E-Foilはウォータースポーツの全く新しい体験を保証します。静音の電気モーターを搭載した水中翼船で、騒音も排出量もゼロです!電子フォイルはサーフィンよりも簡単です。これは革新的です。世界でもまだ試したことのある人はほとんどいません!楽しく安全な体験を求める初心者から、次のスリルを求めるトップアスリートまで、あらゆる人に適しています 。料金:1時間あたり750アラブ首長国連邦ディルハム
Dubai's premiere marine and watersports company offers a range of activities, guiding and instruction. Whether you want to improve your skills on the water, catch bigger fish or just have an excellent day out, this is your choice for an unforgettable experience. With boats berthed next to the Mina Seyahi, we spend less time getting you out to the action and more time having fun than any other company in Dubai. We has award winning wakeboard instructors from the United States and the Middle East and uses only top of the line equipment to give you the best results. Our fishing guides have landed some of the biggest fish the Arabian Gulf has to offer and know where you need to be to catch big fish. All of our drivers have the experience and safety record to make sure that you get the most of your time on the water.