精巧なスーパーヨットデビルズ85メガヨットをチャーターして、アラブ首長国連邦の活気に満ちたドバイの街で比類のない贅沢な体験をお楽しみください。非の打ちどころのないインテリアデザインが、豪華さと快適さを感じさせ、忘れられない航海をお約束します。楽しいフライブリッジには、居心地の良いランチエリア、スタイリッシュなバー、快適なラウンジ、豪華なサンベッドがあり、リラクゼーションとエンターテイメントに最適なのどかな環境をお約束します 。De Birs 85 RPHでは、お好みに合わせてインテリアデザインをお選びいただけます。ダークウッドの「エレガンスインテリア」は時代を超越した洗練さを醸し出し、ライトウッドの「モダンインテリア」は洗練された現代的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。世界で最もよくデザインされたスーパーヨットのトップ5に入っているこのヨットは 、並外れた職人技と豪華さの証です。この並外れた旅に出るには、「お問い合わせを送信」をクリックするだけで、予約リクエストに応じた個別のオファーが届きます。出航した瞬間からオーダーメイドのシームレスな体験が保証されます。
Based in Dubai for over 12 years , we provide the best yacht charter services in the area. Let us arrange your Yacht Tour and create a memorable day with your loved ones. 🇬🇷 1 Greek company in Dubai and yacht specialists on: 🥳 Birthday parties 🤝 Corporate events 👨👩👧👦 Family excursions 📸NYE events and Formula 1 in Abu Dhabi
Cancellations: Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment. Cancellation Charges: If you have any questions just click on 'Send Inquiry' to send us a message! You will receive a personalized offer for your booking request before you pay. 72 Hours prior to the booking date and time: 20% of the total charter amount. 48 Hours prior to the booking date and time: 50% of the total charter amount. 24 Hours prior to the booking date and time: 100% of the total charter amount. In case we fail to provide the yacht on the agreed date because of unseaworthiness as a consequence of damage incurred during the previous charter or because of any other reason beyond our control, we shall provide the client: - A yacht that is at least of equivalent standard/capacity, - Refund the charter fee or, - Provide due assistance in rescheduling the trip, However, the client shall not have the right to assert any further claim for damages. Clients shall acknowledge the captain’s authority at all times. All navigational affairs remain under his sole authority as well as all equipment onboard and its use. The captain has the right to prohibit any activity Deemed unsafe. Any kind of antisocial behavior shall also be discouraged, strictly. The captain is liable to inform the police about any such behavior and has also the authority to cut the trip short if deemed necessary. All such decisions remain at his sole discretion.