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Incroyable location de ponton Suntracker pour 10 personnes Ă New Smyrna Beach, en Floride. Tarifs Ă partir de 425$ par jour. Des voyages avec capitaine sont Ă©galement disponibles et les prix dĂ©pendent de ce que vous souhaitez faire. Renseignez-vous pour votre journĂ©e spĂ©ciale sur l'eau ! Heures de capitaine licenciĂ© par l'USCG . 9 h Ă 17 h pour une journĂ©e complĂšte. Demi-journĂ©e de 9 h Ă 1 h ou de 1 Ă 5 h si disponible. Le client paie ses frais de carburant. S'il y a 6 adultes et que le poids est Ă©gal Ă 1370 livres. Je ne recommanderais pas d'amener plus de 6 personnes. Cependant, apportez 10 adultes et des glaciĂšres, du matĂ©riel, etc., Ă condition que les adultes soient pour la plupart de petite taille. Un nettoyage excessif peut entraĂźner des frais supplĂ©mentaires. NĂ©cessaire pour les plaisanciers expĂ©rimentĂ©s. Le client est responsable de tout dommage. Le client est responsable de la consommation de carburant. Les tarifs en semaine sont de 325$ pour quatre heures ou 425 pour 8 heures. Les fins de semaine et les jours fĂ©riĂ©s varient. Excursions avec capitaine disponibles. Renseignez-vous pour votre occasion spĂ©ciale. Le client est tenu de respecter le bateau et de le ramener dans le mĂȘme Ă©tat qu'au moment du dĂ©part. N'OUBLIEZ PAS QUE SI VOUS ĂTES ASSAILLI, N'HĂSITEZ PAS Ă LAISSER UN POURBOIRE. Je n'accorderai aucun remboursement si j'estime que vous ne pouvez pas ĂȘtre le capitaine de mon bateau en toute sĂ©curitĂ© et confortablement Ă MA satisfaction. Veuillez donc ne rĂ©server que si vous avez la capacitĂ© de conduire un bateau avec beaucoup de connaissances. Doit ĂȘtre capable de soulever 35 livres. J'ai beaucoup de bonnes critiques de la part de plaisanciers expĂ©rimentĂ©s. Je peux entraĂźner les bons candidats en 2 Ă 3 sĂ©ances si vous voulez 1 Ă 2 heures par session jusqu'Ă ce que vous soyez Ă l'aise. Capitaine licenciĂ© USCG. Si vous ĂȘtes en retard de plus de 25 minutes. Aucun remboursement ne sera accordĂ© ni aucun report . Si vous avez des questions, nous pouvons y rĂ©pondre via la plateforme de messagerie de GetMyBoat avant que vous ne payiez. Cliquez simplement sur « Demande de rĂ©servation » et envoyez-nous une demande pour une offre personnalisĂ©e !
Ray is a great guy! Great to communicate with and sincerely wanted us to enjoy our experience on his pontoon! He warned us about sandbars and that it (sand) could take the paint right off the part underneath the propeller. It happened. Theres a price to pay if you do. I hope Ray finds a new paint that maybe could be baked on, Eliminating the extra cost of needing to be repainted. Thanks Ray
Second time on Rayâs pontoon boat via GetMyBoat. The boat is very clean and very comfortable (7 of us) and runs well. We took it from New Smyrna down to Mosquito Lagoon. Watched and drifted with dolphin pods and manatees. So many beautiful birds too. Anchored, had lunch, motored but up past marina and under drawbridge and then back. Great day. Total trip: 6 hrs.
Ray was supper responsive and had great advice and directions thru the whole process. The boat was super clean and in top notch condition. We had a blast and saw lots of dolphins and other wildlife. I canât think of anything better to say than âIâm looking forward to next time!â Ted
From start to finish, our boating experience with Captain Ray was wonderful! Captain Ray handled all aspects of our boat rental with expertise and professionalism! I would highly recommend Captain Ray to anyone looking for a great time on the water. The pontoon boat was beautiful, immaculate in appearance and a smooth ride on the water. A great time was had by everyone in our group! Thank you, Captain Ray!
Thanks to Capt. Ray for a wonderful time out on his great pontoon boat with my family. We celebrated my grandsonâs 8th birthday onboard. Unfortunately the weather turned bad, but his boat was very seaworthy and in excellent condition. His communication from the time we rented until the time we got back to the dock was a unbelievable. I highly recommend Capt. Rayâs boat if you want to see the Intracoastal from a great boat!
Over 10 years boating experience. The boat is in the slip in the water ready to go for when you show up. Just a couple hundred feet from Outriggers tiki bar a grill. Just load up go enjoy your day on the water and return the boat and we clean it. Excessive cleaning charges may apply! The standard full day rental is from 7:30am to 5pm, but this time slot is flexible and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. If it is a half day the hours will be either 8-12 or 12-4. Fuel is not included. The boat comes with a full tank and you are responsible to pay for the amount you use! If you are feeling tipsy feel free to leave gratuity. Don't tip the boat tip the captainowner. Prices will vary on weekends and holidays and holiday weekends and Summer. The boat has a loud stereo and a Bimini top cover to cool down from the sun. Additional contract will be required upon arrival. This contract is for damages that may occur while itâs in your possession. I do have a cooler you can borrow, just ask before hand. A pontoon is very unsafe for a inlet or to be in the ocean. My pontoon must stay inside the mouth of the inlet. No going into the mouth of the inlet.
Vous recevrez les directions vers le lieu de départ lors de la réservation.
50 % remboursé jusqu'à 3 jours avant.
Remboursement de 60 % avant la location 4 Ă 7 jours 65 % de remboursement 8 Ă 10 jours 75 % de remboursement aprĂšs 11 jours