26フィートのシーレイ260デッキボートでチャーターして、シカゴでの一日を最大限に楽しみましょう。最大12名まで乗れるように設計されたこのボートは、快適さ、スタイル、楽しさのバランスが絶妙で、ウォーターフロントでの休暇に最適です 。イリノイ州シカゴをボートでお楽しみください!最大12人まで乗れる26フィートのデッキボートをチャーターしましょう 。期待できること: ボートの前部と後部にすべて空席があるシカゴを体験してください。湖で一日過ごしたり、川を楽しんだり、ベビーサークルでぶらぶらしたりするのに最適です。他のほとんどのボートのキャディーキャビンでは、前方に座ることができません。経験豊富な船長がお客様を連れ出して、その日を楽しんでもらうこともできますし、自分で船を連れ出すこともできます 。
Mark and Jeremy were both extremely quick to respond to questions and concerns with detailed information. The boat was great and fully equipped for our group, including life jackets for all kids, noodles and the Lily Pad. It's worth the small extra $ to have the luxury of the pad for running, jumping and relaxing. Highly recommend!
Boat was in great shape. Very easy to park and get on/off. They arrived early to great us and was there to help us when we returned from our day trip. Super close to the play-pen area for easy access. Would rent again when we go out next.
We had an excellent time on the boat & lily pad! They were courteous, accommodating & genuinely wanted our group to have a good time. I wouldn’t hesitate to rent from them again. Highly recommend renting x10.
We took Jeremy out as I had a bunch of friends in town and he was fantastic. The boat was perfect for a group of 12 to go to the playpen for the day - he was very respectful, nice and fun, perfect ren
My boat can be taken without captain or with in Chicago, Illinois. Contact us for more information.
禁煙。ガスは別料金です。パーキングパスはそれぞれ50.00ドルでご利用いただけます。ボートから30フィート離れます。とても便利です 。