この美しいポンツーンで素晴らしい巨大なミネトンカ湖をお楽しみください。計画したいイベントがありますか?湖のすぐそばでフレッチャーズに立ち寄って食べ物や飲み物を楽しんだり、ウェイザタ湾をクルーズして真っ白な家々を見たり、ビッグアイランドで泳いだりしましょう!このボートは素晴らしい時間を過ごす無限の可能性を秘めています 😃 90馬力のモーターを備えたこの美しいパームビーチで湖の生活を楽しんでください! ボートは、最大限の安全性とスムーズな航行を確保するために、レンタル前とレンタル後に毎回テストと検査を行っています ⛵️ たくさんの収納スペース ! レンタルには、フルタンクのガス (25ガロン) のBluetoothステレオシステムが含まれています !
03 May 2025から復活予定です。
Very nice boat. The navigation device made getting around the lake super easy and getting back to the launch location a breeze. A cold rain caused us to end our outing early but we still had a good time.
It was a very fun experience. The boat was in an excellent condition. It was a great fun afternoon. Lake Minnetonka was so pleasant. We all took turns driving. It was very easy. I highly recommend this rental for people of all ages. :-)
Beck was awesome and very flexible with us. We had two preteens with us and their away from mobile devices timer fluctuates often and Beck was great with being fluid for our return time. The boat was great and the launch he uses was really convenient to park at and we had an incredible day.
Outstanding day on the lake! So smooth, great communication and wonderful boat.
It was great renting through Beck. Beck did a great job with communicating very promptly as well as getting us up and running on very short notice. I would highly recommend Beck and their pontoon to anyone!
Weather cancelations will be given a rain check for a later date of purchasers choosing. Arriving late after the agreed upon rental time may result in additional fees depending on how late you are. No call no show = no refund.