、アッパーソラリウム。船に乗って出航し、静けさと喜びの海に出かけましょう 。料金:乗客10名に基づく追加時間 250米ドル 、追加乗客 60米ドル(最大10名まで) 追加サービスの見積もりについてはお問い合わせください 。* ドリンク&スナック | ソフトドリンク、ビール、季節のフルーツトレイ、バゲット、 セビチェ、ワカモレ* オープンハウスバー | お好みのビール、ワイン (赤、白、ロゼ、スパークリング)、リキュール + ミキサー * ファヒータ | ビーフ、 チキン、エビからお選びいただけます。 * CHARCUTERIE | デリミート、チーズ、フルーツグルメトレイ * フォトグラファー | 高解像度写真* ベビーシッター | バイリンガル、経験豊富で教育を受けた女の子向けデザインイノベーター&ミニマリストエレガントな曲線を描くシルエット 、このラグーン42にはデザインがあります野心的で魅力的なインテリアとエクステリアの空間が、エレガンスとモダンさを兼ね備えています。コックピットのノードプラットフォームは 2 段階に分かれており、エルゴノミクスな配分により室内空間の流動性と広さが保証されています。非常に保護され、換気も良好で、リラクゼーションに最適な空間です 。この船には、ジェノベーザにあるヴェラ・マヨール・タイプ・フルバッテンとファーリングが装備されています。競馬では、美しいラグーン42がバランスと高いデセンペニョを見せてくれます。アメニティ:ベッドルーム4台とバスルーム4台、フルキッチン、ダイニングエリア(屋外と内装)、ステレオ(ブルートゥースとバスタブ付)、室内レコーダー、収納プラットフォーム、屋外冷蔵庫、トランポリン式ネットワーク、上階のソレアデロ 。船に乗って海を航海して、セレニダードとプラサーの海へ。


  • $390/時間
  • $340/時間







We offers Exclusive Nautical Recreational Services in Puerto Vallarta & Banderas bay Mexico. Private Crewed Boat Rentals for a half day, a day or multi-day with and without food, beverages and other additional services to create a memorable experience. The boating services We provide range from Sportfishing outings, Sailing & Catamaran excursions and adventures to a Well Selected Yacht options. A 50 miles extension of mountains, rivers, coastline and pristine beaches Banderas Bay is a Paradise to Enjoy. BIP offers the boating experience & services for unparalleled leisure and extended getaways catered to fit anyone’s desires and every predilection. Whether you are looking for a relaxing day on the water, a family or friends trip, a boat excursion or luxury yachting, We are you ally to to celebrate life, a special day or a romantic cruise; our crew and staff will make an unforgettable and exciting trip.


  • Bluetooth
  • コンロ&オーブン
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • シュノーケル
  • クルージングカタマラン
  • 音響システム
  • SUPボード
  • カタマラン
  • チャーター
  • トイレ
  • ラジオ







