



フランスの美しい運河をボートでクルージングしましょう!リンセン29.9セダンヨットを4人で週1,400ユーロという低価格でチャーターしましょう。ボートには、忘れられない休暇に必要なアメニティがすべて揃っています !29.9セダンはカップルにとってとても快適なボートです。内部の宿泊施設には、大きな屋外サンデッキがある後部コックピットへの両開きドアがあります。両開きドアと大きなサンルーフは、明るく風通しの良い雰囲気を醸し出していますが、簡単に閉めることができるため、安全で居心地の良いサルーンを実現できます 。前方には、独立したシャワー室とトイレ室を備えたダブルルームがあります。サルーンとギャレーにはヘルムポジションがあり、コンバーチブルソファがあります。後部コックピットには座席とテーブルがあり、「アルフレコ」ダイニングに最適です。扱いやすいバウスラスターと220Vインバーターが付いています 。ボートの仕様: • メーカー:Linssen 29.9 セダン • 寸法:9.35 m x 3.35 m • ご宿泊人数:4名様で快適にお泊りいただけます。4名様で快適にお泊りいただけます。• キャビン:ダブルキャビン1室 • シャワー1室 • トイレ1室 • ギャレー、テーブル、コンバーチブルソファ付きのサルーン • コックピットのインテリア • アウトドアテリア このボートは以下の場所でご利用いただけます: • ヴェルメントン (ニヴェルネ) • トネール (ブルゴーニュ) • ケープタング (ミディ) 価格: 料金はボート1週あたりの料金です。 • 4月22日まで:1,400ユーロ • 4月23日から4月29日:1,650ユーロ • 4月30日から5月20日:1,800ユーロ • 5月21日から7月1日:1,900ユーロ • 7月2日から8月19日:2,000ユーロ • 8月16日〜9月20日:1,900ユーロ • 9月17日から9月30日:1,800ユーロ • 10月1日から10月7日:1,650ユーロ • 10月8日から:1,400ユーロ デポジット: • 1,000 ユーロの追加料金: • 家族パック:100ユーロ • ミディシングル料金:150ユーロ • ブルゴーニュシングル料金:105ユーロ • ベロス:40ユーロ • クローズドパーキング:35ユーロ • 屋根付き駐車場:50ユーロ • バーベキュー:25ユーロ • 動物:35ユーロ • 河川マップ:25ユーロ 以下を含むその他の特典もご利用いただけます。 • バーベキュー(チャコールライターとファイヤーライターを含む)• ワイン、赤、白、ロゼ • ビール • スターターパックとグルメパック • スティルウォーターとスパークリングウォーター ご注文やご要望がございましたら、お問い合わせください。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $248/日
  • $565/日







Our company is an English family run business which has specialized in French Canal Boat Holidays since 1993.We have all lived and worked on the French inland waterways for many years and can offer the friendly, personal and informed advice that you need to choose the perfect French boating holiday. We offer a range of Hire boats on France’s most beautiful canals and rivers.









