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Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louerPonton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louerPonton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louerPonton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer

Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer

Avec Capitaine

5.0(135 avis) ·
195 réservation

Passez la journée sur le magnifique lac Norman au départ du parc Ramsey Creek avec vos amis et votre famille. Profitez de tout ce que le lac a à offrir et profitez-en avec style sur ce luxueux ponton de Bennington impeccablement entretenu. Peut accueillir jusqu'à 10 personnes à des tarifs aussi bas que 90$ de l'heure et comprend un réservoir d'essence plein . Les autres équipements incluent un système stéréo Sony, un haut-parleur Bluetooth Party et une glacière pour garder vos boissons glacées.



297 réservation totales
10 invités
Bateaux à moteur, Pontons et embarcation pneumatique rigide


5.0 (135 avis)
  • Précision de l'Annonce

  • Départ & Retour

  • Vaisseau & Équipement

  • Communication

  • Valeur

  • Itinéraire & Expérience

  1. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  2. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  3. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  4. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  5. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  6. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  7. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  8. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  9. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  10. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  11. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
  12. Ponton Lake Norman 21XL Bennington à louer
194 photos ont été ajoutées par les clients ayant réservé ce bateau.
  1. Colleen

    Robert was so easy to work with. He was very responsive and answered all of our questions. He met us at the dock on time and made our departure and return go very smoothly. We were assigned Captain Johnny for our trip and he was the best! He was very communicative and attended to all of our needs! I highly recommend both Robert and Johnny!

  2. BM


    Mr. Robert was great with assisting with any questions I had, always communicated in a timely manner and just great all around throughout the booking process! Capt. Spark was amaxing and placed our safety above all to insure we had a fun and safe time, definitely a great vibe! I will only be booking with them from now on!

  3. LS


    Robert is amazing! From the beginning (before reservation) Robert was prompt and very clear with his service. Punctual and accessible for questions and guidance. He made our boat ride very enjoyable. He has a beautiful personality and is very knowledgeable.

  4. Jenna

    Robert was awesome! We had two 11 year old boys with us who couldn’t get enough of tubing with Robert. My hubby and I loved it too! Our trip with Robert was the highlight of our entire vacation (and we’ve done lots of fun stuff). Robert was so cool to talk to, made sure we were all comfortable and having the best time. We Will definitely be coming back to boat with Robert.

  5. Krystal

    We had an excellent and fun experience. We had a great time with Captain Sparkz. Rob made accommodations because we were running late which was so considerate! They were an awesome team and we had an amazing time. We were so relaxed and were able to get in the water with the tube and floaties. The private island pit stops with the beaches were great. The tour by the captain was a plus! He knew the area super well. We will definitely be booking again! This was an unforgettable experience!



297 réservation totales

Caractéristiques & Détails

SX 22 Swingback
  • Bluetooth
  • Gilets de sauvetage/équipement de sécurité requis
  • Équipement de Sports Nautiques
  • Détecteur de Poissons
  • Profondimètre
  • GPS
  • Barre de Remorquage
  • Guide
  • Remorque
  • Équipement de Ski/Remorquage
  • Remorquable
  • Type de carburant : Essence
  • Moteur Simple
  • Lecteur CD
  • Bimini
  • Barre à Roue
  • Système de Musique
  • Radio

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte
Emplacement Approximatif

Politique d'Annulation

Remboursement intégral jusqu'à 2 jours avant.

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