30x10のダブルデッカーティキをテーマにしたポンツーンボートで楽しい一日を過ごしましょう。ブロードベイのリンヘイブン・インレットをクルーズしている間、VIPファッションで6人の乗客を収容できます。サンドバー、ビーチ、レストラン、美しいウォーターフロントの宿泊施設など、バージニアビーチの魅力をすべてご紹介します 。料金: • 1時間:185ドル(USD)チャーターは、リンヘイブン・ボートランプまたはファースト・ランディング州立公園でお受け取りいただけます 。
I have been in the maritime industry since 2013, where I started my journey renting boats to people in Lake Tahoe. From there, I joined their parasail crew. A year or so later, I went across the dock, and started working for the Safari Rose, an 80 foot 80 ton sight seeing vessel. Started as the bartender, worked my way up to chief mate, until i finally had enough time and experience to become captain. A few years later, in February of 2020, I moved to Maui to begin logging hours to upgrade from Inland to Near Coastal. After almost two years, I was given an opportunity back in my home state of Virginia to work fort the association of Maryland Pilots. After have been away from home for so long, I jumped at the opportunity! My experiences taught me more than I ever could have imagined. My expertise lies in customer service, management, communication, boat handling, punctuality, and efficiency.