Conditions of Hire 1 Booking - All the holidays published herein are subject to availability. The Company reserves the right to change the details of or withdraw any holiday prior to a contract with the hirer being secured. A reservation is only accepted as a booking once the booking form, duly completed and signed, together with the FULL Payment as detailed on the booking form, is received by the Company. The contract exists between the Hirer and the Company once the invoice has been issued by the Company. 2 Availability – Every effort is made to meet the Hirers’ requests for the choice of boat and dates. If for any reason beyond the Company’s control, apart from Force Majeure (see condition 6), this is not possible nor is it possible to provide an acceptable alternative, the Company will refund any hire monies paid to the Company by the Hirer and thereupon it’s liability to the Hirer will cease. 3 Modifications – If the Hirer makes any modification to the booking after the confirmation and invoice is issued, an alteration fee of £25 will be charged for each and every re invoicing.The Company accepts no liability for errors on the Invoice or Balance of hire and voucher documents made by the Company for any aspect of the holiday or package holiday if the hirer has not notified the said error to the Company prior to the departure date.The Hirer must notify the Company immediately if there are any alterations to the crew members or if there are any additional crew members wishing to join the party. Each new member will be required to pay their Initial Payment as detailed on the booking form and supply the company with their details for Insurance purposes. New booking forms are available on request. The Company endeavors to ensure that all the information contained within this brochure is correct at the time of printing. If however an error or other change is discovered apart from as a result of an unusual or unforeseeable event or a Force Majeur, after the brochure has been printed we reserve the right to make any changes to bookings as may be necessary. In all instances the Hirer will be notified as soon as is reasonably practicable.Apart from as indicated below, modifications will not be accepted by the Company as grounds for cancellation by the Hirer. If however the change is one of the following, the Company will, upon the instructions of the Hirer, attempt to alter the booking with any refund or extra charge being accepted by the Hirer, or refund the hire charge already paid (and thereupon its liability to the Hirer will cease): - Change of Boat to one that is of a lesser standard than originally booked  - Change of region in the country booked  - Cancellation of the holiday by the Company or the Operator 4 Aptitude – The Hirer must be over 18 and is responsible for the Boat and its equipment during the period of hire.The Operator reserves the right to refuse to hand over a boat to any Hirer, who in the opinion of the Operator is not suitable to take charge. In such a case the Company will refund the total hire charge paid and its liability to the Hirer will thereupon cease. The Operator reserves the right to repossess a boat from a Hirer who in the opinion of the Operator is not suitable to continue the cruise.The Hirer must inform the Company of any medical condition which may affect their ability to either cruise or live on board a boat for the duration of their holiday. 5 Insurance – The Company is responsible for the insurance of the boat, but whilst on holiday on the boat the Hirer is responsible for its gear and equipment.A security deposit and in many instances a cleaning deposit both as indicated on your hire Invoice is payable on arrival at the base. (see condition 13) The Hirer is responsible for any damage to the boat its gear and equipment up to this amount. 6 Force Majeure – The Company accepts no liability or responsibility if the Hirers holiday is cancelled or altered due to Force Majeure. 7 Cancellation – In the event of cancellation, the Hirer must notify the Company by telephone and on the same day send a letter by first class mail or fax to the French address confirming the cancellation. The date of the cancellation is effective from the date we receive written notice. The costs retained by the Company are as follows: - cancellation more than 30 days before departure date £75 to cover administration costs. - cancellation before 30 days before departure date 30% of the total hire cost - cancellation less than 30 days before the departure date 100% of the total hire cost 8 Boat Descriptions – Boat layout plans, specifications and illustrations in the brochure are for general guidance. Some boats within classes may have variations.The Company accepts no Liability for any minor errors in the boat layouts and descriptions. 9 Navigation – The Hirer must conform to the laws governing inland waterways navigation as well as to the instruction given by the Operator and by the navigation authorities. If advised of an infringement of this condition the Operator may repossess the boat and the Hirer will be responsible for all expenses incurred even in excess of the security deposit. All navigation at night, racing, or towing of other vessels, or subletting or loan of the boat, is strictly forbidden.The Company accepts no responsibility and will make no refunds for any interruption to the Hirers’ cruises due to repairs, flooding, drought, strike or any cause beyond the Company’s control.The Company or the Operator reserve the right to recall the boat or restrict cruising areas if unusual or hazardous conditions prevail. No minor can control the boat without the supervision of an adult. 