LAとロングビーチハーバーのプレミアチャーターヨット、オデッセイヨットで究極の水上パーティーを体験しましょう!全長65フィート、最大40人の乗客を収容できるオデッセイヨットは、次のお祝いに最適です 。3階建てのオデッセイヨットは、ゆったりとくつろぎながら港の素晴らしい景色を楽しめる十分なスペースを用意しています。夜のダンスを楽しみたい場合でも、単に友人や家族とリラックスしたい場合でも、ヨットには忘れられない体験に必要なものがすべて揃っています 。Bluetoothスピーカーでお気に入りの曲を聴いたり、カラオケマシンで心を込めて歌ったりできます。 しかし、それだけではありません。オデッセイヨットはUSCG認定のチャーターボートでもあり、お客様の安全と快適さを最優先事項としています。港の航行から皆様が楽しい時間を過ごせるようにすることまで、経験豊富なクルーが細部に至るまでお手伝いします 。オデッセイヨットは、誕生日パーティー、記念日のお祝い、婚約パーティー、赤ちゃんの命名会、バチェラーパーティー、独身パーティー、バチェロレッテパーティーのいずれを計画している場合でも、水上で唯一無二の体験をするのに最適な選択肢です。 今すぐ予約!ご不明な点がございましたら、「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックしてメッセージをお送りください。お支払い前に、予約リクエストに合わせたオファーが届きます 。
My group and I had a great time renting from Mario! The price was good for 3 hours and even with the delay, it was relayed ahead of time and still gave us the amount of time we paid for. It would help to let us know more specifically where to park and finding the docking spot because it was hard to find.
This was worth every penny, the crew was amazing, the boat was beautiful and spacious and the ride was smooth! The hospitality of the crew was spectacular and made us feel very welcomed and made everything so easy, they were extremely helpful and I will recommend them to everyone! If you’re looking through reviews wondering “should I book?” Look no further, everything is exactly as pictured and the staff is what separates them from the rest! Best experience!
Totally worth the money!! Takes you around the San Pedro port, which is beautiful. Boat is spacious and has both indoor and outdoor areas. Staff and captain are responsive and helped us make it an incredible experience. Would recommend.
Had an incredible time! Boat was phenomenal all of my guest had the best time as well. The views of the route were beautiful. I will be sure to book with this vessel again!
Had the best time on the boat, everything was very cute, clean and spacious! Booked for my birthday and it was a blast. The crew was super nice and friendly. 10/10