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Sunseeker 86 FLY de 90 piedsSunseeker 86 FLY de 90 piedsSunseeker 86 FLY de 90 piedsSunseeker 86 FLY de 90 pieds

Sunseeker 86 FLY de 90 pieds

Le Sunseeker SuperYacht de 90 pieds est un mélange étonnant de performance, de luxe et d'innovation, ce qui en fait le choix idéal pour ceux qui souhaitent vivre une expérience de navigation extraordinaire. Reconnus pour leur design avant-gardiste et leur savoir-faire de qualité supérieure, les yachts Sunseeker ont acquis la réputation d'offrir un niveau de confort et de style inégalé sur l'eau. Que vous naviguiez sur le littoral dynamique de Miami ou que vous exploriez les îles sereines des Bahamas, le Sunseeker de 90 pieds offre une plate-forme exceptionnelle pour la détente et l'aventure. Hébergement spacieux et luxueux Le Sunseeker de 90 pieds est conçu pour accueillir jusqu'à 13 personnes pour des charters d'une journée et 8 personnes dans quatre cabines opulentes, chacune avec salle de bains privative pour les charters de plusieurs jours. La suite principale est un véritable havre de paix, avec ses poutres apparentes, ses grandes fenêtres qui inondent l'espace de lumière naturelle et sa somptueuse salle de bains équipée des meilleurs équipements. La cabine VIP et les deux cabines supplémentaires sont tout aussi luxueuses, offrant suffisamment d'espace et d'intimité à tous les passagers . Les espaces extérieurs sont tout aussi impressionnants, conçus pour ceux qui aiment se divertir ou simplement se détendre au soleil. Le vaste flybridge est une caractéristique remarquable, offrant de nombreux sièges, un espace de bronzage, un bar avec évier et même un jacuzzi, idéal pour profiter du magnifique cadre. Le pont arrière est idéal pour les repas en plein air, tandis que le pont avant offre un autre espace de bronzage avec des sièges confortables. L'intérieur du yacht est un chef-d'œuvre de design moderne, avec des matériaux haut de gamme, un mobilier élégant et un aménagement ouvert qui crée une sensation d'espace et de lumière. Le salon principal est le cœur du yacht, offrant un espace confortable et élégant pour socialiser ou se détendre, avec de grandes fenêtres panoramiques offrant une vue imprenable sur la mer . Les espaces extérieurs sont tout aussi impressionnants, conçus pour ceux qui aiment se divertir ou simplement se détendre au soleil. Le vaste flybridge est une caractéristique remarquable, offrant de nombreux sièges, un espace de bronzage, un bar avec évier et même un jacuzzi, idéal pour profiter du magnifique cadre. Le pont arrière est idéal pour les repas en plein air, tandis que le pont avant offre un autre espace de bronzage avec des sièges confortables. Des performances et des équipements exaltants Les yachts Sunseeker sont réputés pour leurs performances exceptionnelles, et le Sunseeker de 90 pieds ne fait pas exception. Propulsé par deux moteurs, ce yacht peut atteindre des vitesses impressionnantes, vous permettant de parcourir des distances rapidement et confortablement. Que vous naviguiez dans les eaux calmes de la baie de Biscayne ou que vous vous rendiez aux Bahamas, les performances du yacht garantissent un voyage agréable et fluide . À bord, vous trouverez toute une gamme d'équipements conçus pour améliorer votre expérience. La cuisine entièrement équipée permet à votre chef privé de préparer des repas gastronomiques, tandis que les systèmes de divertissement ultramodernes vous divertiront. Le yacht est également livré avec une gamme de jouets nautiques, notamment des jet-skis, du matériel de plongée en apnée et des structures gonflables, pour un plaisir sans fin sur l' eau. Des itinéraires sur mesure pour votre escapade de rêve Le Sunseeker de 90 pieds est parfait pour les charters d'une journée et les voyages plus longs. Naviguez le long de la côte animée de Miami, explorez les plages isolées et les mangroves des Florida Keys, ou partez à l'aventure aux Bahamas. L'impressionnante autonomie du yacht le rend idéal pour visiter les îles, vous permettant de découvrir les eaux cristallines, les récifs coralliens colorés et le charme unique des îles des Bahamas . Un équipage expert et un service exceptionnel Un équipage professionnel et dévoué est à votre disposition pour faire en sorte que votre séjour à bord soit tout simplement exceptionnel. Qu'il s'agisse d'un service personnalisé, d'une attention aux détails ou d'une navigation et d'une sécurité expertes, l'équipage s'engage à rendre votre expérience de charter inoubliable. Qu'il s'agisse d'organiser des activités spéciales, de préparer vos plats préférés ou d'assurer votre plus grand confort, ils sont là pour répondre à tous vos besoins. Pourquoi choisir le Sunseeker Super Yach t de 90 pieds ? Choisir le super yacht Sunseeker de 90 pieds, c'est adopter un style de vie de luxe, d'aventure et de service hors pair. Ce yacht est le choix idéal pour ceux qui souhaitent célébrer une occasion spéciale, profiter d'une escapade relaxante ou partir à la découverte des Caraïbes. Avec son design sophistiqué, ses performances puissantes et la possibilité d'explorer des destinations comme les Bahamas, le Sunseeker de 90 pieds offre tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour une expérience de navigation mémorable et luxueuse . Détails : - 13 invités/4 cabines/4 salles de bains/3 membres d'équipage - Capitaine + Stew (pourboire payé directement) - Carburant - Glacière, glace, sodas, eau et serviettes - Système audio Bluetooth - 2 jet-skis, 2 Sea-bobs, Williams Tender, Wake-board, planches à pagaie, équipement de plongée en apnée