10 Hire Periors and Routes – Unless otherwise agreed bookings are for one week at the date, time and place of embarkation stated on the Hire invoice. The boat is supplied as described in the brochure and in accordance with the details indicated on the Hire Invoice and Confirmation of Hire notwithstanding condition 8 herein. Late return of the boat will be charged at 100 euro an hour or part thereof. In the event of a previous client returning the boat in a state unfit for navigation, the Operator will reimburse the Hirer on a pro rata basis for any navigation time lost in excess of 7 hours. The Company reserves the right should it be necessary for operational reasons to alter the place of embarkation and/or disembarkation, to change a one way cruise into a return cruise or vice versa and such changes will not be considered as grounds of cancellation. The Operator will refund a one way supplement if they convert the cruise to a return. For one way cruises the boat must be returned to the base advised by the Company.The confirmation of the departure base and return base for the one way cruises will be confirmed by the Company 14 days prior to departure. Car transfers of the clients vehicles are undertaken under the Hirers own Insurances.The Hirer must ensure that adequate insurance is in place to cover the Operators and that the vehicle is in a fit and safe state to be moved. 11 Accident – The Boat must be returned to the Operator in the same state that it was handed over to the Hirer. The Hirer must inform the Operator of any loss, damage, breakage or theft. In the event of an accident, damage to the boat, to other boats or to the waterways, the Hirer must a) obtain the name of all the boats involved, the names of the people involved and the names of any witnesses; b) inform the Operator of all details of the damage as soon as possible. No repairs are to be undertaken without the prior agreement of the Operator. The Hirer is responsible for any fines issued by the authorities for loss of water or damage to the waterways. Neither the Operator nor the Company accepts any liability for lost time or damage or expenses incurred by the Hirer as a result of any accident. 12 Boat Delays or curtailments – The Company will not accept liability for loss or damage or expenses resulting from any defect or breakdown unless it is proved to be caused by the Operators failure to adequately maintain the boat in a fit condition for navigation.The Hirer must inform the Operator immediately of any breakdown, failure of the engine or equipment for which the Hirer is responsible so that remedial action can be taken as necessary.The Hirer has no right of recourse against the Operator or the Company if this condition is not complied with, or if the breakdown is caused by the Hirer’s negligence or in ignorance of the instructions given. 13 Deposits – A security deposit and at many of the bases, a Cleaning Deposit will be asked for on the day of departure. This will be returned to the Hirer after deduction for the cost of fuel used, and any other costs incurred, on condition that the boat and its equipment are returned at the prearranged time and place, undamaged and in a good overall state of cleanliness. The Hirer will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury which exceeds the amount of the security deposit unless it was caused by a deliberate or negligent act or default of the Hirer or crew or failure to comply with these Conditions of Hire. 14 Visa/Passport – The Hirer is totally responsible for complying with any necessary passport and/or visa requirements. Failure to do so will not be accepted as cause for cancellation and no refund will be given by The Company. 15 Complaints – If the Hirer has a complaint, whilst on holiday he must inform the Operator immediately in accordance with condition 12 above, if the Operator is unable to assist the Hirer must contact The Company.If the Hirer wants to make a claim against The Company once the holiday has been completed this must be done so in writing within 28 days of the end of the holiday with The Company. The contract between the Hirer and the Company is made on the terms of these Conditions of Hire which are governed by European Law and both parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of European Courts at all times. 