クレブラまたはビエケスの贅沢を体験してください。人混みや行列に並んだり、時刻表を設定したりする手間をかけずに、最も高級なビーチを訪れてください。プライベートな休暇を選んで 、必要な時間を全部使ってください。料金: - - 1時間あたり370ドル、最低予約時間6時間 。このツアーには以下が含まれます:- - ディーゼル料金のUSCG認可を受けたキャプテン&メイトのセキュリティ装備とライフジャケットを備えた見事な36フィートヨットをお楽しみください 。 - - シュノーケリング用具浮き具氷を詰めたクーラー - 、- 水、ソーダ、- スナック 、ランチ。追加料金をお支払いいただくと、次のアップグレードでワンランク上の体験をお楽しみいただけます 。 * ボートで作りたての料理をより豊富に取り揃えたBBQをお楽しみください。 * パドルボードを1台追加してください。 * 誕生日やバチェロレッテにぴったりのオリジナルケーキをご注文ください。いつでも大歓迎のお子様を含め、大切な人と忘れられない思い出を作りましょう。特別な一日を計画するお手伝いをし、現地のインサイダー知識をご提供いたします 。航行時間:片側約1時間
We are a family-owned operation. The Captain is an experienced waterman with ample knowledge of our coastal waterways. The Caribbean sea has played an important role in his life ever since he was a young boy. He also has experience and knowledge as a bodysurfer and fisherman, which adds to his appreciation of Puerto Rico’s many enchantments and treasures. He is a certified US Coast Guard Captain (Merchant Mariner Credential) and he provides excellent private boat experiences. He will welcome you into his family and will guide you on an exploration of the different islands and Caribbean sea cays.
The captain will evaluate itinerary changes or cancellations due to bad weather or conditions beyond our control. Any change will be notified at the marina on the same day of travel before departure. If the forecast shows that it will be raining for the day of your trip, that is not considered a reason for cancellation unless the captain decides that navigating conditions aren’t safe. In case the weather isn’t favorable for the scheduled tours, the captain will suggest alternative routes to ensure you experience your private boat trip. The decision will be discussed with the client, and we will offer different alternatives to accommodate your preferences. If the captain has to cancel your trip due to mechanical issues or any other maintenance problems with the boat, you will get a full refund of your money.