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Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton BeachPonton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton BeachPonton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton BeachPonton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach

Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach


4.2(6 avis) ·
13 réservation

Envie d'une journée inoubliable au bord de l'eau à Fort Walton Beach, en Floride ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que notre ponton Avalon de 25 pieds, le bateau idéal pour passer une journée inoubliable entre amis et en famille ou pour une aventure de sports nautiques passionnante. Grâce à son aménagement spacieux, vous aurez suffisamment d'espace pour vous détendre, vous divertir et admirer la vue imprenable sur la côte de Floride. Cet ajout palpitant fera passer votre journée sur l'eau à un niveau supérieur, offrant des heures de divertissement interminables pour tous les âges. Avec une capacité de 12 personnes, il y a suffisamment de place pour que tous vos amis et votre famille puissent s'amuser.



42 réservation totales
12 invités
Bateaux à moteur, Pontons et embarcation pneumatique rigide


4.2 (6 avis)
  • Précision de l'Annonce

  • Départ & Retour

  • Vaisseau & Équipement

  • Communication

  • Valeur

  • Itinéraire & Expérience

  1. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  2. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  3. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  4. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  5. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  6. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
  7. Ponton Avalon à deux étages de 25 pieds à Fort Walton Beach
7 photos ont été ajoutées par les clients ayant réservé ce bateau.
  1. PU


    Great experience. Will be coming back

  2. Jessica

    We had a great time. Clean, fun boat! Only issue was the anchor seemed to be to small for the boat as it was rated at 24 ft for this 25 ft boat. While at crab island we had to continually reset the anchor which was a pain. We moved to the shoreline where there wasn’t as much movement in the water and got the anchor set. Communication was great and accurate, very helpful staff

  3. MZ


    The responsiveness of Monique at the beginning to get the boat booking is quick. After the booking we did not hear from him, we reached out to him days before to get the address of meeting. When we arrived to the boat site, it took 30 minutes upon our arrival to complete paperwork. During that time, at the counter, we learned that every adult who will be on the boat needs to sign an operator agreement as a boat renter, not just the people who originally rented the boat. The operators then needed to be listed and provide the office desk their licenses to photocopy. Due to the delay of the time spent in the office, Monique did approve us staying on the boat 30min longer. Once we got on the boat, we lifted the side storage for life jackets and 4 water roaches- cockroaches- swarmed around in the morning daylight. The owner stated this is normal for this area and every boat has them. Use your own discretion on that. I am not sure personally, but that is what happened to us. The final concern was overall upkeep up the boat. When my husband, captain of the boat, sat down in the captain chair with his white fishing shirt on, he got up and a large rust stain from the driver's seat stained his shirt. The boat could use updating and better care.

  4. Avery

    Someone dropped the ball from the beginning. I was made "an offer", I accepted the offer and then did not hear from the listing owner. I was only able to effectively communicate with the listing broker. After two messages on the GetMyBoat app, a text message, an email, and a phone call I had not heard from the owner of the listing until the 8:05am, the morning of our 9:30am listing. Listing owner claimed that GetMyBoat did not notify him of the reservation but was able to pull up my listing immediately after I checked in. Blamed GetMyBoat. I was offered a different pontoon at that boats daily rate but that was also contingent on someone's cancellation. The other customer did cancel so we were able to use that boat. The boat was in terrible condition. Gauges were broken out of the dash. The KEY was stuck in the ignition, luckily it was able to start with the nub lift on the key ring. We brought inflatables and a 12V pump. The 12V outlet worked 1/4 of the time we tried to use it. Gunwale panels on the pontoon, outboard cowling, pontoon logs, Bimini top, ALL access doors were all broken prior to our reservation. The ladder was not secure and was no way if securing while underway. On GetMyBoats end of the business I can only recommend investing resources into communication with your vendors/listing owners and on the listing owners side I would highly recommend some more routine maintenance and communication with your listing brokers. We did pay less than we originally intended but to my knowledge it was not a discount for the inconveniences. The only appropriate form of reconciliation and compensation would be a complete refund for our botched reservation.

  5. JS




42 réservation totales

Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Type de carburant : Essence
  • Moteur Simple
  • Bimini
  • Moteur hors-bord

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte
Emplacement Approximatif

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

Vous devez être âgé de 18 ans et présenter une pièce d'identité et un certificat de plaisancier pour louer et conduire un bateau. Un dépôt de garantie de 250$ sera remboursé à la fin de la location s'il n'y a pas de dommages. 12 personnes maximum sur les bateaux. Les bateaux ne sont pas autorisés dans le golfe du Mexique. Le conducteur ne doit pas être sous l'influence de drogues, d'alcool ou de médicaments susceptibles d'altérer votre conduite.

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