サンフランシスコやその他の場所でのスリル満点の釣り旅行用に設計された、21フィートのSeaSwirl Striperパワーフィッシングボートに乗って釣り糸を投げましょう。 カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコで、この21インチのSeaSwirl Striperパワーボートを6人までレンタルできます。 この2004年のSeasWirl Striperは、湾や釣り、遊びに最適なボートです。ライブウェル、ロッドホルダー、ブルートゥーススピーカーなどなど。キャプテン・ライアンに次の冒険に連れて行ってもらおう!詳細についてはメッセージを送ってください。ベイとデルタにはたくさんの魚に刺されたり、レストランがオープンしていたりして、平凡な感覚を味わってください。サンフランシスコとその周辺の湖やデルタ地帯のほとんどにサービスを提供しています 。
Ryan was a great captain for a quick trip in the San Francisco bay to watch the Blue Angels during Fleetweek. We used a second boat that he had available given reported engine troubles with the one listed. The boat was more comfortable with more seating for our group of 7 - just note that there is no "head" (bathroom) and the boat rides lower to the water.
We had a great boat ride with Captain Ryan. We were doing a marketing stunt that included hoisting up a giant banner. He was super accommodating and gave us great tips on the best spots to set up and get photos at. He was also very friendly and sociable, highly recommend booking with him!
Went from Oakland Inner Harbor (Jack London Square) > Treasure Island > McCovey Cove > Pier 39 area > back. Captain Wade was great and gave me the boating 101 training and docking practice I was after...learned a lot. Bonus was weather and views were great!
We had a great time on the boat!! Highly recommend renting with Ryan!
Very fun! Captain was amazing! Definitely will do it again.
licensed Captain and hands on boat trainer. Boat Safe America.