旅の概要忘れられないボート体験に乗り出し 、シカゴのスカイラインの素晴らしい美しさを水上から探索しましょう。特別な日を祝う場合でも、単にリラックスした一日を楽しむ場合でも、この36フィートのセーリングボートでは、比類のない街の景色と、水上での静けさを約束する穏やかな雰囲気を楽しめます。シカゴの象徴的なスカイラインをユニークな視点から眺めながら、湖沿いをクルーズしながら、冒険と静けさの完璧なバランスを体験してください 。ボートについて Siren Songは、五大湖を快適にクルージングできるように設計された、全長36フィートの広々としたヨットです。モーターよりもセーリングを優先して造られたこの船は、本物そっくりの穏やかなセーリング体験を提供します。このボートのデザインは、リラックスできる十分なスペースを確保しつつ、スムーズで楽しい水上旅行を可能にします 。料金に含まれるものボートレンタルには 、熟練した乗組員が海を案内する2時間のセーリング体験が含まれています。シカゴのスカイラインの美しい景色を眺めながら、広々としたデッキと手入れの行き届いたヨットの快適さをお楽しみください 。含まれていないものチップは含まれていませんが、いつでもありがたいです。 出発地提供の詳細には出発地は明記されていません。 その他知っておくべきことサイレンソングは 、シカゴの美しさを水上から体験したい人に最適で、リラックスして美しい景色を眺めながらお出かけできます。ベテランのセーラーでも、ボートの初心者でも、この体験は街の素晴らしいウォーターフロントを静かに楽しむ方法です 。
Went on a 3 hour cruise with Captain Dawn and Ted and wow did we have a great time. It’s well worth it to see Chicago from the lake, and no better way to get out on the water than on a sailboat. Will definitely reach out to this group again when I return to Chicago.
Ray and Cassidy were great! We didn't have a planned route or destination so Ray chose his own and it was incredible! The views were amazing and we had the best seats in the house to the Air and Water show! Ray and Cassidy were both friendly and knowledgeable through the whole experience. We couldn't have asked for a better crew! The boat was beautiful and a couple of us even had a chance to steer it. All around amazing.
Ray and Cassidy were very friendly, and allowed us to help sail the vessel as we requested. Ray is very qualified and enjoys sailing. I'm sure we could have laid back and relaxed as they did all of the work, but I think our experience was much better for having been more involved. Thanks, and we'll definitely use Ray again if we are back in the area and have the chance!
I can’t say enough for how great my experience was with Captain Ray, Captain Dawn and Captain Ted. From the initial booking all the way through the actual sailing, they were responsive, accommodating and amazing to work with. My fiancé and I did our engagement photos aboard Siren Song and the experience and photos exceeded everything I dreamed this day and these photos could be. Highly recommend!
Ray and Dawn were excellent, professional captains. We departed around 6pm and took a lovely sunset trip around the harbor. Unfortunately the winds were a bit too high to sail further out onto the lake, but we all appreciated the safe and relaxing trip. Highly recommend!
Summer in Chicago is short and sweet. So make the most of it with a USCG licensed captain on our boat Siren Song! Captain Ray, Ted, and Dawn will show you the Navy Pier Fireworks, Air and Water Show, and beautiful Chicago sights from our gorgeous sailboat. She was built in Holland, MI made for sailing the Great Lakes.