プエルトリコの美しいリンコン沖の海で、フランク大尉とチームを組んで1日過ごしましょう。このシュノーケリングツアーでは、通常、沖合5~10マイルに位置する沖合のサンゴ礁に焦点を当てます。そこでは、水の透明度が高く海洋生物に恵まれています。天候が許せば、船長がデセチェオ島の近くまで連れて行き、さらに人里離れた海域を探索します。プライベートチャーターを利用して、西海岸をクルーズしたり探索したりしましょう。 通常は2~3か所のシュノーケリング場所を訪れ、釣りも交えて行きます。このツアーに参加すると、地元のビーチを訪れたり、夕日を眺めたり、ボートでやりたいことを何でもしたりすることもできます。ただし、沖合わずか数マイルでシュノーケリングができるので、できる限りシュノーケリングをすることを強くお勧めします 。デセチェオに行ったことがないなら、ここは魔法のような場所です。リンコンから14マイル離れたこの山間の島は、保護区に指定されており、釣りは禁止されています。これにより、海洋野生生物は成熟した大きさに成長し、その数が増えます。海で走れるなら、ここはシュノーケリングに最適な場所です !
We had a wonderful trip to Desecheo Island, a national park in Puerto Rico. Today snorkeling we saw 3 turtles, 3 nurse sharks, a barracuda and many many tropical fish. Frank was extremely professional and very knowledgeable. Amazing tour! Highly recommend. Will repeat again.
Frank thank you so much for being so thoughtful with the incredible snacks, the snorkelling equipment and for bending over backwards to find us the perfect snorkelling spot despite the conditions not being so perfect. You went out of your way to make us feel welcomed and to give us a wonderful experience on the water. Can’t thank you or recommend you enough. The kids and I had a wonderful time and to top it off saw barracuda, a nurse shark, an octopus and a ray all in about ten seconds once you found the perfect snorkelling spot. You set the bar so high we’re expecting to see a dancing whale on our next visit. Many thanks louisa
Frank was amazing! He was great with all of our kids and it was really so much fun!
My name is Frank Askew. I have been a boating and everything water enthusiast for over 40 years. In this time I have worked on the water almost everyday of my life. I have held a U.S. Coast Guard Captain license for 16 years and worked on offshore fishing boats since the age of 14. My family and I currently live in Rincon, Puerto Rico where we run fishing charters and deal in the seafood industry. We also rent out our 26 foot Regulator center console to anyone who wants a day on the water. This vessel is meticulously maintained and is equipped with state of the art technology and safety equipment. Rent our boat for cursing, fishing, or anything you can think of.