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62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”

62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”

Avec Capitaine

4.8(111 avis) ·
203 réservation

PRIX INSENSÉ DU LUNDI AU VENDREDI đŸ’” đŸ’” CE MAGNIFIQUE YACHT DE 90 MÈTRES DISPOSE DE TOUTE LA NOURRITURE, DE 4 SALLES DE BAIN, DE 4 CHAMBRES, D'UNE CUISINE, D'UN RÉFRIGÉRATEUR, D'UN SALON ET D'UNE SALLE À MANGER . NOUS VOUS PERMETTONS D'APPORTER TOUS TYPES DE NOURRITURE ET DE BOISSONS ALCOOLISÉES (À L'EXCEPTION DU VIN ROUGE) À BORD. NOUS AURONS 1 CAPITAINE ET UN SECOND QUI SERONT CHOISIS PAR LE LOCATAIRE UNE FOIS LA RÉSERVATION TERMINÉE SUR LA PAGE . NOUS SOMMES SITUÉS AU BORD DE LA RIVIÈRE MIAMI ; L'ADRESSE EXACTE VOUS SERA ENVOYÉE UNE FOIS LA RÉSERVATION ACCEPTÉE. POLITIQUE D'ANNULATION : remboursement de 50 % si le voyage est annulĂ© 20 jours avant. Remboursement Ă  100 % si : 1. 80 % de risque de pluie ou plus (en moyenne sur la pĂ©riode de location) selon l'emplacement de Miami Beach. BASÉ UNIQUEMENT SUR L'APPLICATION GOOGLE WEATHER. 2. Vents de 25 mi/h ou plus le jour de la location. (moyenne sur votre pĂ©riode de location) sur la base de Miami Beach comme lieu de location. BASÉ UNIQUEMENT SUR L'APPLICATION GOOGLE WEATHER. - Dans tout autre cas ou situation, il sera nĂ©cessaire que les deux parties conviennent d'un terme Ă©quitable.



558 réservation totales
16 invités
Luxe, ÉvĂ©nements et Grands groupes
Yacht Ă  moteur


4.8 (111 avis)
  • PrĂ©cision de l'Annonce

  • DĂ©part & Retour

  • Vaisseau & Équipement

  • Communication

  • Valeur

  • ItinĂ©raire & ExpĂ©rience

  1. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  2. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  3. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  4. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  5. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  6. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  7. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  8. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  9. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  10. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  11. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
  12. 62' Azimut || Flybridge-1,200 $4 h đŸ’” đŸ’”
407 photos ont été ajoutées par les clients ayant réservé ce bateau.
  1. Natali

    From start to finish everything was seamless and exceeded our expectations, providing us with a fantastic experience! The booking process was a breeze, thanks to excellent and fast communication from Alexa and Mariana. They were incredibly helpful and made sure all our questions were answered promptly. On the day of our booking, finding the boat was easy, and the team was ready and waiting for us right on time. As soon as we stepped on board, we were impressed by the cleanliness and spaciousness of the boat. With 11 girls, we were thrilled to find there was more than enough room for everyone to move around comfortably, whether we were lounging at the front, upstairs, or at the back. Throughout the 5 hours we spent on the water, our captain and mate were absolute gems, making sure we had the time of our lives. They were not only professional but also incredibly fun and accommodating. The sound system was amazing, with the music playing from all areas of the boat. Overall, we couldn't have asked for a better experience. We can't wait until we are back in Miami and can book again. Highly recommend this boat and team for anyone looking for a memorable and hassle-free boating experience.

  2. Samantha

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Alexa was extremely communicative throughout the entire process. Juan Carlos was an amazing captain and Pavel truly ensured that all guests had a great time. I took my family for the first time to Miami on the 52’ Sea Ray. This trip is one my family and I will remember forever and I am so grateful to Alexa and her team, for everything. They truly did an amazing job. Alexa even allowed for my dog to attend. That was the best part of the trip 😊

  3. SA


    Zero complaints, everything was super smooth and easy. Alexa was very communicative and ensured everything was in order so we had absolutely no worries. The boat looked much better in person too. Very great value. We all had a phenomenal time and it was everyone's favorite part of the Bachelor trip. Would HIGHLY recommend!

  4. FR


    My family and I had an amazing day. Even during the 20 minute storm at the beginning of our trip, the crew was amazingly attentive, helpful and always ensured we had what we needed. The boat was also spacious and perfect for our family. Look forward to riding with them again in the future!

  5. Reginald

    Everything was wonderful. I live here so I’ve been of several yacht cruises but for the rest of my family it was their first time and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Loved the ease and affordability of booking. The captain and crew were so nice and attentive. We had a great time thank you



558 réservation totales

Live a wonderful experience with our best captains and an excellent service for you to enjoy with your family and friends. Popular destinations: Monument Island, Star Island, Nixon sandbar, Haulover sandbar, Miami Beach, Marine Stadium, Biscayne bay, Miami River!

Caractéristiques & Détails

  • Climatisation
  • Bar
  • Bluetooth
  • Gilets de sauvetage/Ă©quipement de sĂ©curitĂ© requis
  • Wi-Fi
  • Barre de Remorquage
  • Guide
  • Remorque
  • Type de carburant : Diesel
  • Fly Bridge
  • SystĂšme de Musique
  • 3 Places
  • Jet Ski
  • GĂ©nĂ©rateur
  • Toilette
  • Cabine
  • Piscine

Emplacement Approximatif

Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.

Emplacement approximatif du bateau sur une carte
Emplacement Approximatif

Politique d'Annulation

80 % remboursé jusqu'à 15 jours avant.

Termes et Informations Additionnels

- POLITIQUE D'ANNULATION DES CONDITIONS MÉTÉOROLOGIQUES ‱ Si, pendant les heures de voyage, le pourcentage moyen de probabilitĂ© de pluie est supĂ©rieur Ă  50 % EN MOYENNE HORAIRE (indiquĂ© sur le site Web d'Accuweather toutes les heures), l'affrĂ©teur est en droit de reporter la rĂ©servation du voyage ou d'obtenir un remboursement. ‱ En cas d'accord, une fois le voyage commencĂ©, il n'y aura pas de remboursement ni de report (sauf indication contraire avant le dĂ©part). À titre de rĂ©fĂ©rence, nous utilisons le site Web Accuweather (toutes les heures). Si vous avez des questions, nous pouvons y rĂ©pondre via la plateforme de messagerie de GetMyBoat avant que vous ne payiez. Cliquez simplement sur « Demande de rĂ©servation » et envoyez-nous une demande pour une offre personnalisĂ©e. N'oubliez pas : Les frais de quai doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©glĂ©s Ă  la marina, les frais de quai sont payĂ©s directement Ă  la marina pour couvrir le transport et le retour. parking inclus pour 2 voitures maximum

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