




このRIBをサルディーニャのノッテリで1日590ユーロでレンタルできます この美しいボートは、サルデーニャ島南部の息をのむような海岸を訪れるのに最適です。 カテゴリーの幅が広いほど、市場に出回っているボートはより快適で安全なボートの1つです。 ご不明な点がございましたら、お支払い前にGetMyBoatのメッセージングプラットフォームを通じて回答できます。「予約をリクエスト」をクリックして、カスタムオファーのお問い合わせを送信してください 。


  • $656/日





5.0 (1件のレビュー)
  • リスティング精度

  • 出発&帰着

  • 船体&設備

  • コミュニケーション

  • 評価

  • 旅程&内容

  1. サルディーニャのノッテリでシーウォーターファントム28をレンタル
  2. サルディーニャのノッテリでシーウォーターファントム28をレンタル
  1. Jamie

    fab day out, best food so far at the recommended lunch stop.




I am excited to be a part of the GetMyBoat movement in making boats more accessible and affordable to others. I hope to get out on the water more and help boating grow.


Outer Reef Trident
  • キャビン







(Consignment) The Blu e Blu noleggio di Tomas Canzini s.a.s - herein referred as “the Lessor” – shall release to the lessee – herein referred as “the Contractee” – the unit with the tank full of eggas.The unit must be consigned watertight, strong, equipped with adequate equipment, required documents, safety equipment as required by law and must be in every way seaworthy. Article 1.      (Late consignment) Should the unit fail to be consigned enter the time limit specified in the contract of rental, the contractee may withdraw from same, without penalty, provided that he declares withdrawal in writing within the 24 hours following the expiry of the contract. In case of: 1.1.   confirmation of rental, the rental period will start from the actual moment of consignment of the unit; 1.2.   Withdrawal from the contract, any payment made by the contractee shall be immediately returned to him, without interest. The Lessor will not be obliged to pay damages for the late consignment if such is not due to intention or malice. Article 2.     The unit has third party insurance. The contractee will completely reimburse the Lessor for any damage to the unit, loss of equipment or total loss of the unit, except when otherwise stated by this contact. Article 3.     The contractee must use the unit exclusively for pleasure as according to its technical characteristics, with care. Moreover, the contractee: 3.1.   cannot practice any form of commerce; 3.2.   must not allow the stated passenger capacity to be exceded; 3.3.   cannot bring any kind of animal on board; 3.4.   shall not ask to be towed, nor shall he tow another craft if not in in the case of absolute emergengy; 3.5.   shall not allow intoxicating substances on board, not even for personal use; 3.6.   cannot use the unit for water-skiing activities; 3.7.   cannot leave the port nor leave a safe point of anchorage, when the competent authority forbids navigation, or in general, when meteorological conditions at sea are such to compromise the safety of the unti or its occupants. Article 4.     The Lessor does not assume any responsibility for the impossibility of use of the unit or the interruption of the rental due to meteorological conditions or due to orders given by the authorities; in such case the contract of rental will include the duration of the entire period of the interruption even should it not be possible to use the unit for several days. Article 5.     Fuel and lubrificant are at the expense of the contractee. The contractee shall pay for the entire quantity of fuel and lubrificant consumed at the local market price. Article 6.     All damage deriving from acts of vandalism during the period in which the unit was in possession of the contractee, whether in his presenceor otherwise, will be the responsibility of the latter who will indemnify the lessor for all expenses. Article 7.     (Returning the unit) The contractee shall return the unit, on the day, at the hour and at the place specified in the contract free from any possible debt (fines, sanctions, etc.) incurred during the period of the contract. Article 8.     (Late return of unit) Should the unit not be returned within 15 minutes of the time limit specified in the contract, due to the fault of the contractee, the contractee shall pay a sum equal to double the convened daily price of rental with a franchise of 15 minutes. With respect to this contract, should the contractee terminate the rental in a place other than that agreed for the return of the unit, the time necessary to transport the unit to the agreed place of return will be considered delay. Also any expenses incurred in such transport will be paid by the contractee. Article 9.     The Lessor shall provide for maintenance and repair of the unit when these ocur within the limit of normal use to maintain the unit in conditions for the agreed use of same. Ordinary maintenance of the unit, that id the maintenance necessaty to keep the unit in the same condition of efficiency and seaworthiness in which it was consigned, is the responsibility of the contractee. Article 10.   (Withdrawal) Should the contractee, for reasons beyond his control, be obliged to withdraw from the contract before the start of the rental, he must immediately communicate same in writing to the Lessor who will be justified in withholding all payments received, without any compensation. If the Lessor can rent the unit to another contractee for the same period under equally favorable conditions as those hereby agreed, then the Lessor shall return the sum paid by the contractee to him less a sum equal to all expenses (including commission) incurred for the conclusion of this contract and for re-rental. Article 11.   The contractee shall not sublet the unit, nor shall he concede the rights deriving from this contract, without the express written permission of the Lessor Article 12.   The contractee shall constantly inform the Lessor by telephone or telegram, of the state and position of the unit. In the case of accident, damage or breakdown, the contractee must immediately communicate same to the Lessor and any repairs must be agreed and authorized in writing by the Lessor Article 13.   The Italian version of the present contract general conditions will prevail, in the event of any dispute arising from differences with the English version, since the Italian one expresses the exact will of the parts. Article 14.   According to law with the artcle 13 of legislative decree n° 196/ 2003 for the treatment of common data and subsequent amendments and modifications, the contractee has been made aware and expressly agrees that: 14.1. personal data given to the contractor, or gathered by same during the period of the rental contract, shall be used in relation to this contract, and may be used for statistics, promotions, mailing, commercial information and if necessary for settlement of outstanding debts. The aforementioned data shall be processed by the contractor with or without the use of automatic means, by way of collection, registration, organization, elaboration, preservation, modification, selection, interconnection, blocking, communication/diffusion, cancellation, destruction. 14.2. personal data may be communicated by the contractor to other companies who carry out mailing, promotional activity, commercial information or debt collection on behalf of the contractor. The contractor may also communicate such data to the relative authorities in order to obtain payment of sanctions incurred. Article 15.   (Competent Authority) For any dispute or controversy that should arise from this contract, the court of Cagliari shall be exclusively competent should the Lessor be called to court or in case of lawsuit.  


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ノッテリのパワーボート · 10名様

ヴィラシミーウスのBSC 70エレガンスRIBボートレンタル

サルディーニャ州ノッテリでのシーウォーターファントム 300 RIB レンタル
ノッテリのパワーボート · 10名様

サルディーニャ州ノッテリでのシーウォーターファントム 300 RIB レンタル

ノッテリのBSC 78エレガンスRIBボートレンタル
ノッテリのパワーボート · 12名様

ノッテリのBSC 78エレガンスRIBボートレンタル