16 Data Protection – Your acceptance of these conditions is your agreement for us to hold and use both personal data and sensitive personal data in pursuance of your holiday.This data will only be passed to those who require it in order for us to book your holiday. If you do not want us to hold or use this information please notify us in writing. Frequently Ask Question Do I need a license? You do not need to have a licence to charter one of our boats. Technical Assistance During your cruise, should a problem arise, there is no need to worry. We provide a “call out” service and our trained mechanics will soon be there to solve any problems. This service is provided 7 days a week during working hours. We are also happy to answer any other questions you may have, book restaurants and organise taxis etc., indeed anything to make your holiday more enjoyable. Navigation – how tricky is it? The canals pass through peaceful and picturesque countryside. This is reflected in the pace of the boats. In general, the maximum speed on the canal is 8km/h and you should expect to average around 6km/h. A canal cruise is an opportunity to slow down, enjoy the countryside, and respect the nature. Each day, a few hours cruising is sufficient to give you a change of scenery, and the choice of mooring the boat either in the towns or villages, or in the middle of the countryside against the tow-path, wherever the mood takes you. Locks & Lock Keepers During your cruise you will have to “lock through”! But do not worry, this is a simple process which can also be a lot of fun. The locks in France are either automatic or operated by a lock keeper. You do not have to operate the locks yourself, but you do have to control you boat and use the ropes. (This will all be explained during the demonstration). Passing through a lock will take around 15mins, and this is a chance to chat to the lock keeper, meet other boat crews and to even purchase some local produce. The lock charges are covered in your “navigation forfait” and you do not have to pay the lock keepers. Lock opening hours are typically 09.00-12.00 & 13.00-19.00, although this does vary from region to region. The locks are usually shut on the 1st of May and the 14th of July. Parking All bases offer secure parking for cars plus a limited amount of garaged parking which is best to reserve in advance. Start and Finishing Times Most bases offer Friday, Saturday and Monday start days. Pick up time is 15.00 and return is 09.00 on the final day. Navigation forfait This is the only compulsory extra charge payable at the base, the deposits are refundable. This is based on the engine hours cruised, at the appropriate rate for each boat. The navigation forfait covers, fuel, gas, lock charges and other consumables. On those boats with a separate generator there is a lower hourly rate, just to cover the cost of the fuel used. Note: Most people cruise between 25 and 30 hours a week. Children, Pets, Bikes BBQ’s etc. Children enjoy the canals, and there are many activities for them along the canal side. Swimming, play grounds, fishing, cycling etc. They can also enjoy locking through, and for the older children this is an opportunity to help & improve their French. The boats are equipped with life jackets and these come in a range of sizes to suit all ages. Pets are welcome on the boats, but you must ensure they have the appropriate documentation for travel to France. We can also help organise the vet’s visit prior to your return home if necessary. We do not however have any pet’s life jackets. Bikes are the perfect accompaniment to a canal cruise. They provide some exercise off of the boat and are ideal for, visiting villages a little way from the canal, collecting the baguette and croissants, and for checking out the local restaurants. Many of the canal-side tow-paths have been turned into long distance cycle routes. These are usually metalled and are perfect for cycling in a safe & car-free zone. BBQ’s are available for hire with charcoal & firelighters to be used off of the boat. The tow-path is an integral part of the canal and you may use it for your overnight stops. If you are looking for the peace and quiet of the countryside, why not enjoy it with wildlife for your neighbours, and a rural BBQ? Electricity The boats operate on 12v and have a battery bank to provide the power to the lights, ‘fridges, pumps etc. These batteries are re-charged by the engine whilst the boat is underway. The boats also have a 220v circuit and this is powered either by a shore supply cable or, on the luxury boats, by onboard generators/invertors. The 220v shore supply is available in ports and in some towns and villages, and, like the water, it is often free in towns and villages, but is charged for in ports. The 220v is not a necessity, but powers luxury items such as air conditioning, and any personnel items you may wish to bring (e.g. Hair dryers). Fuel, Gas and Water When you arrive your boat will be full of fuel, gas and water. Unless you are cruising for three weeks or more it will not be necessary to top up with fuel, or to replace the gas bottles. Both of these items are included together with the lock fees in your navigation forfait. Water however, will be required, the boats usually have autonomy of 2-3 days, but it is wise to top up the tank when the opportunity presents itself, or at least every other day. Water is usually available in towns and villages and in ports along the canal. It is often free in towns and villages, but you should expect to pay a few Euros to fill up in the ports. 


カプタング · 8名様


カプタングの宿泊 · 6名様


カプタングのパワーボート · 10名様


フランスのカプタンにあるユーロクラシック139 GCボートに乗ってクルーズ
カプタングのパワーボート · 4名様

フランスのカプタンにあるユーロクラシック139 GCボートに乗ってクルーズ

カプタングのパワーボート · 8名様

