これは38フィートのデルタボートで、現在のCOIは24人乗りです。優れた多用途船で、ギアを簡単に積み込めるスロープがあり、ADAにもアクセスできます。弊社はパーティーチャーターとフィッシングチャーターの両方を専門としています 。キャプテンチャーターのみ。 料金: - 時間単位:1時間あたり400ドル (最低3時間) - 表示料金には燃油サーチャージが適用されます 。機内でのおすすめ: 彼女は大きなコックピットと後部デッキを備えています。24人の乗客または15人の漁師を収容できるベンチシートがあります 。下には、寝台と洗面化粧台とホットシャワー付きのバスルームを備えた広々としたキャビンがあります。800馬力のツインキャッツを動力源とし、最大速度は25ノットです。スポーツフィッシング、ホエールウォッチング、スキューバダイビング、オープンウォータースイムに最適なボートです。
My friends and I had a blast🎉 There were 24 of us and the space was perfect. The music was loud and we partied for 4 hours🥳 I will definitely be doing it again Thank you Brent!!!
What an excellent trip! Everything was exactly as described. The captain made it easy to find them from the road by standing at the dock entrance. The views were stunning and we saw a lot at a good pace over the 3 hours. Everyone was raving about the how cool it was. Absolutely would book again!
This was such a great experience!!! The crew was awesome & very attentive to us & Captain Andy even played the saxophone for us!!!! It was amazing to go under the Golden Gate Bridge & see SF from the water. There was a lot of outdoor space and the perfect size for our party of 16. Highly Recommend!
Brent was a very relaxed and flexible captain, allowing us to choose where we went on the Bay, and providing enough amenities to make our ride as comfortable as possible. The boat has a deck that fit my 13 party guests very comfortably, and no one got sea sick. My birthday was so much fun thanks to him!
Thanks so much to Luke and Tom! They were so kind and knowledgable. I had the best birthday. I did 2 hours instead of 3 & now I know why 3 is the minimum. The trip went by so quickly and all my friends had a good time. Even with 20 people on board it didn't feel crowded at all. The sites were unreal. 10/10 experience and highly recommend this to all, esp. jn September. The weather was perfect for us.
Brent Is the owner and operators of the company. Brent has worked in the Maritime industry for over 20 years. He has extensive training and experience in water rescue, boating and diving operations. Brent is a US Coast Guard Licensed Master Mariner and a Supervisor of Pile Driving and Diving in San Francisco. Our company profile meets all outdoors and boating needs for the community of San Francisco Bay Area and the North Coast. With Brent’s Maritime experience d knowledge he put together a one of a kind company. A company with a variety of services and a fleet of boats to fits the needs and services of our community.