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¡Haz que sea un día de «yate deportivo»! Azotea convertible, tumbona, cabina cubierta ++¡Haz que sea un día de «yate deportivo»! Azotea convertible, tumbona, cabina cubierta ++¡Haz que sea un día de «yate deportivo»! Azotea convertible, tumbona, cabina cubierta ++¡Haz que sea un día de «yate deportivo»! Azotea convertible, tumbona, cabina cubierta ++

¡Haz que sea un día de «yate deportivo»! Azotea convertible, tumbona, cabina cubierta ++

Embárquese en nuestro yate deportivo para su próximo día en barco. Nuestra elegante y deportiva embarcación Axopar es perfecta para explorar las icónicas vías fluviales de Miami. Ya sea que esté tomando el sol en la tumbona de proa, disfrutando de una bebida en el bar con pileta de popa o descansando en la plataforma de baño, le prometemos una experiencia de navegación que combina aventura con relajación. Características del yate: -Tumbona de proa: relájese bajo el sol de Miami con nuestra espaciosa y cómoda tumbona de proa, ideal para pasar el rato y tomar el sol . -Bar con fregadero en popa: no deje de beber refrescos en nuestro bar con pileta en popa totalmente equipado, perfecto para entretenerse. -Plataforma de natación: Sumérjase en las aguas cristalinas de Miami desde la plataforma de baño de fácil acceso del yate. -Comodidad interior: disfrute de los lujosos asientos y las prácticas mesas del interior, que harán que su tiempo en el agua sea tan cómodo como emocionante. -Acogedora cubierta inferior: cuenta con una cama, un lavabo y un asiento en el mostrador para cuando necesites un descanso del sol. -Techo retráctil: abierto al cielo o protegido de los elementos, nuestro techo retráctil brinda versatilidad sin importar el clima. -Refrigeración a bordo: mantenga sus bebidas frías y sus aperitivos frescos con nuestro sistema de refrigeración. -Navegación fluida a gran velocidad: experimente la emoción de la velocidad a bordo de este lujoso yate deportivo, diseñado para deslizarse rápidamente por el agua y, al mismo tiempo, mantener una estabilidad y una comodidad excepcionales, lo que garantiza un viaje sereno y agradable incluso a velocidades más altas. -Comodidades esenciales: incluye un baño moderno, perfectamente integrado en la embarcación. Los complementos disponibles incluyen un menú completo de opciones de comida y bebida, desde almuerzos con cestas de pícnic de calidad superior hasta exquisitos platos crudos para barritas y platos para pastar. El equipo de e-Lixr espera recibirlo a bordo.

Empezando desde

Precio Base
  • Por persona
    4 horas6 persona min
Capitán Opcional
Reserva con o sin capitán.



10 pasajeros
Barco a motor, pontón y embarcación neumática rígida

Consultar disponibilidad




Características y Detalles

Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin
37 Pie
  • Aire acondicionado
  • Bar
  • Bluetooth
  • Chalecos salvavidas / Equipo de seguridad requerido
  • Medidor de profundidad
  • GPS
  • Tipo de combustible: Gas
  • Motor gemelo
  • Asientos dobles con comunicación avanzada
  • Propulsores de arco
  • Piloto automático
  • Dirección de la rueda
  • Crucero de Velocidad
  • Cabeza
  • Sistema de música
  • 3 asientos
  • Alquiler
  • Inodoro
  • Cabina
  • Motor externo
  • Radio

Ubicación aproximada

Recibirás indicaciones para llegar al lugar de salida cuando hagas la reserva.

La ubicación aproximada del barco en un mapa.

Política de cancelación

Reembolso completo de la cantidad oferta hasta 14 día antes.

