★ 誕生日、独身者、プロポーズなどに最適な美しいサンファン湾での素晴らしい体験ツアー ★ 街の象徴的なランドマークの素晴らしい景色を眺め、 クルーズしながらドリンクや軽食をお楽しみください ★ フォトストップ、ガイド付きツアー、ボートクルーズ、観光、イルカウォッチング、風光明媚な景色 ★ 2時間の旅行/追加料金で延長時間をご利用いただけます ★ 体験料金は、ゲストの人数と選択した日付に応じて自動的に設定されます ★ 地元のビールとソフトドリンク、軽食が含まれます ★ 年中無休の即時予約が可能 ★ 船長のベアボート契約:スペース ゲストアクセスヨットはサンフアン湾にあります 。マリーナキャプテン&ホストがマリーナでお待ちしております 。ゲストとの交流キャプテンとホストがお客様の体験の間、キャプテンとホストが常駐し、安全で楽しい体験をお届けします! その他の注意点このアクティビティには、標準(24時間)の返金ポリシーがあります。 ボート・ライドに乗って、サンフアン・ベイ・マリーナを巡る旅に出かけましょう。オールド・サンフアンの街がユニークな視点で目の前に広がります。快適なグランドバンクスの42フィートチャーターヨットに乗って、同乗者と一緒に、地元の音楽を聴きながら活気に満ちたカリブ海の雰囲気に浸りましょう 。オールドサンフアンの象徴的なランドマークの息を呑むような写真を撮りながら、おいしいソフトドリンクをお楽しみください。パセオラプリンセサ、歴史的なフォルタレザ(知事の邸宅)、有名なバカルディ蒸留所、壮大なモロ要塞(サンフェリペデルモロの城)、プエルトリコの国会議事堂、サンファンの扉、500年前の手ごわいサンフアン要塞には驚かされます 。この体験は、観光と文化的な探求をシームレスに融合させ、この美しい街に沈む夕日を眺めながら忘れられない思い出を残す数え切れないほどの写真撮影の機会を提供します。この思い出に残るボートライドに参加して、オールドサンフアンの魅力を発見してください。 料金:1 時間あたり 459 米ドル
Fantastic time! We took a big group for a work outing and the team was so thrilled to spend a day out in the water. Our captain and crew men were so friendly, knowledgeable and great to have around. Thank you!!!
I chartered a private boat for a group of 10 for a bachelorette party. We wanted to see some historic parts of San Juan, and then dock for a bit and go swimming, drink, listen to music, etc. I cannot say enough good things about this experience with PR Rentals! First, the boat we got on was HUGE, much bigger than I was envisioning. The captain, William, and his crew made us feel very safe and welcome. They were all so nice. They had snacks waiting for us, as well as alcoholic beverages. We also were able to bring our own cooler and drinks. They had a speaker and karaoke mics, floats for the water, snorkeling gear, and chairs to lounge on. They brought out a drone and took some footage of our party, and a member of the crew snorkeled for a starfish for us to look at and hold for a bit! The entire party had an amazing time and it truly couldn’t have been any better. Best of all, the price was more than reasonable. You won’t be disappointed with this captain and his crew!
This captain went above and beyond to ensure our group had the most amazing trip. We came for my friends bachelor party and it was such an awesome day. We went for three hours and he was so friendly, accommodating, safe and knowledgeable. We had an awesome time. If you’re in San Juan this is a no brainer.
I've lived here all my life and love Hosting which means you'll get a high service and quality, local recommendations. Feel free to book or message me first, I'm happy to answer any specific questions in advance. By day, I'm a Host. By night, I share with my family. I am a well-traveled guest. I know what a host should do to create a comfortable experience. My favorite places visited: British Virgin Gorda, San Francisco & Galicia in Spain. We have several listings to share with you here is link: Be sure to ask me about anything! Always at your service 😊🌊🏖️☀️🌴🚤