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Acadia/Mount Desert Island Naviguez à bord du ketch à voile classique de 46 piedsAcadia/Mount Desert Island Naviguez à bord du ketch à voile classique de 46 piedsAcadia/Mount Desert Island Naviguez à bord du ketch à voile classique de 46 piedsAcadia/Mount Desert Island Naviguez à bord du ketch à voile classique de 46 pieds

Acadia/Mount Desert Island Naviguez à bord du ketch à voile classique de 46 pieds

Avec Capitaine

2 réservation

Naviguez à bord d'un huître classique de 46 pieds gréé au ketch à Southwest Harbor, dans le Maine et à Mount Desert Island, avec le capitaine et l'équipage fournis. Nous proposons des excursions qui partent à 9h, 13h ou 17h pour chaque traversée de deux heures ou réservez des voiles privées plus longues pour vous et les vôtres ! Tarifs : Visite privée (2 heures) : 580$ Partagé (2 heures) 99$ par personne, réservation minimum pour 2 personnes, jusqu'à 6 personnes À moins que la réservation du navire privé n'ait été achetée, il est possible d'être jumelé à d'autres personnes sur la voile, pour un total de 6 personnes par voyage.



46 réservation totales
6 invités


46 réservation totales

The story of our logo... Our Logo consists of 3 images, our boat, Manukai, the world, and the sun… So, why did we pick them and what do they mean to us? Well, after losing two boats in the unprecedented hurricanes of 2017 that struck the Caribbean, two Category 5 hurricanes back to back within 2 weeks of each other, we very much value our vessel. Especially Manukai, as she ended up being our dreamboat. After losing everything, and then some, we went back to the mainland to re-group and figure out the next step. Our very dear friend and fellow Sailor, Captain Joe, told us to write down everything we wanted on our new boat, from the type of vessel to the configuration and the style of sinks so we did. Nicholas and I sat down together listing off everything we wanted on a small piece of paper, we folded it into a boat and put it on the bookshelf. I went and visited my Grandfather, who was a long time sailor on the East Coast and he wrote down all the places where we should look for a new vessel. From that handwritten scrap of paper we found Manukai in a small New England boatyard under dirt, grime, grease and with her engine completely torn apart. We had seen several boats up and down the coast but as we drove up to Manukai and before even stepping out of the borrowed car we were driving, Nicholas and I looked at each other and simultaneously said, “I think this is our boat.” We climbed aboard and despite the entire engine being in pieces, the floorboards being ripped apart and everything in complete disarray we knew she was ours. And, yes, she had everything we had written down. It took 6 months longer for us to get any money from our horrible insurance company and we almost lost her not once, but twice to two other people, yet somehow we still acquired her and for less than we had initially offered. So, Manukai is the forefront of our Logo because she’s our dream vessel, and sails like a bird in the wind. We wanted the world in our logo for the same reason we chose Latitudes instead of Latitude because we would like to eventually sail all around the world and yet also be reminded that no matter where we are it’s still a beautiful world and we’re fortunate to be here regardless of where we end up. The sun peeking over the horizon is there to show that even if all seems dark and terrible, the sun’s around the corner and if we can just hold on long enough it’ll come out… The words Let’s Go Sailing are at the top because if you’re sailing, you’ve already arrived just keep going.

Caractéristiques & Détails

46 Ketch
  • Cuisine et Four
  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Profondimètre
  • GPS
  • Génois sur Enrouleur
  • Moteur Simple
  • Voilier
  • Charter
  • Toilette
  • Cabine
  • Radio

Emplacement Approximatif

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Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte
Emplacement Approximatif

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

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