最大6人まで乗れるこのCatalina 42クルージングモノハルチャーターで、スタイリッシュに海に出かけましょう。料金は2時間で400ドルから、それ以降は1時間ごとに175ドルからです。すべてのお客様には、新型コロナウイルス感染症の完全ワクチン接種が必要です。 サンフランシスコ湾のセーリング・ツアーは、最大4名様までご乗船いただけるスキッパー付きです。弊社ではプライベート・セーリング・チャーターしか行っておりませんので、その日のボートはお客様のものです。セーリングを手伝ったり、ただリラックスして乗車を楽しんだり、あるいはその両方を行うこともできます。 リック・ユア・スキッパーは、米国沿岸警備隊の資格を持つ船長で、サンフランシスコ湾、ニューイングランド、地中海、カリブ海、メキシコ、南太平洋で30年以上のセーリング経験があります。クルーズのチャーターは単なる冒険ではなく、知識豊富なホスピタリティの経験となることを彼は理解しています 。ジェントルストームIIは2004年に製造されたカタリナ42です。キャプテン・リックが初代オーナーです。Catalina 42は、広々としており、速く、快適であることで知られています。世界中で、これらのボートは40フィートを超える長さのヨットとしてナンバーワンの生産量を誇っています。Catalina 42は、非常に安全なボートであり、快適な長距離オーシャンクルーザーです。しかし、彼らは多くの長距離オーシャンレースにも出場しています。彼らは定期的に太平洋横断レースでハワイへ、オーストラリアではシドニー・ホバートへと走ります 。大きな波や風の中でも、ボートはちょうどいい感じです。 しかし、まずは、快適なファミリークルーザーで、航海も運転も簡単です。
Our afternoon with Rick was simply spectacular. We were able to experience all of San Francisco's microclimates, and special spots... fog and fog horns from the Golden Gate, heeling over in the bay with great wind, stunning views of the city, other fun sailboat regattas, calm and warmth of the back side of Angel Island...all while having lovely lite apps, fun conversation and James Taylor tunes. :) Rick is a great captain; we all certainly felt safe and confident in his knowledge, skills and ability. And he keeps beautiful Gentle Storm in tip top shape. We will be back for more adventures, Rick!
We had so much fun spending the day on Gentle Storm with Rick, and he even made special accommodations to ensure that my family and I got the most from the experience. In addition to being highly skilled and experienced, Rick is also upbeat and personable and a really great guy to spend the afternoon with. This really adds a lot to the experience and is something to look for in reviews. Communication was prompt and professional and I couldn't have asked for a better Captain and host. 10/10!
Rick was a fantastic captain and his boat was beautiful! We had a perfect day of sunshine and winds and loved every second on the water. Rick was great at allowing us to help sail where we wanted, but had total control of the boat on his own. 100% recommend!
Capt. Rick created such a special day with lasting memories, incredible views and a spectacular sail for our family. He took incredible care of all of us but particularly with my father who is in his late 70's with significant mobility issues! Capt Rick was confident he could help him to get to and on the boat and patient with my dad's special needs. He got him on and off without a hitch! His expertise, desire to work with our family and incredible boat and set up all created memories we will never forget and time together that is priceless. Rick, you made our experience wonderful and we would recommend your trip over and over!
Rick was a fantastic host. He had the boat rigged and ready to go upon our arrival. His pre-trip communication was spot on, letting us know what to expect weather-wise, as well as what we would experience out on the bay. Everything went according to plan and we had a marvelous time. I highly recommend a cruise on General Storm. Thanks again Rick, can’t wait to get here again.
I have been sailing all of my life with much off shore and varied destinations. I have been operating GS Charters for 12 years, love to show people all that San Francisco Bay has to offer.