8時間:500ドル 2023年の3人乗りのシードゥー GTI SE 170でカリフォルニア州レイクエルシノアを探索するのは爽快な体験です。170馬力のRotax 1630 ACEエンジンを搭載したこのジェットスキーは、パワーと敏捷性を兼ね備えており、水上で楽しい一日を過ごすのに最適です。GTI SE 170は3人乗り用に設計されており、家族や友人が冒険に参加できる十分なスペースがあります。大きなスイムプラットフォーム、便利な収納コンパートメント、簡単に操作できるSea-Dooのインテリジェント・ブレーキ&リバース(iBR)システムが特徴です 。レイクエルシノアでシードゥー GTI SE 170に乗る楽しみには、湖のさまざまな入り江や入り江を探索することが含まれます。そこでは、ちょっとした泳ぎや海岸でのピクニックに最適な隠れたスポットを見つけることができます。ジェットスキーの応答性に優れたハンドリングと驚異的な加速により、湖の開放的な水域でのナビゲーションが簡単になり、波を切り抜けたり、エキサイティングなターンをしたりできます 。料金:2時間: 200ドル (要問合せ) 2つのシードゥーはお問い合わせください
02 Jan 2025から復活予定です。
Great skidoos and it was as lot of fun on a hot day! super convenient too!
No shows non refundable. Only during business hours, not overnight. Only for the term agreed upon initially. Late fees assessed for every 15 minutes late @$50per 15 minutes. The Renter agrees to: a) Not engage in any horseplay or dangerous play with other vessels while operating the Sea doo. (Must stay AT LEAST 50’ away from other watercraft at speeds over 10 mph.) b) Travel in the correct direction of the lake at all times. Counterclockwise c) Wear life jackets appropriately and ensure they are buckled securely while operating the Sea doo. d) Allow only passengers listed on this agreement to ride the Sea doo. - Only the registered Renter may operate the rental. I understand that all drivers must be 21 years or older and are required to show ID upon arrival. Passengers must be old enough to wear a life vest. All riders must be proficient swimmers. No exceptions. - The operator of any motorized rental cannot be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Consumption of alcohol by the Renter/Operator is strictly prohibited during operation. - Up to 3 regular adult or child sized life jackets (all standard), fire extinguisher, throw cushions, paddle, whistle, anchor and ladder will be included with your Sea Doo rental. You are responsible for the loss or damage of these items, regardless of the reason that occurs during the rental period. - Replacement Prices: Renter agrees to pay the following prices for lost or damaged items: - Life jacket - $45.00 Whistle - $10.00 Fire extinguisher - $80.00 - The rentals will not be moved or trailered at any time other than by Rental Company. - No more than 3 passengers or 550 lbs. are allowed on the Sea-Doo during operation. - The rentals are to be operated only during daylight hours. No after dusk operation is permitted. - The rentals are not to be involved in any race contest, competition, or other competitive activity. - That the rental will be properly moored when not in motion. - The Renter will ensure that all underage passengers will have properly fitted life jackets worn when on and using the motorized rentals. - The Renter has no mental or physical impairment that will interfere with the safe operation of the rental. - That Renter is responsible for all damage to the rental, all property of others whether she/he is negligent or the cause of the damage. - That Renter is responsible for all injuries that occur to himself, herself, passengers or third parties during the rental period whether Renter was the cause of the injury or not. - Renter agrees to ensure that all passengers will always wear their life jackets when they are on the Sea-Doo. - That Renter agrees to hold harmless owner from any claim by a passenger or third party for any damage that arises from the use of any rentals during the rental period including all reasonable attorney fees and costs.