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2020 22 SSR Bennington Excellent bateau pour une journée au soleil en famille ou le bateau idéal pour sortir et faire la fête avec un groupe d'amis et de famille. Si vous voulez des équipements supplémentaires, demandez simplement à BBQ GRILL 75$ /TUBE 50$ . Venez louer ce Bennington 2020 de 22 pieds, parfait pour sortir en famille pendant la journée. Nous avons un minimum de 4 heures et un maximum de 8 heures, sauf indication contraire. Prix : 4 heures : 350$ 8 heures : 700$ Si vous avez des questions, nous pouvons y répondre via la plateforme de messagerie de GetMyBoat avant que vous ne payiez. Cliquez simplement sur « Envoyer une demande » et envoyez-nous une demande pour une offre personnalisée. Les prix sont susceptibles d'augmenter pendant les vacances. Merci de prévoir un préavis de 24 heures pour réserver .
Chris is awesome. The boat is great. He was very understanding. I was not familiar with the area and got turned around. That delayed my departure. Chris only concern was us enjoying the day on the water. He worked it out to where we did not lose any time. I highly recommend his services as a captain and the use of his very large pontoon. Also, if it's a party you're having....The sound system delivers Thanks Chris
Chris was wonderful at communicating timely every step of the way. He was very nice, outgoing, and cool to work with. Great pontoon boat with an excellent speaker system. Even with a last minute hiccup, he was extremely accommodating and let us extend our time for no extra cost. Highly recommend!
We left from the public ramp in Fernandina, went over to Cumberland ALAN back down to St. Mary’s, stopped at some beaches in which Shaylynn rode through Fernandina. Met Chris for back at the boat ramp had a wonderful time Christopher could not have been nicer. I highly recommend, renting his boat for anyone visiting the area.
Loved the trip! We went to shark tooth beach and found a few shark teeth. We did a memorial for my sister and Christopher was kind and patient. Thoroughly would recommend him for a great time on the water.
Chris was a great guy to rent from…professional, polite and understanding. He was responsive to questions, and made sure we had everything we needed. Would definitely recommend!
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