カリフォルニア州マリーナデルレイの美しさをすべて見る唯一の方法は、このボートレンタルです。最大6人の親友を集めて、冒険に出かけたり、誕生日を祝ったり、愛する人にプロポーズしたりしましょう。 • ボートと搭載機器のレンタル • 安全上の注意事項 • 船長 : レギュレーター23は全長27フィートで、オフショアのセンターコンソールで乗り心地抜群です。釣りでもクルージングでも、このボートなら何でもできます!その日には、沿岸でぶらぶらしたり、沖合のカタリナに向かったり、遠洋魚を追いかけたりすることが含まれます。私はUSCG公認船長で、カリフォルニア州北東部、南東部、南部を含む海域での経験が20年以上に及びます。私にご連絡いただければ、お客様にぴったりの水上1日をカスタマイズできるようご相談させていただきます。ボートはトレーラーに保管されており、カリフォルニア州サザンのどこでも購入できます。レギュレーターほど高品質のセンターコンソールはありません!
Mark is super clear and communicative. I went with Mark because he responded so quickly and is very easy going. I am in Orange County so he actually drove down to us and we launched out of the Newport Dunes which was very convenient. The boat is brand new with storage, coolers, and bluetooth speakers. We basically cruised the coast down to San Clemente and swam. It was like an awesome roller coaster on the way back as we were just gliding through the water, splashing, laughing, and just having the time of our life. 5/5 would do it again!
The communication with Mark was excellent. Mark’s boat was really clean. The boat itself feels brand new. The seats are really comfortable and there is a lot of space. Tons of space for your stuffs. Mark took us around the coast to Malibu and back. He was really attentive and even took us out in the deep ocean to try and find dolphins. We had a great time and I would definitely recommend his services. I know we will be calling him again.
Mark was an awesome skipper and host, can definitely recommend. We have fond memories of the blue fin tuna he caught and shared with us
I am a licensed USCG captain with over 25 years of inshore and offshore experience. My Regulator center console is built for the offshore and is perfect whether you want to spend the day cruising or fishing. I can be an available anywhere in southern CA that your prefer to launch from.