À partir de

Coût de Base
  • $1,750/hr
    4 hrs min
  • $1,334/hr
    6 hrs min
Capitaine En option
Réservez avec ou sans capitaine.


4 réservation totales
12 invités
Luxe, Événements et Grands groupes
Yacht à moteur

Vérifier la Disponibilité



4 réservation totales

Avid boater who's been sailing in most continents. I have had my Prestige Yachts for 5 years and decided to charter it for the pleasure of people visiting the Miami area.

Caractéristiques & Détails

86 Yacht
  • Climatisation
  • Bar
  • Bluetooth
  • Contrôle Climatique
  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Équipement de Sports Nautiques
  • Wi-Fi
  • Détecteur de Poissons
  • Réservoir
  • Tuba
  • GPS
  • Couchette
  • Type de carburant : Diesel
  • Moteur Double
  • Annexe
  • Cockpit Central
  • Propulseurs d'Étrave
  • Pilote Automatique
  • Moteur In-bord
  • Fly Bridge
  • Vitesse de Croisière
  • Tête
  • Système de Musique
  • Jet Ski
  • Paddleboard
  • Charter
  • Générateur
  • Toilette
  • Cabine
  • Salle de bain complète
  • Radio

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 10 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

APA (Advance Provisioning Allowance) needs to be added to the Total Price. ------- TERMS & CONDITIONS Deposit toward a trip constitutes full knowledge and acceptance of all Terms and Conditions. Bookings and Deposits: • Bookings should be made as early as possible to guarantee the departure of your choice. A deposit of $1,000 is required at the time of booking. Your booking is confirmed upon receipt of your deposit at REinvest Ventures, LLC. Unused Arrangements: • Because the rates of REinvest Ventures, LLC. are based on seasoning pricing or a minimum number of nights requirements, no refund can be made for any accommodation, service, or feature not used. If cancellation occurs while the trip is in progress, no refund can be made for the portion not used. All other claims for refunds must be made within 30 days after completion of the trip; otherwise, no refunds will be made. All appropriate receipts and documentation must accompany the refund request. Cancellation Policy: • A deposit toward a booking constitutes full knowledge and acceptance of the cancellation policy. Cancellation must be received in writing (along with all travel documents) before it is processed. Regardless of the cause, the following terms will apply upon the cancellation of our regular tours. Special tours or promotional tours may have different cancellation terms. Penalties: • Booking to 61 days prior to departure: No penalty. • 60 days to 15 days prior to departure: 50% of total cost. • 14 days to 7 days prior to departure: 75% of total cost. • Less then 7 days to departure or while on trip: 100% of the total cost. • For some tours (such as special promotions, winter specials, etc.) full non-refundable payment may be required at the time of booking. In this case, there will be no refund made in case of cancellation. Fuel Surcharge : • REinvest Ventures, LLC reserve the right to add a Fuel Surcharge based on the actual barrel price. Cost of the Tour Does Not Include: • Visas, wines, liquor, food, and all items of a personal nature; items not on set menus, expenses of guides, buses or cars to a delivery location not included in the itinerary, health, accident, baggage, and “trip cancellation” insurance; also gratuity to the crew, and other items not mentioned as being included. Insurance: • REinvest Ventures, LLC cannot be held responsible or liable for loss, damage, or theft of personal luggage and belongings, nor can we be liable for personal injury, accident, or illness. You can purchase additional insurance from either your insurance broker to cover personal effects and accidents and health. Passports and Visas: • It is the clients’ responsibility to make sure they have valid passports and visas to enter their destination countries. Important Notice: • REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right to decline or retain any person as a passenger if a person's health, mental condition, physical infirmity, or general deportment impedes the operation of the tour or the rights, welfare, or enjoyment of other tour passengers. In this case, a refund of unused land tour services is the limit of REinvest Ventures, LLC 's liability. REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right to not operate any one of the tours offered without notice. On rare occasions, we may need to cancel your tour. If we have to cancel your tour for any particular reason, we will inform you as soon as is reasonably possible. In these circumstances, we will, if we are able to do so, offer you an alternative tour of equivalent or closely similar standard and price at no extra cost, or a less expensive holiday, in which case we will refund the difference in price. If you do not wish to take the alternative you will receive a full refund of the amount paid. Weather Clause: • The Vessel and other transportation companies whose services are featured in these tours are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event during the time passengers are not on board their respective conveyances. The passage contract in use by these companies when issued shall constitute the sole contract between the companies and the purchaser of these tours and/or passages. REinvest Ventures, LLC does not assume responsibility for cancellation fees. Responsibility: • REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right, without notice, to withdraw any part or all of the tour and to make such changes as may be necessary and the extra cost, if any, resulting, therefore, shall be paid by the tour members. Except where otherwise stated, REinvest Ventures, LLC acts only as an agent in securing