



この地域で最高のフィッシングを体験したり、ミシガン湖の美しい海を巡る美しいクルーズに出かけたりしましょう。 旅行オプション:**6 時間釣りチャーター: 1 ~ 4 人:850 ドル 5 ~ 6 人: - 950 ドル追加時間: - - 1 時間あたり 100 ドル **終日フィッシングチャーター:1~4人:1100ドル 5-6人:1200ドル追加時間: - - - 1時間あたり100ドル 経験豊富なガイドが、トラウト、スチールヘッド、ギンザケ、チヌークサーモンなど、さまざまな種類の魚を釣る最良の方法をすべて知っています。釣りの旅を成功させ、楽しいものにするために、高品質の用具と個別の指導を提供します。あらゆる年齢やスキルレベルの釣り人を歓迎し、ご家族で一緒に水上で一日を楽しめる楽しく安全な環境を作ることに誇りを持っています。私たちのガイドは忍耐強く、知識が豊富で、お子様が釣りの基本を学ぶのをいつでも喜んでお手伝いします 。**3時間クルーズ: - 1~6人:450ドルグループでミシガン湖の美しい夕日を眺めたり 、ボートで地元のレストランを訪れたりしてみませんか?3時間のクルーズツアーは、主にマスキーゴン湖でのキャッチ・アンド・リリース・フィッシングと観光を組み合わせたものです。この旅は、観光のみにすることも、すべて釣りをすることも、あるいは両方を組み合わせることもできます。船長がクルーズを案内し、すべてのお客様に安全で楽しいお出かけができるようにいたします。リラックスして観光するにしても、積極的に釣りに参加するにしても、船長の専門知識があなたの旅を豊かにし、心に残る思い出を作り出すでしょう 。


  • $150/時間







Having grown up 3 miles south of the Muskegon Piers on beautiful Lake Michigan, fishing has always run through my veins. I have fished West Michigan’s lakes and rivers since I was a little boy of 5. Whether chasing our migratory Salmon, Steelhead and Trout on the Great Lakes and rivers, to Tarpon, Permit and Pelagic species in the oceans and flats around the world, fishing is my passion. My greatest joy in being a fishing guide is fishing with families and inexperienced anglers, helping our younger generation experience the phenomenal fisheries that we have to offer right in our backyard. The most rewarding aspect of being a US Coast Guard Captain is giving you the opportunity to catch the fish of your lifetime on one of our fishing charters.


Tiara Yachts
36 Open
  • エアコン
  • 釣り具
  • Bluetooth
  • 温度調節器
  • ライフジャケット/安全対策
  • Wi-Fi
  • 魚群探知器
  • 水深計
  • ベイト
  • GPS
  • 積み卸しスペース
  • ガイド
  • 燃料:ガソリン
  • ツインエンジン
  • カディキャビン
  • プロッター
  • オートパイロット
  • ハンドル操作
  • 船内エンジン
  • エンクロージャー
  • クルージングスピード
  • 洗面所
  • 3シート
  • チャーター
  • 発電機
  • トイレ
  • キャビン
  • ラジオ







Common Questions regarding your upcoming adventure Do I need a fishing license? - Yes! Everyone on board 17 and older must have an all species fishing license when charter boat fishing. They can be purchased online Michigan Department of Natural Resources website under Licenses & Permits, local bait shops, and large retail stores like Walmart in Muskegon. In Michigan, charter boats don’t carry fishing licenses for customers, each individual is responsible for purchasing their own. If you are buying a daily license, we suggest you wait until the day prior and you have already gone over wind and wave conditions with your captain. Is sunscreen OK on the boat? - We encourage people to apply sunscreen prior to arrival. We do request rinsing your hands after applying the sunscreen. If you are using spray sunscreen, please apply it at the dock and away from the fishing boats. How Should I Dress? - Sunglasses and a hat are optimal while out charter boat fishing. - "Dress for the weather, and then add a layer" is a phrase we use a lot in Muskegon! - Raincoat, Jacket or Sweatshirt – Bring a sweatshirt or jacket for the morning and early evening or if a cold front should move in. The weather can change very quickly on the lake and rain may be unpredictable.  What if the weather is bad? - We do fish in the rain but your safety while charter boat fishing comes first. Based on the weather reports, advisories, and the anticipation of severe weather, our Captains may cancel your trip due to storms or high waves. We will do our best to reschedule you for an upcoming open date. What else should I bring? - Coolers! Please bring a small cooler with you packed with snacks and drinks. Also bring a cooler for transporting your cleaned catch that can stay in your vehicle. - A camera - we want your trip to be as memorable as possible while fishing Muskegon! Feel free to take pictures of everything. Is Alcohol permitted? - While alcohol is allowed, we ask that you please be respectful. Please refrain from glass bottles. Any trip can, and will be cancelled for any persons becoming “out of control.” If a party member is beginning to get out of control, they will be reminded of the policy several times before the trip is cancelled. If a party member is compromising the safety of themselves or others, we will end the fishing trip and return immediately to port. You will not be issued a refund. Are Drugs permitted? - Absolutely no illicit drugs of any sort are allowed on the vessel. Although different states may allow controlled substances, our licenses are Federally issued and we are not allowed to have any Federally illegal substances on board. Possession of any drugs on board will result in a cancelled fishing trip with no refund. Will you clean our fish? - Absolutely! We will clean and bag your catch free of charge. - Because we fish the rivers in the fall, winter and spring, our captains will use the harvested fish eggs from the fishing trip as bait for the future. If you are planning on keeping eggs, please discuss this with your captain ahead of the trip. Are there additional costs? - We don’t charge a fuel surcharge on any of our trips so there won’t be any unexpected costs at the end of your trip. - Enjoying your fishing trip and don't want to go in yet? Additional time on the water can be agreed upon with your captain, provided our charter schedule allows. Additional time will be $100 per hour - If you plan on paying with a credit card, there is an additional 5% fee. Should we tip the crew? - It is customary to tip the crew 20% for great service depending on your experience while charter boat fishing. - Remember, we can’t control the fish or the fishing, but we can control how hard we work! My trip is coming up soon, when should I contact the Captain? - Feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions about your upcoming fishing trip that aren't answered here or your confirmation email. - Make sure you are in phone contact a few days before your planned fishing charter to go over weather, wind and wave forecasts and to secure start and end times for your trip. How early should I show up to my scheduled trip? - You should be ready to walk on the boat 5-10 minutes ahead of your scheduled departure time. - Prior to that, our crew is prepping the boat to ensure you have a great experience. Feel free to use the Marina bathrooms or check out the on-site ship store that has all the necessary equipment, rigging, snacks and drinks before you shove off. - If you are fishing an afternoon/evening charter, come a few hours early and grab lunch and a beverage at the Muskegon Brewing Company on-site!