評価が高く経験豊富なボートチャーターサービスで、究極のレイクトラビスアドベンチャーを体験してください!電動ビミニトップとプレミアムサウンドシステムを備えた、最大11名様まで収容可能な新しい20フィートのサントラッカーポンツーンをお楽しみください。チャーターには、専門船長、燃料、フローティング用のリリーパッド、軽食用のクーラーが含まれています 。サンセットクルーズから誕生日まで、あらゆる機会に最適な広々としたポンツーンは、次の集まりにリラックスできる楽しい環境を提供します。人里離れた入り江から澄み切った海で泳いだり、船上で日光浴をしたり。お客様の楽しみと安全を最優先にしています。水上スキーのようなウォータースポーツは禁止されていますが、泳ぐことを強くお勧めします 。トラビス湖で日光浴を楽しみ、水上で忘れられない思い出を作るには、お問い合わせください。私たちは、特に小さなお子様やペットを連れてくる場合に、パーソナライズされた楽しい体験をお約束します。湖での一日を特別なものにしましょう! 安全上の注意:ボートにはすべての乗客用のライフジャケットが用意されており、ご要望に応じてご利用いただけます。 州法に従い、適切な安全対策を講じるため、12歳以下のすべてのお子様は、ボートに乗っている間はUSCG承認のライフベストを着用する必要があります。適切なフィット感と最大限の快適さのために、ユースサイズのライフベストを用意することをお勧めします 。
I had a group of 7 and we rented Clint’s boat, our captain was Chase! We came from Houston and our trip was scheduled for 11am to 3pm (4 hours) but due to some flight delays, we couldn't make it in time. Instead of completely cancelling on us, Clint worked really hard to make sure we could still go out on the day we booked for. Clint offered to move our time to 5-9pm which turned out to be a better option. Our captain, Chase took us to a nice spot on the lake, pulled out the lilypad and we got to watch the sunset. He was very friendly & It was an amazing experience! I highly recommend renting through Clint!!
My group of 4 rented Clint’s boat and truly had the BEST time! There was a problem with one of Clint’s boats that impacted our itinerary last minute, but instead of completely cancelling on us, Clint worked really hard to make sure we could still go out on the day we booked for. Instead of our originally booked 3-7pm boat, we had to take the 6-9pm boat but ended up LOVING IT!! Our captain, Steven (who was so friendly!), took us to a nice, calm cove where we got to lay on the lilypad and watch the sunset. It was definitely the highlight of our weekend and we couldn’t thank Clint and Steven more! I highly recommend renting through Clint!!
We had a smooth experience from pick up to drop off with a great captain. We were 12 on the boat with a captain and it fit kind of perfect. If you go with 12 people I’d say it works if people are generally small. All around a great day on the water and easy to communicate with Clint and the captain. Would recommend and will definitely book again!
Steven was our captain and he was great! Had to adjust plans a little bit but still had an overall great time. Communication was great, they were super flexible, and honestly all around good time. Thanks again!! Definitely going to be booking again in the near future!
We had a blast with our captain Steven! Our charter was everyone's favorite part of the trip. Steven was very knowledgeable about the coves we wanted to go to and had lots of connections on the water to dock up to other boats or have them keep an eye on us if we left the boat. He was friendly and made sure we were safe. This is truly an experience like no other and doesn't even feel like you're in Texas! It's perfect for bachelorette parties since everyone is super friendly and can boat hop to other barges. The place was full of brides and grooms and overall such a fun time!