

V72 プリンセス豪華モーターヨット-フォートローダーデールV72 プリンセス豪華モーターヨット-フォートローダーデールV72 プリンセス豪華モーターヨット-フォートローダーデールV72 プリンセス豪華モーターヨット-フォートローダーデール

V72 プリンセス豪華モーターヨット-フォートローダーデール


壮大なV72プリンセス号に乗って、忘れられない冒険に出かけましょう!南フロリダの透き通った海を滑空しながら、豪華さ、パワー、そして純粋な爽快感を体験する準備をしましょう 。細部に至るまで豪華さと快適さが醸し出される、細部に至るまで細心の注意を払ってデザインされた広々としたインテリアをご堪能ください。スタイリッシュなサロンでくつろいでいても、豪華なキャビンでくつろいでいても、純粋で贅沢な世界に浸ることができます 。広々としたデッキに出て、ふかふかのサンベッドで日光浴をしたり、おしゃれなウェットバーでさわやかなドリンクを楽しんだり、格納式のスイムプラットフォームから離れた心地よい海に飛び込んだりして、暖かい海風が顔を撫でるのを感じてください。 スリル満点のウォータースポーツの一日、ロマンチックなサンセットクルーズ、友人や家族との贅沢な休暇など、V72 Princessは他に類を見ない特別なチャーター体験をお約束します。この素晴らしいヨットに乗って、夢を叶えましょう。南フロリダでの究極の冒険が待っています !---旅行には水と氷が含まれます---**************************************************************************************************** 燃料、水、氷、船のおもちゃは船長と乗組員の料金に含まれています別途支払われます 追加料金が適用される場合があります。ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックして、カスタムオファーに関するお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $400/時間
  • $360/時間
基本価格 $180.00/hr





5.0 (1件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. ZS


    Awesome trip and tanner as the captain was great! Would definitely use again next time I'm down here!





72 Motor Yacht
  • エアコン
  • 釣り具
  • Bluetooth
  • 温度調節器
  • コンロ&オーブン
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • Wi-Fi
  • シュノーケル
  • ダイビングマスク
  • GPS
  • 燃料:ディーゼル
  • ツインエンジン
  • プロッター
  • バウスラスター
  • オートパイロット
  • ハンドル操作
  • 船内エンジン
  • エンクロージャー
  • 洗面所
  • その他
  • チャーター
  • 発電機
  • トイレ
  • キャビン
  • ラジオ