vessel, transportation, and other travel services, and in no event shall REinvest Ventures, LLC shall be liable in the event of any failure by any person or company to render any transportation, or other travel services to be provided on the tour. All vessels, transportation and other travel services are provided to tour members subject to all the terms and conditions under which they are offered to the public generally. Neither REinvest Ventures, LLC nor its agents shall be liable for any personal injury, property loss or other damage to any tour member sustained on the tour whether arising out of or incident to the tour or otherwise. REinvest Ventures, LLC is not responsible for luggage lost or left behind by passengers; any costs incurred will be the responsibility of the passenger. Any dispute arising out of this trip will be settled in the courts of the city of Miami, FL. Force Major REinvest Ventures, LLC will not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalization, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, pandemic, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of power sources. Note: • Inclement weather may necessitate changes in the itinerary as outlined in the responsibility clause. There may also be other circumstances in which changes (such as vessel replacements) become necessary or advisable. Any savings realized by these changes will be passed on to the passengers and, any resultant expenses shall be borne by the passengers. DISCLAIMER LEGAL & COPYRIGHT WEBSITE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE. General: Your use of the Yacht Charter Network website is governed by these terms and conditions which should be read in conjunction with details provided on the website about how it operates and the services it makes available. For all inquiries or if you experience problems with our website or have comments please contact the Yacht Charter Network office in Miami. Important Disclaimer: ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SITE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THIRD PARTIES, AND REinvest Ventures, LLC IS PROVIDING THIS SITE ON AN ‘AS IS’ BASIS AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THIS SITE OR ITS CONTENTS AND DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. IN ADDITION, REinvest Ventures, LLC MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR SUITABILITY FOR ANY PURPOSE OF THE INFORMATION AND RELATED GRAPHICS PUBLISHED ON THIS SITE. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THIS SITE MAY CONTAIN TECHNICAL INACCURACIES OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. ALL LIABILITY OF REinvest Ventures, LLC HOWSOEVER ARISING FOR ANY SUCH INACCURACIES OR ERRORS IS EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. NEITHER REinvest Ventures, LLC NOR ANY OF ITS DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS SITE. THIS IS A COMPREHENSIVE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THAT APPLIES TO ALL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) COMPENSATORY, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF DATA, INCOME OR PROFIT, LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, AND CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES. Nothing on this website constitutes advice, nor does the transmission, downloading or sending of any information create any contractual relationship. Prices and indications as to the availability of yachts, captains, and crew on this website are given for guidance purposes only and are subject to change without notice. REinvest Ventures, LLC is not responsible for the content of external websites that link to this website or which are linked from it. Use of Site: REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right to withdraw its website at any time and without prior warning. REinvest Ventures, LLC will endeavor to advise users of its website in advance of any withdrawal, whether such withdrawal is temporary or permanent. Links to this Website: REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right at its discretion to prohibit any link from another internet website or equivalent entity to materials or information on this website. Without prejudice to that, any link to material or information on this website must be neither misleading nor deceptive and must fairly indicate REinvest Ventures, LLC or as the destination of the link. Copyright and Related Rights: All content, designs, text, graphics, software compilations, and source codes on this website are the copyright of REinvest Ventures, LLC and/or its content providers. Reproduction of part or all of the contents of this website in any form is prohibited other than for individual use only and may not be recopied and shared with a third party. The permission to recopy by an individual does not allow for incorporation of material or any part of it in any work or publication, whether in hard copy, electronic, or any other form. Any other use of the website without prior written consent from REinvest Ventures, LLC is strictly forbidden. Trademarks: REinvest Ventures, LLC trademarks are registered marks used under license by REinvest Ventures, LLC and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of their owner. Other organizations and company names referred to on this website may be the trademarks of their respective owners as indicated. Disputes: You and REinvest Ventures, LLC agree that any disputes arising from your use of this website will be subject to English law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Amendments: REinvest Ventures, LLC reserves the right to change or amend these website terms and conditions without prior notice.

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