この手入れの行き届いた23フィートのトンプソン・フィッシャーマンに乗って、5人の釣り人でコスタ・アデヘに釣りに行きましょう!1時間あたり80ユーロという低料金で、最低4時間の予約が必要です 。-プライベート・チャーター・フィッシング・ツアーを提供しています。 -昼間と夜間の釣りの可能性。 テネリフェ島に着いたら、海に出て釣りをするしかありません。今、あなたは私たちと一緒にこのような機会を得ています。トローリングとボトムフィッシング用の装備が船上に用意されています。運試しをしてみてください。私たちの海にはドラド、マグロ、アンバージャック、バラクーダなどの魚がたくさんいます !ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。
You will have a unique opportunity to look at the island of Tenerife from the ocean, enjoy the magnificent view of the cliffs, swim in the crystal clear water of the bays of La Caleta, and even fish. There will also be a great opportunity to observe the marinelife of this part of the coast of Tenerife. On the Barco 33, we will leave the port of Puerto Colon and head towards La Gomera, where we will get to know the life of the local dolphins, which you will not find anywhere else but these places. Then we turn abruptly to the north and throw an anchor in the bay of La Caleta or El Puertito. You can swim and dive in the crystal clear water and swim among exotic fish, and sometimes even turtles. Here you will be able to fish as well, because where else but in the Atlantic Ocean you will find such a quantity and variety of marine fauna. After that, along the southern coast of the island, we will take you to the land, where you will be waited by friendly owners of local cafes and beautiful photos of your trip. (It is possible to order private charter.) Other things to note If you know that you are swayed in the water, it is better to take care of this by taking the medicine (about 1 hour before going to the ocean), or a bracelet against sea sickness. (Sold in local pharmacies). It is possible to book private charter (only you on board).