1. THE LEGAL PASSENGER CAPACITY OF THE VESSEL MAY NOT BE EXCEEDED for any reason, at the commencement or during the charter, unless for a medical/safety emergency. Passenger capacities are posted and do not include the Charterer, Captain, or Crew Members. THIS IS A FEDERAL LAW AND ANY CITATIONS BY THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD (or any other law enforcement agency) ARE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHARTERER. The maximum fine administered by our company for overboarding a vessel is $1,000.00 plus the cost of any fines administered by any law enforcement agency. The Captain will report any overboarding and has the full right to terminate the Charter with no refund of the deposit of full charter amount. 2. NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES ON BOARD. Smoking of any kind is strictly forbidden unless a “Cigar Rolling add-on” is approved and booked by an our Representative and provided by an our-approved Vendor. Vaping and e-cigs are allowed. Any burns in the seats, flooring, bedding, teak, or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. The maximum fine administered by Anchor for smoking or open flames of any kind is $500.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of the damaged article/area. 3. NO RED WINE or RED DRINKS OF ANY KIND, unless approved in writing by an our company representative or provided by our Provisioning Team. Red wine is allowed to be paired with dinner, but should not be consumed while underway if possible. Red wine and red drinks stain carpets, bedding, teak, and seats. Any stains on the seats, flooring, bedding, teak, or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. The maximum fine administered by us for bringing red wine or red drinks is $250.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of the damaged article/area. 4. No loud or vulgar music or sound pollution allowed when in a private marina. Private marinas strictly prohibit loud or vulgar music, and the Captain/Crew needs to be able to hear while docking and undocking the vessel. Once you exit the marina area, you are allowed to turn up the music and have a good time. The maximum fine for loud/vulgar music in private marina OR in any instance the Captain / Crew have instructed volume to be turned down for any reason administered by us is $250.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of each damaged .It is our mission to provide a safe and fun option for anyone looking to enjoy the water. Whether that means a pontoon rental with a Captain, or a multi-day Yacht Charter, we want you and your group to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth in order to keep you, your guests, the Crew, and the Vessel safe. THE LEGAL PASSENGER CAPACITY OF THE VESSEL MAY NOT BE EXCEEDED for any reason, at commencement or during the charter, unless for a medical/safety emergency. Passenger capacities are posted and do not include the Charterer, Captain, or Crew Members. THIS IS A FEDERAL LAW AND ANY CITATIONS BY THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD (or any other law enforcement agency) ARE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHARTERER. The maximum fine administered by our company for over boarding a vessel is $1,000.00 plus the cost of any fines administered by any law enforcement agency. The Captain will report any over boarding and has the full right to terminate the Charter with no refund of the deposit of full charter amount. NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES ON BOARD. Smoking of any kind is strictly forbidden. Vaping and e-cigs are allowed. Any burns in the seats, flooring, bedding, teak, or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. The maximum fine administered by our team for smoking or open flames of any kind is $500.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of the damaged article/area. NO RED WINE or RED DRINKS OF ANY KIND, unless approved in writing by a our Representative or provided by our Provisioning Team. Red wine is allowed to be paired with dinner, but should not be consumed while underway if possible. Red wine and red drinks stain carpets, bedding, teak, and seats. Any stains on the seats, flooring, bedding, teak, or otherwise must be fully repaired to “like-new” condition at the expense of the Charterer. The maximum fine administered by our company for bringing red wine or red drinks is $250.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of the damaged article/area. No loud or vulgar music or sound pollution allowed when in a private marina. Private marinas strictly prohibit loud or vulgar music, and the Captain/Crew needs to be able to hear while docking and undocking the vessel. Once you exit the marina area, you are allowed to turn up the music and have a good time. The maximum fine for loud/vulgar music in private marina OR in any instance the Captain / Crew have instructed volume to be turned down for any reason administered by our company is $250.00 plus the full cost of the repair/restoration of each damaged speaker (if applicable). 5. NO ILLEGAL DRUGS OF ANY KIND are allowed on the vessel. Captains have the right to terminate the Charter immediately and no refund will be given to the Charterer(s). Captains also have the right to contact law enforcement and have any illegal drug activity reported to local law enforcement agents. The maximum fine administered by our company for illegal drugs is $1000.00. 6. NO JUMPING OFF OF THE VESSEL while it is underway OR when the motors are on. Whether you are wanting to jump in the water, onto a beach, dock, or any other surface, you must wait for instructions from the Captain or Crew. YOU MUST ALWAYS INFORM THE CREW if you are jumping in the water. The maximum fine administered by our team for jumping off the vessel at an inappropriate time is $500.00 per instance. 7. LISTEN TO AND FOLLOW THE CAPTAIN AND CREW’S INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL TIMES. The Captain and Crew have the duty to keep you, your guests, the Vessel, and themselves safe at all times. They have the final say in safety. PLEASE LISTEN TO THEIR INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL TIMES. The maximum fine administered by our team for failing to follow the Captain & Crew’s instructions is up to $500.00 per instance plus any additional damage, repair, restoration, or otherwise.


フォート・ローダデールのイベント · 12名様


フォート・ローダデールのイベント · 10名様


デイニア・ビーチのパワーボート · 10名様


豪華プライベート46フィートヨットアレクサンドリアは6名様まで収容可能*** VIP***
フォート・ローダデールのイベント · 6名様

豪華プライベート46フィートヨットアレクサンドリアは6名様まで収容可能*** VIP***

シーレイ 52: フォートローダーデールの究極のボート体験!
フォート・ローダデールのイベント · 12名様

シーレイ 52: フォートローダーデールの究極のボート体験!

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