Terms and Conditions I. DISCLAIMER OF CONFIDENTIALITY. This agreement and the information in it are provided in confidence, for the sole purpose of providing a quality boat charter service, and may not be disclosed to any third party or used for any other purpose without the express written permission of THE CLIENT(S) or CUSTOMER(S). II. CRUISING SPEED. The Boat will operate at the stated Cruising Speed, be the trip a fishing or recreational one, see the brochure description which corresponds the boat. When the client demands to speed up, the boat can perform and it is permitted; it will apply a charge for the additional fuel consumption cost, generated by the hour or fraction of hour of time the boat cruised at this higher speed. III. PAYMENT: The Boat Trip Reservations will not be Valid if the Booking Confirmation deposit is not Paid in full. Likewise the balance due for the trip must be fully paid before departure, otherwise the trip will be canceled and no refund will be issued IV. CANCELLATIONS & AVAILABILITY HOLD:  a ) CASE 1: Paid and Confirmed Booking within 10 days to the charter date. There will NOT be a Penalty if cancellation is issued with a 72 hrs notice. Cancellation with less than 72 hrs notice will apply up to 50% of the Total Charter Cost and cancellation with a less than 24 hrs notice or “No Show” will imply a no refund.  b) CASE 2: Paid and Confirmed Booking between 10 to 30 Days to the charter date.  There will NOT be a Penalty if cancellation notice is up to 10 days prior to the charter date, Otherwise the Booking Confirmation Deposit will not be refunded. c) CASE 3: Paid and Confirmed Booking between 30 Days to 6 Months Before to the charter date. There will NOT be a Penalty if cancellation notice is up to 30 days prior to the charter date, otherwise a Penalty of 20% off the Total Charter Cost will be charged due to the Boat’s Availability Hold. d) Holiday & Selected Dates: There will be no refunds for cancelations during long weekends, special holidays, Easter week, and, from December 22nd through January 7th. e) If the reason which generated the Cancellation is Extraordinary or Extreme, a reason why our company may require evidence and/or written support, this will be resolved by all parties involved (Client / Agent / BIP) in mutual agreement in the knowledge that there could be no refundable amounts due to expenses incurred and made in delivering the service. When the reason for Cancellation is Justified, it will First proceed to reschedule the charter within the coming days available, Secondly a Charter Certificate can be issued good for one year, which will allow the client to no overpay if the price changes and still plan better a future date that adjust more conveniently. Cancellations due to Covid reasons, will be analyzed individually as they come in, considering the CASES mentioned before and the actual Health Protocols and restrictions in this matter. V. LATE DEPARTURES: Boat charter time counts upon scheduled departure, whether the passengers are yet onboard or not. If there is a late departure due to delay of one or several passengers, the trip will be completed according to the remaining time of the charter. VI. WEATHER: The boat goes out no matter the weather, rain or shine, UNLESS the Port or Sea Navigation is closed or restricted; if navigation is allowed within the bay, the route plan and destinations will be shortened or adjusted to match a charter, and a refund will be issued for the difference paid if applicable. Rain does not constitute grounds for cancellation or rescheduling in most scenarios. If Port is Closed or Sea Navigation is restricted due to an extreme weather condition such as: hurricane, lightning storm or tornado when it is a dangerous to be in the water, our company reserves the right to reschedule the charter with no additional charge or penalty. VII. REFUNDS & RESCHEDULES: The Captain has the final decision in determining if a charter must be rescheduled or canceled due to the conditions mentioned before and a full or partial refund may apply according to the each circumstance. There will be no refunds due to Sea sickness at any time of the trip; once the vessel has returned to Port, any further departure the same day is considered an independent charter and service. VIII. LIABILITY ABOARD: Clients accept liability for damages or loss of equipment due to negligence and, if applicable, an open credit card voucher or secure deposit will be required when signing a service contract. Our company is responsible for the security and safe transportation of its passengers, but passengers must strictly follow the Captains orders and crew instructions to participate in a safe trip. IX. CHILDREN LIABILITY: Children aboard are supervised by crew members most of the time, nevertheless they travel under the responsibility and strong supervision of their Parents on board, in the sea and on land; therefore our company accepts no liability on this matter. Additional hours should be requested to the Captain during the trip and before the vessel is returning, or about to get back to Port. In order to provide a great service for each charter, we highly recommend you to inform us prior departure if an extension of the time frame is needed. The hour cost may vary according to each vessel and the time extension purpose. X. EXTRA HOURS. Additional hours can be requested to your Ship’s Captain or Crew during the Trip and the Vessel is returning back to the Harbor. In order to provide the best Service and Trip itinerary on every Charter, We highly recommend you to Inform us through your Concierge or Travel Agent Prior Your Trip Date / Boarding. The Cost for the Additional Hours may vary according to each Vessel, whether Fishing, Sailing boat or Yacht and the state of the Trip in the Itinerary (Anchored or Cruising). We suggest to ask this ahead of time to be informed. XI. ALCOHOL & BEHAVIOR: The Ship’s Captain has the authority to cancel the trip if any passenger’s behavior is jeopardizing the integrity of the vessel or its occupants by means of improper or incoherent actions contrary to the service the ship is been chartered for, there will be no refund and, if applicable, the Captain may have the obligation to notify the Harbor Master if, during the trip, an illegal activity is been undergone by any passenger. XII. DRUGS & WEAPONS: It is the policy of our company to prohibit the possession and/or use of drugs and weapons onboard of any of our vessels. Any possession or use of drugs and/or weapons by our passengers during the trip will result in the immediate return at the client’s expense and authorities will be notified. XIII. SHIP CABINS. Both, Bathrooms and ship cabins are NON SMOKING PLACES. During the trip, their use is prohibited for illegal activities such as: Use of drugs and/or weapons, sex with minors, improper manners not specified within this agreement which, in general, may totally or partially damage the reputation of our company, or, the current boat state: furniture, decorative items, upholstery, electronic devices, carpets, mirrors or props aboard. The cost of missing items and/or repairing damaged ones will be at client’s expense. XIV. PETS. Pets are not allowed aboard most of our vessels; please ask your concierge or travel agent prior making a booking. XV. PRICES. Some vessels' rate may vary according to specific high season dates or a trip schedule, such as: Christmas Eve (Dec.24th), Christmas Day (Dec. 25th), New Year's Eve, January 1st, or, a special night event in the Sea when it is scheduled after 9pm. XVI. FISHING TRIPS. Time Departure during rainy season (May through Oct) is subjected to sea visibility at dawn, sunrise time, distance to pick up spot and the requested fishing trip (4, 6, 8hrs,…). This is due to the high risk existing of boat damage if hitting unseen floating objects, dragged down by rivers to the sea during heavy or continuous rains, which cause most of the last minute boat failures and accidents reported, turning into boat no show, big delays and/or constant reschedules when applicable. Clients and travel agents, as well as concierges, should have in mind that communication between us is a must during early hours of the day, otherwise the client must be provided with a phone number of our operative staff in charge of dispatching their trip or vice versa. Our reservations agent will inform the best departing time for your trip in each case. XVII. MARIETAS ISLANDS REGULATIONS. The client will be previously informed about the Rules & Regulations currently applying for all visitor to this Protected area and it (they) will acknowledge each and everyone of them by providing his consent signature at the end of this agreement. XVIII. OTHERS. Our company reserves the right to change this policy at any time. This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party. If you have any question or doubt about our policies, please contact us for further information.


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