シーレイ400エクスプレスパワーメガヨットに乗って、モントリオールの魅惑的な景色を比類のない豪華さで体験してください。この素晴らしい船をチャーターして、1時間あたり200カナダドル(週末スペシャル:300カナダドル)の料金で特別な脱出をしましょう。平日の特別オファーをぜひご利用ください。4時間のクルーズをたったの800ドルでお楽しみください! 含まれるもの: 当社のヨットには、ヨットの安全に必要なものがすべて揃っています 。お客様は、お好きな飲み物、軽食、食べ物を船内に持ち込むことができます。 用意されているプロパンBBQで内なるシェフを解き放ち、楽しい料理体験をお楽しみください。 午後6時にロマンチックなサンセットツアーを計画している場合でも、終日レンタルで特別料金を選択する場合でも、お客様の好みに合わせてカスタマイズ可能なオプションをご用意しています。スタイリッシュに街並みを探索しましょう。長期間の冒険をお求めの方は、複数回の旅行の特別料金についてお問い合わせください 。ケベック州サンタンヌ・ド・ベルヴューの海での忘れられない旅にご参加ください。今すぐ予約して 、シーレイ400エクスプレスでウォーターフロントでの体験を新たな高みへと高めましょう!
We had an amazing bachelor party trip with a knowledgeable and accommodating captain. The yacht included a captain and an assistant, and we were allowed to bring our own drinks and food. We took a short ride to calmer waters where we could swim, relax on the front seats of the boat, and enjoy a paddle board and floating water mats. The captain was very flexible and kindly waited for us when we arrived an hour late. I highly recommend renting this yacht in the future!
Best experience we could have asked for! We were visiting Montreal, a group of us and had the best time renting this boat and with Meir as well. He was super accommodating, loved our loud music and was super fun & easy going. Definitely a day to remember and definitely recommend booking with him! 😊
Meir was an amazing host to me and my family. He really took care of us, even helped us with cooking our food, was super friendly and made us feel at home. Our family and I had an unforgettable moment thanks to him and i am really happy of the turn out. Thank you Meir !
Had a great time with Meir and his first mate Barry! Gorgeous area of the lake and amazing weather for a sunset slow cruise made this trip ideal. Some pointers I didn’t realize, you will not see the montreal skyline except from afar. The trip is designed to be probably 50% or more stationary to allow you to swim and relax. Fantastic trip overall!
This is probably the best boat you can find around Montreal. Amazing huge yacht with everything necessary to have a good time + great captain! Everything was smooth: from booking to the trip itself - zero complaints. Trust me and book it - you won't be disappointed!