終日、半日、一泊、特別イベント、お祝い、家族旅行、パーティーボート、ホエールウォッチング、シュノーケリング、パドルボード、ウォータートイなどにご利用いただけます。 食事や飲み物を含まない半日または旅行の特別価格をお問い合わせください>>> キャッチアンドリラックス高級ボートのサービスを利用して、個人的なイベントからビジネスリトリートまで、あらゆる種類のプライベートツアーを開催できます。コスタリカの海をスタイリッシュに航海するユニークな機会でゲストを感動させましょう! オールインクルーシブの旅には以下が含まれます: • 地ビールと特製カクテル • 水やソーダなどのノンアルコール飲料 • 到着時と旅行中の軽食 • シュノーケリング用のウォーターギア、パドルボード、水遊び用おもちゃ、 熱帯雨林が出会う場所 太平洋コスタリカの美しい太平洋の海岸線に初めて目を向けたとき、私たちは目の前の素晴らしい景色にすぐに夢中になりました。多くの人が国の上空をドライブしたり飛行機で行ったりしますが、その海を航海すると、山々、ビーチ、ジャングル、そしてコスタリカの無限の美しさの景色を眺めながら、他に類を見ない視点が得られます。私たちのツアーはあらゆるタイプのグループに合わせて完全にパーソナライズされており、キャプテン、スタッフ、乗組員は一生続く思い出作りのお手伝いをする機会に情熱と感謝の気持ちを込めています。それにちなんで名付けられたヨットに乗って、リラックスしてください 。グッド・バイブス・オンリー
Our boat rental experience was really positive. The boat was clean and well-kept, and the crew was easy to find at the pier. They even provided supplies for cutting our cake, which was thoughtful. There were drinks, chips, and dip on board, which added a nice touch. Overall, everything was smooth and well-organized. I’d definitely recommend them for a reliable and enjoyable day on the water.
We had a great time on Martin’s boat. My Sister-in-law had broken her foot the second day on our trip to Costa Rica, so I was trying to find something we could do that would be easier on her (less walking). We were able to book Martin’s boat for the following day. He was super responsive. His crew was very sweet and attentive to my SIL. They got her a cart so she didn’t have to walk the dock. The lunch they made us was delicious. The boat was beautiful. We had a lovely day on the water.
Our family of four with two kids age 10 and 12 had an amazing experience on Martin’s boat with Catch and Relax. It was our first time in Costa Rica but traveling from Seattle we are no stranger to boats and were very happy we choose a private tour. The communication with Martin was easy and he had all details available quickly. And well worth it as the boat and staff took care of everything in comfort compared to the overcrowded tourist boats going by. We were lucky enough to see a mother and baby whale in addition to swimming and paddle boarding. We enjoyed great drinks and a delicious fresh fish dinner while watching the sun set. I’m not sure how much more Pura Vida you get than that.
Booked the yacht tour for six hours. Was amazing! So scenic and calm along the Manuel Antonio coast. Food and Drinks were great. Captain Eber and Mate Roger were exceptional!
This boat is awesome, the staff is awesome, the experience came with fruit, ceviche, tuna salad, and an authentic costa rican meal. They were professionals and we enjoyed our experience. The vessel itself was awesome as well.
最大13名までの料金で、特別なリクエストには追加料金が適用されます。ツアーの最小時間は午前4時~午後9時~午後13時、または日没までの午後2時です。どなたでも大歓迎です。水路が航行できない場合は、全額返金いたします 。 終日および1泊の旅行が可能です 。