復元されたクラシック31フィートのバートラムに乗って、水上で美しい一日をお楽しみください。Rarebreedチームは、お客様が選べるさまざまなセーリングオプションをご用意しています。プロのキャプテンとクルーが、ご家族やご友人との心に残る思い出作りのお手伝いをします !ボート料金には、燃料と基本的なアメニティが含まれています。すべての寄港地観光ツアーには、1時間あたり63ドルまたは252ドルの船長料が加算されます 。
Captain Craig Jobes is a United States Coast Guard Certified Captain and has been fishing and boating the waters off Long Island for over 20 years. Craig graduated from the University of West Virginia with a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources due to his lifelong love for the outdoors. He then returned to his hometown of Southold, NY and began a career working as a deckhand aboard local commercial and recreational fishing vessels. Craig worked as a port sampler in the fishing industry for a U.S. Government contractor as well, before landing a job with the Town of Southold as an Environmental Analyst in 2017. Craig received his captain’s license in May of 2013 at the age of 22 where he began his career running a local charter fishing vessel out of Orient Point, NY. Since his tenure as a captain began, Craig has expanded his work in the boating world running numerous fishing vessels as well as being hired privately by families and individuals to command their vessels safely while at sea. Over the years that Captain Craig has spent navigating the local waters of Eastern Long Island, he has developed an understanding and mastery of the navigational hazards in the area. He loves to use his acquired skills and tricks of the trade to provide others with a safe and enjoyable time on the water so that they can relax and reap all of the benefits of their time at sea.
悪天候によりボートが出航できない場合は、代替日またはより短い時間枠を提供することができます。 どちらの方法でもうまくいかない場合は、全額返金されます。 天候が良いかどうかを確認するため、前日と出航の2時間前までに船長からご連絡を差し上げます。 個人の財産または所持品に対するいかなる損害または損失についても、弊社は責任を負いません。 価格には燃料が含まれています。 各沿岸エクスカーションには、250ドルから500ドルの船長費が加算されます。