1日9500ドルという低価格で、CRN 120メガヨットに乗って太平洋とコルテス海を探索しましょう。 CNR 120ヨットは海洋工学とデザインの傑作であり、外洋で比類のない豪華さと快適さを体験できるように作られています。そのなめらかな外観ラインと現代的なシルエットが印象的な存在感を放ち、航海する場所を問わず見物人の称賛を集めます。ヨットのデザインはフォルムと機能をシームレスに融合させ 、美的魅力と高性能を両立させています。CNR 120の最大の特徴の1つは、最大限の快適さと洗練さを提供するように細心の注意を払って設計された広々としたインテリアです。ヨットには、高級木材、豪華なファブリック、精巧な仕上げなどの最高級の素材で装飾された豪華なキャビンなど、広々としたリビングエリアがあります。各キャビンはプライベートなサンクチュアリとなっており 、お客様がスタイリッシュにリラックスしてくつろげる穏やかな隠れ家となっています。ヨットのサンデッキはレジャーやエンターテイメントの中心で、日光浴、社交、周囲の海のパノラマビューを楽しむのに十分なスペースがあります。ふかふかのサンベッドでくつろいだり、船内のバーでカクテルを飲んだりして、ゲストは周囲の究極の贅沢を満喫できます 。CNR 120には、豪華なアメニティに加え、スムーズで快適な航海をお約束する最先端のテクノロジーとアメニティも備わっています。高度なナビゲーションシステムから最先端のエンターテイメントシステムまで、ヨットのあらゆる面が乗客の船内体験を向上させるように設計されています 。舞台裏では、熟練の職人技と細部へのこだわりが、ヨットの構造のあらゆる側面に表れています。精密に設計された船体から細心の注意を払って作られた内装まで、CNR 120は最高水準の品質と仕上がりを体現しています 。全体として、CNR 120ヨットは単なる旅行用の船ではなく、プレステージとラグジュアリーの象徴でもあります。のんびりとしたクルーズに乗るにしても、華やかなイベントを開催するにしても、この特別なヨットは忘れられないひとときと忘れられない水上体験をお約束します 。
As a local native of La Paz, MX. my mission is to make available affordable Yacht Cruises to Balandra Beach (Mexico's top beach and one of the top 20 beaches in the world). The tour to Isla Espíritu Santo (Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO) is a bucket list must do. The Sea of Cortez (designated "The Aquarium of the World", by Jacques Cousteau, is a once in a lifetime, body of water to experience. A Getmyboat experience on our beautiful sea is the way to go! Welcome on board.
In case of cancellation before seven (7 } days of the event, no refunds will be made, it only can be rescheduled. Refunds: refunds shall only be made as follows: 100% refunded only if the vessel has a mechanical malfunction that our company was not able to operate and perform the charter. In the case of this rare occasion, we offer the client a full 100% refund or reschedule. Terms and Cancellation Policy: -In the unlikely event that the La Paz Harbor Master officially closes down the port for bad weather, the funds will be held for future bookings. Deposit Submission Acknowledgment: Prior to booking, the customer confirms understanding and acceptance of the Cancellation and Refund Policy terms. The payment serves as confirmation, and any future cancellation or refund request is subject to the outlined terms. Customers are responsible for reviewing this policy before fund submission, and payment initiation affirms their consent to the specified terms. Injuries and Unsatisfactory Service: Our company, it’s agents, affiliates shall not be liable financially or otherwise to any persons for: non-performance or unsatisfactory service; for injury to persons, including death; for loss, delay or expenses arising from strikes, war, weather, quarantine, sickness, government regulation or other causes: for loss of property or damage thereto; or for any act or omission or default or non-performance of any of it’s employees, agents, carriers, ground operators, or any other supplier of services. This cruise which you are embarking involve travel to isolated sites, often far from emergency and medical services. Travel such as this is with risk. You are required to be in good physical and mental health and we strongly urge you to check with your physician and insurance agent to guarantee that you are physically fit and adequately covered for any emergencies and eventualities. Trip insurance, therefore is highly recommended to protect you and your family, property and investment. Please take note that if an accident occurs in certain locations, emergency services and medical care may not be available or adequate. It is incumbent on each individual to determine his or her ability to participate in this cruise. Change of Itinerary: Our company, it’s agents and affiliates, reserve the right to change modify the itinerary including changes for reasons of comfort or safety. We will consult with client about the change of itinerary or date of event. No Shows: There will be no refund for no shows from a cruise, unless it is arranged for at the time of booking. In the case of voluntary interruption of a trip by a participant without cause, whether by means of failing to join a trip, or by leaving prior to completion, no refunds will be made.