



台湾・豊浜郷でラフティングを楽しもう! 新しい選択肢のラフティング、各船に救助隊員を乗せたVIPボート、疲れたツアーガイドのHiukuluanもモーターを始動させることができ、家族全員でリラックスしてHiukuluanエコツアーに参加できます。VIP観光ボートの特徴:船体幅、より安定しています。エンジンを使ってドライブ中の救助隊員を乗せたり、家族のポートレート、エコロジーのコンセプト、Hsiukuluanの風景をナビゲートしたりできます 。VIP観光船の特徴:船体幅、より安定しています。エンジンを使ってドライブ中の救助隊員を乗せたり、家族のポートレート、エコロジーのコンセプト、Hsiukuluanの風景をナビゲートしたりできます 。ラフティング機器: • 超浮力ライフジャケット: - 首元を保護して日焼けを防ぐ特殊な浮力首輪。 - 「ライフインデックス」のライフガード同士が最短時間で張力を高めず、溺れかけている乗客を簡単に引き上げることができます。 - 最大150kgの超浮力フォーム浮力。 - グループ4のセキュリティチェストバックル。 - サバイバルホイッスル付き。 - マイニングクロッチベルトの調整は絡まないように固定されています。 • コーティング加工シェードヘルメット: - カバーデザインで、衝撃を軽減します。 - 特別な耐熱素材で、快適で通気性があります。 - 日焼けを防ぐ帽子のデザイン。 価格: - お一人様900台湾ドル 料金には以下が含まれます: - ライフガード - ラフティング用具 (ライフジャケットとヘルメット) - ランチシャワー - 保険 デポジット: - 500台湾ドル


  • $28/人







We provide the best service, not only in water safety, service quality and strive for perfection, but also to ensure the integrity of tourists rafting rafting trip must pass new Changhong Bridge.


  • ライフジャケット/安全対策







Cancellation Policy: - If cancelled half day prior to departure, full amount will be refunded. Arrival Time: - 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Additional Fees: • Valet car service: - Generation costs $600 TWD per car - Downstream to the upstream car 150 to 200 yuan per person - Hualien to the Mizuho return transfer 300 to 350 yuan per person - Large groups can charter tour group prescribed manner • Shuttle bus service: - Rafting before or after Changhong Bridge to Mizuho, $150 TWD/person - Hualien access to boating (single-trip shuttle) $250 TWD/person - Hualien take back to Hualien (return transfer) $300 TWD/person - Taitung access to boating (single-trip shuttle) $300 TWD/person - Taitung then back to Taitung (return transfer) $500 TWD/person - Hualien access, send or Taitung Taitung then, lotus flowers (megestrol access, send point B) $500 TWD/person. - If a single trip by bus from Hualien $210 TWD/person, round trip costs 415 TWD/person. Precautions: - Prohibited participation for: Pregnant women, asthma,heart disease, high blood pressure and epilepsy etc. - Please wear long sleeves,trousers and cloth shoes,also bring other clothes that you can change the wet clothes after rafting. - Guests should be prepared to do a good job security, to prevent accidental injury. - If suffering from heart disease, epilepsy and children under 12 should not participate. - Please do not bring valuables. - Before rafting, do not drink. - Before rafting, be sure to Wear life jackets and life saving cap. - Before rafting, listen to the safety of staff commentary. - Please comply when boating, do not take off or untie life jacket, cap, to prevent danger when drowning. - Please follow when boating rescue personnel guided paddle waterways, and community-based travel, not off the team. Frequently Asked Questions: • Where boating is part of Mizuho township or Fengbin? - Rafting from Mizuho Fongbin beginning to end, so boating place belongs to the township a total of two. • Where is the starting point for rafting if you want to open yourself to drive to the car park where the end is where is it? - A raft starting at Mizuho b parked car can be selected - Mizuho Visitor Center - At the end of Changhong Bridge Changhong Bridge terminal c. • If the weather is cold, then there will be jackets to wear it for an additional fee you? - Winter's cold up will be ready to wear jackets to tourists, without additional charge. • Insurance includes in Rafting? - Rafting Accident insurance is 2 million, 30,000 yuan medical. • How long the whole rafting trip? - It is about 4 hours, including meal and shower time, a total of about 5 hours. • After the end of the rafting downstream someone would take us back to the upper reaches of it .. who helped us to drive to the downstream? - After rafting can ride the shuttle bus back to the upper reaches of 150 yuan / person. On behalf of the car 600 yuan / unit. (Full-time drive someone to open) • Rafting tourists to stay in the locomotive start ... how to take the car ? - Locomotive left at the starting point, you need to take the car ride back to Mizuho, Pick-up fee (Changhong Bridge to Mizuho) $ 150 per person. • If cloudy or rainy weather for rafting it? - Rafting has little to do with the weather, good weather, like boating body will be wet, rainy day so as boating, unless the typhoon, streams soaring, will prohibit boating. • Do you want to contact rafting arrangements prior to departure with your company? Rafting as already arranged reservations, please call to confirm the day before departure to arrange for pre-order work equipment, vehicles and so on.


花蓮のアドベンチャー · 8名様

