🦈 グレートホワイト42フィートパーティーカタマランへようこそ! 🦈 🎉 42名様用の客室-クルーを連れてパーティーの準備をしましょう! 🌊 スムーズなダブルハルデザイン-安定した水上ライドをお楽しみください 🎶 ダンス対応デッキ-ヘッドルームと開放感のある広々とした空間で楽しいひとときを ☂️ 日陰のあるラウンジスポット-快適な屋根付き座席エリアでリラックス - チャーターに含まれるもの :⏰ 5時間楽しさと自由-マイアミのそよ風に吹かれる場所ならどこでもセーリングできます 。🧑✈️ キャプテン+クルー-スムーズで安全なお手伝いをするオンボードチーム 🍱 おいしいパーティープラッター-ケータリングを追加して皆で元気を出しましょう 🥤 無料ドリンク-コカコーラ、スプライト、ボトル入り飲料水を用意しています 🛟 フローティングマットとヌードル -ダイビングやリラックス、 音楽を楽しめるBluetoothサウンドシステムで 🎉 無料のケータリング用大皿-ご予約に3枚ついてきます!
Miami and Miami Beach Catamaran Charters depart daily. Book early as Catamarans holds more people than yachts so they get booked for special events, weddings, and corporate events well in advance. we have two catamarans namely Mariah has a 49-person capacity and Great White Catamaran has a 42-person capacity. Catamarans are amazing boats, at 60' length and 30' beam the Catamaran is the ultimate party boat! They glide across the water and are smooth sailing and stable due to the double hull design. We are the only Charter in Miami Beach that will pull up to an Island or a sandbar, lower the stairs, and allow guests to swim. We have all types of fun things which float and we throw a BBQ right there. Frequently we will include catering, and we have some amazing catering options. We order it in advance and we pick it up just before departure. You can play your own playlist of music while on the Catamaran simply by connecting via Blutooth to the Catamaran sound system, or tell the crew the type of music you like and the Crew will take care of the music for you. Being on a Catamaran is always an epic experience, people are dancing, laughing, taking, taking pictures, taking selfies, eating drinking, and just taking in all of the sights and sounds, feeling the sea breeze as you sail anywhere you like during your Charter. Tell your Captain what you want to do and heshe will chart a course to fun and excitement! Your Catamaran Charter comes with 1-Captain and 2-Crew, sodas, water, and ice are also included free and complimentary. It is BYOB as we don't provide alcohol, but the crew will be happy to serve it, keep it cold and bartend if necessary. Book a Catamaran for your next event!
すべての販売は最終的なもので、払い戻しはありません。風、雨、または海の状況によりキャプテンがキャンセルした場合、チャーター料金は 100% 返金されます。