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Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !

Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !

Avec Capitaine

5.0(38 avis) ·
62 réservation

Profitez d'une balade relaxante en ponton à Washington, dans le district de Columbia ! Réservez le ponton Sanpan 2500 RE pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 10 personnes. Ce ponton Sanpan offre le confort d'un salon sur l'eau. Planifiez votre enterrement de vie de jeune fille ou jeune fille, votre soirée entre femmes, votre journée de divertissement en famille ou simplement une journée de détente. Réservation minimum de 2 heures pour toutes les locations Pas de frais supplémentaires pour le capitaine, pas de frais supplémentaires pour l'essence. Un capitaine professionnel inclus dans le prix, garantissant votre sécurité et votre plaisir tout au long du voyage. Admirez les vues pittoresques de Washington, DC, et créez des souvenirs inoubliables avec vos proches en naviguant sur le Potomac avec style .



102 réservation totales
10 invités
Bateaux à moteur, Pontons et embarcation pneumatique rigide


5.0 (38 avis)
  • Précision de l'Annonce

  • Départ & Retour

  • Vaisseau & Équipement

  • Communication

  • Valeur

  • Itinéraire & Expérience

  1. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  2. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  3. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  4. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  5. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  6. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  7. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  8. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  9. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  10. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  11. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
  12. Ponton Sanpan 2500 RE à Washington, salon confortable sur l'eau !
25 photos ont été ajoutées par les clients ayant réservé ce bateau.
  1. GA


    Mike was awesome ! We celebrated my friends bachelorette party and he took care of us from beginning to end. He was very fun, communicative and made sure we got to enjoy a swim before a storm rolled out towards the end. He was well prepared with all the supplies we would need and gave us good tips during the trip of places to stop by or take pictures of. During the storm, he let us stay extra time on the boat to get cover and made sure we were safe. Thank you Mike ! ! We had a blast.

  2. Natasha

    Hats off to Mike!! He fit right in with our group! we enjoyed wading the waters with him. He made sure we were comfortable, safe, and had everything we needed. Gave time before boarding to make sure bathroom breaks were made and everything! Lol Thanks again Mike for making our bachelorette experience great!

  3. Tanyea

    Mike was great! Easy to work with and a lot of fun onboard. He cracked some jokes with our group and let us party and do our thing. I will definitely book with him again! We celebrated a Bachelorette party with 9 people onboard. There was plenty of space for everyone to sit and plenty of open space to dance and move around. Bluetooth sound system on board had good sound. Highly recommend!

  4. AF


    Booked a 2 hour ride for a Bachelorette party of 5. The boat looked as shown and Mike was the best driver. We brought our own cooler with drinks and karaoke mics. Needless to say we had a good time and I think Mike had just as much fun laughing at/with us. Mike just sat back and let us do our thing. Highly recommend.

  5. Dina

    If you’re looking for a trusted Captain, look no further! Mike was awesome, his boat is lovely and clean and he showed us a wonderful time. We will definitely go for a cruise on the Potomac with Mike again. Especially appreciate his guidance on safety, including providing infant life vests, his responsiveness before the trip and his pleasant presence. You will not regret it. Book now!!



102 réservation totales

There is not a place more relaxing andor peaceful than being on the water. A day or evening on the water with friends, family, or sweetheart is time well spent. You don't have to own a boat to enjoy one. Enjoy mine!!

Caractéristiques & Détails

2200 Re-3

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte
Emplacement Approximatif

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 5 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

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