

アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨットアメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨットBachlorette PartyThe most spectacular sunsets in Nashville



80年代と90年代のまだここの天気!9月は予約するには絶好の月です! 運転、片付け、仕事のすべてを任されるようなボートを借りないでください。これはハイヤー・キャプテン・ボートのレンタルです。ヨットライフを楽しみましょう!つまり、プロの資格を持つ船長が指揮を執り、リラックスしてボートのレンタルを楽しむことができます。ザ・コーブで週末を始めましょう!長い一週間でしたが、あなたは一生懸命働いてきました。友達に電話して、タオルと日焼け止めを持ってボートで会いましょう!この美しいボートはオールドヒッコリー湖にあります。クルーズには、水上を楽しむツアーが含まれます。 バクロレット・パーティーを計画しているなら、当船は湖上で最高のバクロレット・パーティー・ボートです!キャプテン・シャーロレットはとても楽しいですし、もし何かを忘れたら... 彼女はたいていそれを船に乗せています。彼女はバッハグループの素晴らしい写真を撮るのが大好きで、とても上手です。彼女はバクロレットの帯とパーティーキャプテンの帽子をかぶって出迎え、写真撮影に使います。アップロードした写真をスクロールしてください。彼らは素晴らしいです!! 水上で過ごす一日は、まさにドクターが命じたものです!一緒に楽しみましょう!チーク材のベンチが2つ、日光浴用のフロントボウ1つ、くつろげる涼しいキャビンがある奥の広々としたデッキは、最高の快適さをもたらします。ここのマリーナには素晴らしいレストランがあり、私のクライアントの多くは、ボートで美味しいディナーやランチを食べてから川を走るのが大好きです。もちろん、パーティーコーブのアンカー用にクーラーボックスとピクニックバスケットを用意するのもいいアイデアです。後方デッキでランチを楽しみ、美しい景色と夕日を眺めましょう!このレンタルは、バースデーパーティー用に予約されることがよくあります。サウンドシステムにはBluetoothが搭載されているため、音楽は自由に選べます。このボートには、小さな専用バスルーム、テレビ、コーヒーメーカー、ミニ冷蔵庫、船内クーラー、快適なキャビンベッドが備わっています。私たちは楽しい場所や出来事がどこにあるかを知っています。キャプテンは楽しいホストで、一日を素晴らしいものにしてくれます!キャプテンに一生懸命働いたことに対してチップを渡すのが通例です 。***ウェディング・コーブ・サンセット・クルーズ:オールインクルーシブの料金は700ドルです。このスペシャルは、プロポーズ、記念日、結婚式、カップル同士のお祝いなどの機会に最適です。これはカップルだけのスペシャルです。船長は白い服を着ており、ボートには無料のシャンパンボトル1本と、チーズ、ナッツ、フルーツ、クラッカーを揃えたセットテーブルがあり、バックデッキからは夕日が見えます。これは日没の午後5時から始まるイブニングクルーズです。(2時間)港に戻ると、マリーナの雰囲気は吊り下げ式のライトで美しく、レストランとグリルはリゾートスタイルの雰囲気に包まれています。クルーズの後は、多くのカップルがマリーナの雰囲気を楽しみに行きます。控えめに言っても魔法のようなイベントです。キャプテンが主催し、イベントのケータリングを行います。 ***************************************** 免責事項 :最大宿泊人数は6名です。平均ガソリン代は60ドルで、その中に私たちがしばらく停泊している地元の入り江へのクルーズと、港に戻るクルーズが含まれます。ホリデーウィークエンドには特別料金が適用されます** ウェイクボードやチューブでのお客様のお連れは行っておりません。これはプレジャーヨットです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。免責事項:ホリデーウィークエンド料金についてはお問い合わせください。


  • $150/時間





5.0 (10件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  2. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  3. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  4. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  5. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  6. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  7. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  8. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  9. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  10. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  11. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  12. アメニティ付きの30フィートの楽しいスポーツクラフトヨット
  1. Kaylee

    Captain Charolette made our boat day possible and fun! We had our previous boat cancel on us just a few days before our trip, and I quickly looked for another boat since that was part of what my sister wanted for her bday. Luckily, Charolette had another group reschedule to a different date, so it was meant to be! Her boat was perfect for our group of 6. We brought our own floats and she had an extra we used. She also helped us to inflate them with an air pump. We also brought drinks, snacks, towels, sunscreen, and koozies. She provided coolers and a speaker. Charolette was easy to communicate with and helped make the day special for my sisters bday!

  2. ap


    Charlotte was a dream! Her and her deck hand Dakota were literally stellar in every way. Charlotte gave us a tour , showed us where some famous homes were, was accommodating in every way. She even let me wear her captains hat! The 4 hour ride was nothing short of a dream and I would recommend her to everyone!!!!

  3. DC


    My friends came in town from Texas and we all had a blast! Charolette was a great captain and is very experienced in what she does. I would highly recommend Charolette to be the captain to your next boat party!

  4. Adam

    An amazing day out on the lake. Knowledgeable captain who was familiar with the lake and the friendly locals. Boat was well equipped with coolers, a Bluetooth speaker and a fun captain! Will be back!!

  5. Mc


    If you are thinking of booking with Charlotte, do it! She is amazing. The whole experience went smoothly and she pays attention to details.




I am a fun person and a USCG Licensed boat captain! I put safety first and have over 25 years experience on the water.


