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Superyacht de luxe Azimut de 85 pieds à Puerto Vallarta (nourriture incluse)Superyacht de luxe Azimut de 85 pieds à Puerto Vallarta (nourriture incluse)Superyacht de luxe Azimut de 85 pieds à Puerto Vallarta (nourriture incluse)Superyacht de luxe Azimut de 85 pieds à Puerto Vallarta (nourriture incluse)

Superyacht de luxe Azimut de 85 pieds à Puerto Vallarta (nourriture incluse)

Notre objectif est de proposer une expérience 100 % nautique mexicaine ⚓ Nous vous assurons que l'expérience sera aussi bonne que celle que vous pourrez trouver n'importe où dans le monde, tout en profitant de la beauté de l'océan Pacifique, et les Mexicains préviennent notre peuple. Nous voulons vous offrir une expérience dont vous vous souviendrez longtemps à bord de DON, by Azimut, qui offre le summum du luxe en mer. Majestueuse, robuste et panoramique, c'est vraiment une maison flottante loin de chez soi qui allie à la perfection design contemporain, beauté époustouflante et variété de commodités. 💫 👫🏽 Prix pour 12 passagers Dans le prix, nous incluons certaines collations et boissons telles que : -Du vin de bienvenue -Des sodas -De l'eau en bouteille -Cocktail tropical à la tequila -Montaditos au thon épicé -Tapas au proscioutto -Guacamole -Ceviche au fromage Panela ⚓ Nous allons dans n'importe quel port de plaisance , service de navette disponible moyennant des frais supplémentaires 🕑 Heure supplémentaire 1 320 USD 👫🏽 Passager supplémentaire 117$ (jusqu'à 25) Parce que nous savons que vous voulez garder un souvenir inoubliable, nous proposons les services suivants que vous pouvez ajouter à votre voyage (moyennant des frais supplémentaires) : 📷 Photographe professionnel 🚐 Transport terrestre de votre logement au quai 👩🏻‍🍼 Baby-sitter 🛒 Service de shopping 🎧 DJ 🎉 Décoration thématique 👨🏻‍🍳 Chef, menu de trois plats 🛥️ Wave runner Comme tout autre bateau, nous vous offrirons également la possibilité de pratiquer les activités suivantes : Observation des - baleines (en saison, de novembre à février) 🐳 Promenez-vous dans - la baie, avec la possibilité de naviguer autour de l'île de Marietas. (Veuillez tenir compte des exigences de temps avant de la réserver) Nous vous proposons le meilleur prix que vous puissiez trouver dans la baie pour cette expérience. Nous acceptons également les animaux de compagnie ! Alors, emmenez votre ami avec vous. Nous vous recommandons de consulter d'abord votre vétérinaire, nous voulons que tout le monde passe un bon moment ! Si vous avez des questions, nous pouvons y répondre via la plateforme de messagerie de GetMyBoat avant que vous ne payiez. Cliquez simplement sur « Envoyer une demande » et envoyez-nous une demande pour une offre personnalisée. Comme il n'y en a plus, rendez-vous à bord !

À partir de

Coût de Base
  • $2,200/hr
    4 hrs min
  • $1,759/hr
    6 hrs min
Capitaine inclus
Le coût de base inclut le capitaine.


16 réservation totales
25 invités
Luxe, Événements et Grands groupes

Vérifier la Disponibilité



16 réservation totales

Hola, my name's José, and I'm proudly Mexican! Me living in Jalisco my whole life, I cannot stop surprising myself on how beautiful our country is and how proud of it I am. And I want to share that beauty with the people who visit us, from all over. We offer our boats so you can have the opportunity to do it with style!

Caractéristiques & Détails

43 FLY - BJ. 2007 - NUR 350 BSTD

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte

Politique d'Annulation

50 % remboursé jusqu'à 30 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

Terms and Conditions General 1. We offer exclusive boat trips in Bahia de Banderas and surroundings areas. 2. We reserve the right to change routes as well as start and end locations when weather conditions, shallows, or other legitimate reasons so require. We will, as far as possible, inform passengers thereof in a timely manner. 3. By booking a trip or renting the boat you are accepting the terms and conditions of us. Boat Rental 1. The minimum rental for a cruise is four hours. 2. Boat rental from us always includes the crew 3. It is not allowed to sublet the boat to a third party. Waiting Periods and Delays 1. In case of a group booking the Captain will wait up to 15 minutes. After this time, the group will be considered as not shown up and you will not be entitled to a refund of the boat rental amount as stated in the invoice and ordered catering if applicable. 2. If the group arrives late the Captain will determine whether to cancel or to sail. Waiting time is always sailing time. Waiting time cannot be added at the end of the trip. Execution of the Contract 1. Valid reasons for the annulment of the contract are weather conditions, hindering, or making the cruise impossible. The Captain determines in the first instance whether such conditions apply. 2. In case of misconduct, whether or not caused by alcohol consumption, the Captain has the right to pause or immediately terminate the trip. Persons who are already under the influence of alcohol/drugs at the start of the tour will be denied access to the boat. The customer’s payment obligation remains existent. 3. Alcohol under the age of 18 is prohibited. We reserve the right to request a photo ID. 4.Passengers must follow all instructions of us or its employees promptly and without delay. Access to vessels and jetties may be denied without a reason being provided, should this be deemed necessary by us, for example in relation to capacity, safety, public order, or the imminent threat of damage or nuisance. Liability 1. We are not liable for any damage to and/or loss of the passenger’s property. The passenger takes all their property on board entirely at their own risk. 2. We are not liable for damages to individuals or passengers’ goods, caused by entering or boarding a jetty or boat. The passenger enters these areas entirely at their own risk. Liability passenger 1 The passenger is liable for damages caused by the passenger to the property/goods used by us or third parties. 2. All activities organized by us take place entirely at the passengers’ own risk. General Liability 1. We are not liable for personal injury or damage of any nature, regardless of its cause, prior, during, or as a result of the trip. The exception to this is damage caused by a deliberate act or the gross negligence of us. The statutory damages are limited to the price of the boat rental of the trip in question. 2. Children fall under the responsibility of the parent(s). On request, a life jacket can be provided. 3. Should we not be able to comply with their obligations due to force majeure, there is no entitlement to restitution or compensation. Payment and Cancellation 1. In the case of a accept a booking: in agreement on our offer, we will first send you a written confirmation of the booking. The booking shall be paid prior to the trip. 2. The client may cancel the order in writing only. 3. In the case of a booking more than 15 days prior to the trip: when you cancel within 30 days prior to the day of the cruise, 50% of the total cost is due. If you want to cancel within 29 days before the day of the cruise, the full price is due. 4. In the case of a booking within 15 days of the trip: when you cancel within 3 days prior to the day of the cruise, 50% of the total cost is due. If you want to cancel within 1 day before the day of the cruise, the full price is due. Final Provisions 1. Passengers shall be deemed to follow the instructions of the crew on quay, jetty, and boat. 2 The passenger is expected to take care of the environment and not to dispose of waste in the water. All personal consumptions and the associated waste should be taken off the boat after the end of the trip. 3. Obvious errors and mistakes in the information provided, and/or published by us will not bind us. Complaints 1. If the participant finds a shortcoming in the implementation of the agreement, we shall be notified as soon as possible, so that we can find an appropriate solution. If the shortcoming is not resolved within a reasonable period of time and affects the quality of the arrangement or activity, this should be reported as soon as possible to us. 2. If the complaint is not satisfactorily dealt with on the spot, it can be submitted within 14 days from the end of the arrangement or activity in writing to us. A clearly specified account of what the complaints are should be presented.

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