豪華さと水上でのパフォーマンスの真の傑作、見事な2020シーレイサンダンサー320をご紹介します。海岸をクルーズするにしても、砂州に停泊するにしても、この素晴らしい船は期待を超える素晴らしい体験をすること間違いなしです 。 乗船した瞬間から、シー・レイ・サンダンサー320のスマートでモダンなデザインに魅了されることでしょう。その時代を超越したエレガンスは、優雅なライン、高品質の職人技、細部へのこだわりが際立ち、どこに行っても人目を引く存在です 。
Welcome aboard! We are excited to host you and your friends on this exciting experience. We strive to deliver high-end experiences to all of our guests. Our company hosts several vessels on the Get My Boat platform and we keep a very busy schedule with hundreds of satisfied guests each week. As such, we have a very strict cancellation policy and ensure all charters must be USCG compliant. After placing your deposit and/or full payment with Get My Boat, a representative will contact you directly, typically by phone. We do require that you sign a Charter Agreement packet via AdobeSign (similar to DocuSign). We will also ask if you have any special requests such as food, drinks, catering, decorations, etc. This provisioning service is offered at an additional cost and your credit card information and authorization will be required if you choose to have our team stock the boat for you. Again, we appreciate you choosing us and it is our goal to serve you as best as we can.