Offshore Yachts
  • Bluetooth
  • GPS
  • ツインエンジン
  • チャーター
  • トイレ
  • ラジオ







Example of Boat Rental Agreement: A copy of this agreement will be emailed to the renter for electronic signature. The agreement must be signed and completed before the day of rental. (Disclaimer: This is an example of the agreement, and the agreement can be amended via the owner to be designed for your specific boat rental and requests, including special events). The Agreement is in relation to the following boat: Name: Lucky Me Type: Cabin Cruiser Make: Offshore 300 Model: Sportcraft Year: 1985 HIN #: SCR03001G485 Hereinafter referred to as ("Boat"). The Owner and Renter agree to the following terms and conditions in regard to the renting of the Boat: 1. RENTAL PERIOD: The Boat shall be rented from Anchor High Marina on Month/day 2021 at __:00AM and shall be returned to Anchor High Marina on Month/Day, 2021 at __:00 PM. 2. RENTAL PAYMENT DETAILS: The Renter agrees that they will pay $Amount through Getmyboat + Gas cost which is sent via Sqaure/Venmo/Cashapp or via Cash for the entire term of the Agreement as outlined above. Rental payments for the Boat can be made via the following methods: Electronic Transfer. The Renter also agrees that they shall pay a fuel charge of $5.95 per gallon in addition to the rental cost. 3. CANCELLATION CLAUSE: The Renter can cancel the Agreement up to 4 days prior to the aforementioned departure date without any sort of cancellation penalty. If the Renter cancels the rental after this time, they must pay the full amount of the rental. 4. BOAT USAGE TERMS: The Renter agrees to the following terms in regards to the Boat: a) The Boat shall be operated in a safe and lawful manner. b) The Boat shall not be operated by any person except a USCG Licensed Master Captain, without written permission by the Owner. c) The Renter shall not remove or tamper with any of the Boat equipment. d) The Boat shall not be used to participate in any race, competition or stunts. e) The Boat will not be used to carry passengers or property for hire. f) The Boat shall not be used to carry passangers and property in excess of the rated capacity of the boat. g) The Boat shall at no time have more passengers than the maximim limit of 6 people. h) The Boat shall not at any time be used for any illegal purpose. i) The Boat shall not be used to tow any other boat, vehicle or object. j) The Boat shall only be used within the following area: Old Hickory Lake, The Cumberland River. **Your charter includes a cruise around the Old Hickory Damn, and up to Skinny Dip Cove. (Estimated gas usage for this trip is $42.50.) k) The Boat shall only be used within the following times: Boat usage is restricted to weather permitted times and the specific time allocated for the cruise. 5. DISCLAIMER The Owner represents that to the best of his knowledge and belief that said Boat (and motor, if any) is free from any known faults or deficiencies which would affect safe and reliable operation under normal and prudent usage. The Owner further represents that all required lifesaving and safety equipment are aboard the boat and in good order and condition at the time of delivery to the Renter 6. INSURANCE AND LIABILITY The Owner acknowledges an active insurance policy covering the Renter and passengers for any damages incurred to the boat and its equipment, fire, theft, loss of vessel and personal liability. The premium is included in the rental price. The renter may choose to take supplemental insurance to cover any deductable. The insurance policy does not cover personal injury to the Renter or passengers. The Renter and any passengers are encouraged to seek injury insurance elsewhere. The Owner is not responsible for the loss or damage of any personal property belonging to the Renter or passengers. The Owner is not responsible for any indirect damages caused to the renter such as difficulties between the renter and passengers, non-execution or partial execution of this Agreement or acts of God. 7. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. In addition: Owner or hired Captain of this vessel, may cancel trip due to weather, up to the time of departure. No penalty or cancellation fee shall be applied to the rentor in the event the Owner or Captain cancels due to weather. The Owner or Captain must put the safety of all crew and passengers first and in the event a passenger's health is at risk due to elements of the weather or condition of a passenger,the Owner or Captain has the right to cut the charter short. No refund will be afforded to passengers if they become incapacitated and cannot continue the charter safely, due to health reasons or sea sickness. This includes consumption of alcohol or any related health conditions of alcohol or drug related, that the passenger has consumed. Renter takes full liability for any health related incidents while on board vessel. Owner or Captain may cancel or cut short charter if any or all passengers refuse to follow the Tennessee boating rules of safety or the boat safety rule or puts the lives of any on board at risk All passengers 12 and under are required by law to wear a life jacket. If a passenger does not have the ability to swim, they are required to wear a life jacket. SWIMMING IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. Owner and Captain take no responsibility for passengers who engage in swimming. All passengers must maintain safe conduct while on the boat and follow the Owner or Captain's orders to ensure a safe charter. All passengers must remain seated while vessel is under way. No drugs are allowed onboard vessel, under no circumstance. Owner and Captain are not responsible for renters personal belongings. Renters personal belongings must be cared for and looked after, by the renter. Renter is responsible for all damages to boat caused by renter due to red liquid spills or any juice with red or orange dye in it. Renter is responsible for any damages to vessel sustained that occur from their negligence, or from the negligence of their guests.No smoking is allowed on vessel. No glass bottles are allowed on vessel. If renter arrives late to charter, this will go towards their time scheduled for the cruise. Please arrive 15 minutes before departure. Renter shall not drive vessel unless they were approved by owner and hold a current USCG Master License, minimum 25T with an updated TWIC, Medical, CPR First Aid Certificate, Valid Driver License, and pass a drug screen prior to boat rental. You have hired Master Captain Charolette Maroon, for your charter. **TIPS: are welcomed and encouraged for the captain. The parties hereby indicate by their signatures below that they have read and agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement in its entirety.


28フィートクレストカリビアン LX 250 ポンツーンキャプテン付属
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28フィートクレストカリビアン LX 250 ポンツーンキャプテン付属

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28 フィート。ポンツーンボート-オールドヒッコリー湖のナッシュビル近く
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28 フィート。ポンツーンボート-オールドヒッコリー湖のナッシュビル近く

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