Términos e información adicionales

Maximum Number of Persons. The Charterer shall not, at any time during the Charter Period, exceed the maximum number of ten (10) persons (excluding Captain and Crew) onboard the Vessel. If children are taken onboard, the Charterer will be fully responsible for their safety and conduct. The nature of a Vessel charter may render it unsuitable for anybody with physical disability or undergoing medical treatment. By signing this agreement, the Charterer warrants the medical fitness of all members of the Charterer’s party for the charter contemplated by this agreement. Cancellation. The Charterer may cancel the charter contemplated by this agreement and receive a refund in accordance with the terms below: - All cancellation requests must be made by the Charterer in writing to the Owner’s valid email address, ride@elixr.miami. - Charterer may cancel the charter for any reason if a cancellation request is made prior to 14 days before the Charter Period. For cancellations made prior to 30 days before the Charter Period, Charterer shall forfeit the non-refundable Booking Fee and receive a refund (to the extent any payments have been made) of the Final Payment. - After and including the date that is 14 days prior to the Charter Period, cancellations are not permitted, and no refund is due. - No refunds are due for any rescheduling due to bad weather. If Captain, in his sole discretion, deems it unsafe to continue the charter due to bad weather, Charterer will be granted a credit toward a future Charter, redeemable within 30 days. - No refunds are due in the event Charterer requests to end Charter Period early or if Captain, in his sole discretion, deems it unsafe to continue the charter for any reason and decides to end Charter Period early to ensure the safety of everyone on board. - Captain's Authority. The Charter Guest explicitly agrees that they and their guests shall obey the Captain at all times. Further, without prejudice to any other remedy of the Owner, if in the reasonable opinion of the Captain, the Charter Guest or any of their guests fail to observe all or any part of the provisions in this agreement, the Captain shall be entitled to end the Charter Period immediately. Upon such event the Charter Guest shall not be entitled to any refunds of the Charter Fee or Security Deposit. Charter Guest's Liability. The Charter Guest shall be liable for costs or losses as incurred (or likely to be incurred) from damage caused by the Charter Guest or their guests (intentionally or otherwise) to the Vessel or any third party. The Charter Guest shall be responsible to the Owner of any loss, damage or injury caused by the willful or negligent acts of themself or their guests. Assumption of Risk and Complete Release of Liability. The Charter Guest knows and fully understands that chartering any type of vessel, as well as all associated activities such as but not limited to swimming and snorkeling, are outdoor adventure activities in an aquatic environment with inherent risks and hazards where serious accidents, injuries, or death can occur. The Charter Guest fully understands that the Vessel has limited medical facilities and that in the event of illness or injury, appropriate care may be summoned and treatment will be delayed until the parties in need of care can be transported to a proper medical facility. By signing this agreement the Charter Guest, on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, family, assignees, agents, estate, and affiliates, explicitly acknowledge and agree in advance to these conditions, accept and willingly assume all risks and hazards related to, arising out of, or associated with their participation in a charter on the Vessel, including all activities on and off the Vessel, and voluntarily agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless Owner and Captain, from any and all claims of liability. Charter Guest, on behalf of themselves and their heirs, family, assignees, estate, agents, and affiliates, furthermore agree to fully indemnify Owner and Captain for any claims made by Charter Guest’s guests, heirs, family, estate, assignees, or representatives. Charter Guest's Obligations. The Charter Guest shall ensure that: - No drugs, narcotics or weapons shall be used or brought on board the Vessel; - The Charter Guest undertakes to comply with all seagoing rules and regulations currently in force and to obey the reasonable requests of the Captain; - The Charter Guest and all members of his party shall take all reasonable care of the Vessel and its equipment; and - If the Charter Guest or any of their Guests shall commit any offense contrary to the laws and regulations of any jurisdiction which results in the Vessel being detained, arrested, seized or fined the Charter Guest shall indemnify the Owner against all loss, damage and expense incurred by the Owner as a result. Arbitration. Any dispute in connection with the interpretation and fulfillment of this agreement shall be decided by arbitration or a court of competent jurisdiction at the Owner’s option. In the case of Arbitration, Owner shall have the right to appoint a third-party arbitrator (whose appointment shall not be unreasonably objected), whose decision will be final and binding. All reasonable costs of arbitration, enforcement of this agreement, courts, attorneys, etc. shall be borne by the non-prevailing party. The agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

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