

テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタルテキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタルテキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタルRecently Added LED Lights for night riding!

テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル


これはすべてのウォータースポーツに最適なスポーツボートです!ウェイクサーフィンに最適な3000ポンドのバラストシステムをアップグレードし、船内のサウンドシステムをアップグレードしました!新品のエンジン。5.7L 450馬力!塗装とシートが全て新しくなりました!ボートにはアップグレードされたバラストシステムとサウンドシステムが搭載されています。ウォータースポーツやご家族とのリラックスしたお出かけに最適です。休暇をスタートさせるのに最適なボートです 。ボートはチュービング、ウェイクボード、ウェイクサーフィン、水上スキーにも最適です。追加情報については、お気軽にお問い合わせください! 価格:テキサス州コンローでは1時間あたり137ドル。 *** 旅行終了時に船に燃料を補給するのはお客様の責任です*** *** 7人以上のパーティーまたはグループには30ドルのクリーニング料金がかかります*** 携帯電話が濡れるのが心配ですか ? - また、GoPro とドローンの映像も追加料金で提供しています!ただ聞いてください !もっと冒険とスリルをお求めですか? - ジェットスキーも時間単位または日単位の料金でレンタルできます!それらについてもお気軽にお尋ねください 。ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $137/時間
  • $110/時間





4.9 (27件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  2. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  3. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  4. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  5. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  6. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  7. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  8. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  9. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  10. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  11. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  12. テキサス州モンゴメリーでの素晴らしいMoomba Mobius LSV 23フィートパワーボートレンタル
  1. AW


    We wanted to take a group out on lake Conroe for wakesurfing and wakeboarding. There ended up being 7 guests (excluding the captain) and we fit comfortably, any more guests and we would have felt a bit crammed but would still work if needed. Baxi was great at helping us all learn how to wakesurf and was very accommodating to any of our needs. Overall, it was a great experience and we hope to use Baxi’s services again!

  2. JS


    Baxi will bend over backward to give you the experience you want. Took my sons and their friends, and they enjoyed the time. He leaves you in charge of what you want to do, from tubing, wakeboarding, and swimming. I highly recommend him. He was extremely flexible on dates & times as well.

  3. Michael

    Alex was friendly, communicative, understanding and knowledgeable. He truly helped create a memorable experience for everyone who came out to celebrate my 35th birthday and I could not be happier with how it all turned out. I thought to rent a boat and captain it myself, but after further consideration decided to go with a captain. Which alleviated me from as much responsibility and allowed me to enjoy the day much more than I may have other wise. Without hesitation I would recommend him to captain any event that you may have in mind. Thanks again brother

  4. JS


    Captain was great - Had a Birthday party with 9 boys 14-15 and he interacted great with the kids, and had fun things to do (Tubing, Surfboarding, & Wakeboarding). He knew the lake well and it was a terrific experience for my son's birthday. The kids has a tremendous time. You will not regret booking this boat!!

  5. KB


    We had a great time on this boat! The captain was easy going, listened to what we wanted out of the experience, and helpful in coordinating the time and location. He's got all the equipment you need for a fun time out on the lake and can even help you learn to wake surf or board if you need! Would recommend to all!




I am excited to be a part of the GetMyBoat movement in making boats more accessible and affordable to others. I hope to get out on the water more and help boating grow!


Mobius LSV







Assumption of Risk and Complete Release of Liability Boat Passenger Waiver I UNDERSTAND THAT THE PURPOSE OF SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT IS TO EXEMPT AND RELEASE BY THE COMPANY, THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND ASSOCIATED PERSONNEL, AND THEIR BOATS (WHETHER OWNED, OPERATED, LEASED OR CHARTERED), HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS “RELEASED PARTIES”, AND TO HOLD THESE ENTITIES HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES ARISING AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE FOLLOWING, OR AND OTHER ACTS OR OMISSIONS ON THEIR PART, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE OF ANY TYPE. 1. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE INHERENT RISKS INVOLVED WITH FISHING, CRABBING AND BOATING, including but not limited to equipment failure, perils of the sea, harm caused by marine creatures (including bites), acts of fellow participants, entering and exiting the water, boarding, or disembarking boats, and activities on the docks and I HEREBY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS. 2. I UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE A DUTY TO EXERCISE REASONABLE CARE FOR MY OWN SAFETY AND I AGREE TO DO SO. 3. I assert that I am physically fit to ride on a boat, and I will not hold the Released Parties responsible if I am injured as a result of ANY problems (medical, accidental, or otherwise) which may occur while fishing, crabbing, or other activities while riding on the boat, or otherwise participating in the trip. 4. I will not remove my flotation device at any time while underway. I acknowledge that doing so will constitute a violation of safety rules and procedure for which I expressly assume the risk. 5. I fully understand that the involved boat has limited medical facilities and that in the event of illness or injury appropriate medical care must be summoned by radio and treatment will be delayed until I can be transported to a proper medical facility. I agree in advance to these conditions. 6. The Released Parties have made no representation to me implied or otherwise that they or their crew can or will perform safe rescues or render first aid. In the event I show signs of distress or call for aid I would like assistance and will not hold the Released Parties, their crew, boats, or passengers responsible for their actions in attempting the performance of rescue or first aid. 7. IT IS MY INTENTION BY THIS INSTRUMENT TO GIVE UP MY RIGHT TO SUE ALL PERSONS OR ENTITIES REFERRED TO HEREIN, WHETER SPECIFICALLY NAMED OR NOT, AND IT IS ALSO MY INTENTION TO EXEMPT AND RELEASE ALL RELEASED PARTIES AND TO HOLD THESE ENTITIES HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR WRONGFUL DEATH CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND I ASSUME ALL RISK IN CONNECTION WITH FISHING, CRABBING AND BOATING ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR ORGANIZATION OF THIS ACTIVITY. 8. I have carefully read this contract in its entirety, fully understand its contents, and agree to the terms and conditions of this contract on behalf of my heirs, my personal representatives, and myself. This document constitutes the final and entire agreement between the Released Parties and the undersigned. There are NO WARRANTIES expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the activity listed on this form. THIS IS A COMPLETE RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. I have read this agreement, am aware that it is a release of liability and a contract between the Released Parties and myself. I sign it of my own free will and agree to be bound by it, from the date of my signature, forever into the future. Cancellation due to Weather: If cancellation needs to be made due to weather by client or by the company, both parties must be informed 24 hours prior or more of service date. If cancellation is requested, we will allow rebooking at NO CHARGE within 1 Year of service date. If the company reaches out to reschedule due to possible weather forecasts and clients can not rebook and would like to continue on requested service date; The company has the right to deny service on day of service for safety precautions, or stop a booking once embarked if deemed necessary.


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コンローのパワーボート · 13名様


コンローのパワーボート · 15名様


トランキリティII 15人2020トライトゥーンアバロンエンターテイナー
コンローのパワーボート · 12名様

トランキリティII 15人2020トライトゥーンアバロンエンターテイナー

テキサス州のパワーボート · 12名様

